Casa de Fe needs you!
Casa de Fe needs you!
View online. April 02, 2018
Finger Prints of Faith
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Hola Mi nombre es Beronica Gualinga
Mi Soy Tia llevo trabajando en la Fundación cerca de 5 años esta es mi segunda vez en casa de Fe la primera vez renuncie fue porque robaron la fundación y yo trabajaba solamente en las noches me dio mucho temor y renuncie  a los 5 años   regrese a Doña Patti y le pedi si me podia ayudar nuevamente para regresar a la Fundación y las palabras de ellas fueron que ¡¡ Con Gusto me recibiría nuevamente en la Fundación¡¡ y es así que ya estoy trabajando ya 6 años mas aquí, me gusta trabajar mucho con los niños y me siento muy contenta, por la comunicación que hay con mis jefes me siento muy tranquila .
From Veronica Gualinga
I am one of the Tias (employees) at Casa, and have been working at the foundation almost 5 years. This is my second time working at Casa.   The first time I quit was because Casa de Fe  was robbed, and since I was working the night shift I got scared and quit. Five years later I asked Patti if I could work again here at Casa, and her words were that she was happy to receive me again at the Foundation! This time I have worked 6 more years here. I like to work a lot with the children and am very happy, and also for the good relationship I have with my bosses.
Hola mi nombre es Raquel
Trabajo como Tia ya hace 6 años he aprendido bastante en la Fundación aquí es como una escuela cada día se aprende algo nuevo con los niños, personalmente e considero una persona muy servicial y me gusta el trabajo con los niños con discapacidad anteriormente trabaje en una Farmacia y tengo bastante conocimiento en cuanto a medicina uno de los problemas que estoy batallando es mi carácter me acostado algunas llamadas de atención en cuanto a mi trabajo pero estoy tratando de cambiar para ofrecer un mejor servicio para mis niños, me gusto mucho ir con uno de los grupo a cenar  fue muy divertido nos subimos en el gusanillo como niños  gracias,,

Hello, my name is Raquel
I have worked as a Tia for 6 years now, and have learned a lot about the Foundation…it is like school, where every day we learn something new with the children. I consider myself to be a very unselfish person, and I like to work with the special needs children. Before working at Casa de Fe, I worked in a pharmacy, where I  learned a lot about the different medicines. One of the problems that I am battling with is my character.  I have been called out several times because of this, but I am trying to change and better serve the children. I liked going with the team to eat out; it was very fun. Afterwards we went on the caterpillar train, which was also very fun! Thank you.
Hola  soy Geidi
Hey Dios continua haciendo cosa maravillosas en Casa de Fe y estamos muy agradecidos con El, les comento que una  de las obligaciones como Fundación que tenemos para con los empleados es un tiempo de distracción y en este mes hemos tenido grupos maravillosos que han contribuido a esta obligación gracias, y se han dado el tiempo de  cada noche en su temporada en Casa de FE de  cenar con el personal, las Tias han estado muy felices de compartir con los grupos claro que el tener diferente idioma no ha sido pretexto para pasar tiempos preciosos  se empezó con las tias que tiene mayor tiempo de trabajo  en la Fundación y así sucesivamente agradesco de todo corazón a los grupos que quieren compartir su tiempo no tan solo con los niños sino también de conocer mas al personal que labora día a día en Casa de Fe muchas Gracias…

Hello, this is Geidi
Time flies by so fast, and we are starting to work on the yearly paperwork for the foundation, the fire department, health department, labor, and others that aren't too costly, but need to be updated each year in order to continue on with the different projects we have in mind for the children. We are also looking to give them an incentive to get good grades, like going out to get ice cream after each semester for those that score an 8.5 or higher. They are very excited about this, and we are seeing it work.  Those children that before didn’t get good grades are stretching themselves to reach the goal We have also started working with the psychologist and professional team, giving the kids tests, and we can see how much work we have to do with the kids. Please keep the children and the workers in your prayers.
Update on Fredy
Fredy is getting bigger and gaining strength which is something I have been concerned about. He just doesn’t seem to have any defenses. He went to Quito for a checkup and ended up back in the hospital for another week with pneumonia. In one way that was good because the doctors discovered that he has a fistula from his trachea to his lung; this is why he kept getting pneumonia as food taken by mouth can get into his lungs. This is also why, for now, he is only taking food by way of an NG tube. When he is stronger, this fistula can be closed and he should be able to feed by mouth. Because of his 2nd stay in the hospital, the bill for Fredi is now around $4000. If you would like to help Casa de Fe with this expense, click on the donation button and choose “medical fund”.

Great news!

 Donations can now be made by ACH account debit as well as by credit/debit cards. What’s so great about this, you ask?  The transaction fees are much less for ACH debit vs credit card.   The merchant fees for a $100.00/month donation would amount to $30.00 over the course of a year.  Choosing ACH debit from a bank account is just as secure, but instead of this money being paid to the credit card company, an extra $24/year would instead go to Casa de Fe. ACH is a simple option to set up on the donation page of the website. If you are interested, but need a hand; our website coordinator would be happy to assist you in making this change. Please feel free to call Kirk at 3073318413. 
Dear Friends of CdF,
I wanted to tell you how extremely happy I am with the Ecuadorian leadership at Casa de Fe. We have a great technical team right now which has been a very hard thing to find and keep. The Psychologist, Social Worker and Lawyer work together as a team to figure out the best course of action for each child, which is never an easy task. Magdalena who is over the medical cases at CdF is amazing. In order to better her knowledge in the medical field she has been taking courses on her own. She does a great job but we could use a missionary to help her stay on top of everything. The backbone of the operation, the Tias, is as strong as ever. Most of the Tias have been at CdF at least 4 years or more. It is great to have a stable work force who can get to know the children and the children know them. If you have been to CdF you know that our kitchen always has great smells coming out of it, fresh bread and home made cheese. That is due to the duo of Gladys and Luz who never fail to put out 3 great meals and 2 snacks for 60 some kids and teams, every day. I believe our kids are the best fed children in the Country. Last but certainly not least, are Henry and Geidi, the head and heart of CdF. Henry has such a good heart and loves the children through good and bad. With discipline and love, he is molding children, who have never had guidance in their lives, into Ecuador’s future leaders.
Geidi, being more involved with the employees, is also helping to teach the employees good work habits and the best way to work with the children. I see her results, not only at CdF, but in the families and homes of the employees. So… what can you do to help keep Casa de Fe strong and moving forward? Do you know anyone who might be a good fit to volunteer at CdF, long term or short term?   Would you be willing to do a fundraiser for CdF?  This doesn’t have to be a church based thing. It could be using Facebook to solicit donations for your birthday or anniversary, buying through Amazon Smile with Hope Extended for your choice, a bake sale, a yard sale (do some spring cleaning) or something bigger. Hope Extended has people ready to help you and answer your questions.  Go to our web site for more ideas and information. 

Staffing Needs
  • People willing to Teach and Tutor 1 year commitment 
  • Physical/Occupational Therapy
  • A couple to running teams
  • Maintenance and Grounds
  •  Pastor, must speak Spanish
  • Medical Administrator
  • Grandmothers and Grandfathers
  • IT (Marketing)

Del Director


Damos gracias al Creador de los Cielos y la tierra, porque nos a permitido estar con vida, pero sabemos que nuestro Padre nos ayuda y nunca se ha separado de nuestro lado, y que todo lo que hagamos son para bien.
Pero cada año, cada mes, cada día, que pasa en casa de fe sigue habiendo muchas necesidades, ya se de Alimentación, salud, Educación, Transporte, Servicios Básicos de nuestra casa, que es muy necesario para que todos los niños, niñas, adolescentes y discapacidades distintas se sientan como en su casa, que ese es el objetivo de todos los trabajamos aquí. 
Lo más hermoso de estar aquí en casa, es de compartir con cada uno de los niños no importa el tiempo que se está con todo los niños, cada niño tiene sus propias ideas y lo expresan con cada uno de nosotros   nos conversan de las diferentes ideas, que tienen ellos para hacer, es muy hermoso oírlos ya que ellos se preocupan de su casa de donde viven, cada uno de ellos son un mundo a descubrir. El año pasado un grupo de 8 niños fueron escogidos en BMX carrera de bicicletas. Y ya en este año lo confirmaron a los niños y niñas entregándoles su bicicleta y sus cascos, en un evento donde estuvo mucha gente y en ese mismo evento hubo una carrera en el cual nuestros niños participaron y se llevaron todos su medalla. Fue un tiempo muy agradable para todos los niños que competían y los que apoyaron dándoles animo para llegar a la meta. Yo les dije a todos los niños que participaron, no importa el lugar que lleguemos, lo importante es llegar a la meta.  Esos niños son los que nos representan a Casa de fe.
En sí no solo es diversión también hay necesidades aquí en casa, como las que ya hemos mencionado al principio, estamos orando a Nuestro Padre de los cielos por una Lavadora y Secadora Industrial, ya que las que tenemos son domésticas y tenemos muchos daños. Tendremos que esperar la voluntad de nuestro Padre.
Seguimos trabajando con el mismo ánimo y gozo con cada uno de los niños, niñas, adolescentes y de discapacidades especiales que se encuentran aquí. Y a ustedes gracias por las ayudas que realizan para nuestra casa y que el Padre de los cielos los bendiga mucho ya sea en su familia, en sus trabajos y en sus congregaciones.

From the Director
May our heavenly Father greatly bless you.
From Henry
We give thanks to the Creator of heavens and earth, for the life that he has given us, knowing that our Father is the one that helps us and has never left our side, and that all things work together for good.
Each year, month, and day that passes in Casa de Fe finds us with many necessities:  whether they be food, health, education, transportation. Providing the needs for the running of this home for each of the boys, girls, adolescents and special needs children, so that they feel at home is the goal for each of us that work here.
The most beautiful thing being here at Casa, is the time shared with each of the children…It doesn't matter how long you've been here, each of the children share with each of us their ideas such as what they want to accomplish, and it’s very beautiful to hear them and their concerns about this home where they live.  Each one of them is a world to discover!

Last year, a group of 8 children were chosen to participate in a BMX bicycle race. This year, they gave these boys and girls each their own bike and helmet and another race was held, with each of the children winning a medal. It was a very pleasant time for each of the children that participated, and also for the ones that were their cheerleaders while they reached the finish line. I told the children that it doesn’t matter what place they finish in, but rather that they finish. They did Casa de Fe proud!
It isn't all fun and games here. There are also a number of needs here at Casa: as mentioned before, we are praying to our heavenly Father for an industrial washer and dryer, as our home ones are small and failing. We are waiting on His will for these needs.
We continue to work with the same joy and happiness for each of the boys, girls, adolescents and special needs children here. To each of you: thank you for your help for Casa, and may our heavenly Father bless you in your family, work and congregations.
Raise up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Prov 22:6

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