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Upcoming Deadlines September 9, 2016
Convention Sponsorship Opportunities Form Due
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Save the Date! November 3-6, 2016
Northeast Distict Convention at the Albany Marriott March 3-5, 2017
WRJ Fried Leadership Conference
Charleston, S.C. May 21-29, 2017
WRJ Mission to Israel
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Need help planning your 2016‑2017 calendar?
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Engage a speaker!
Each Sisterhood in the Northeast District is entitled to a District Speaker once every two years without expense to the Sisterhood – as well as a speaker from the Board of WRJ in alternate years Learn more about...
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Spring is Sweater Weather The WRJ hoodie is perfect for spring – lightweight, with the WRJ logo in silver rhinestones
Made in the U.S.A. $15
Order your WRJ hoodie here
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We want photos and highlights from your sisterhood programs!
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The next e-blast will be sent on June 7, 2016
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Message from Denise Levine
Northeast District President
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Back in the summer of 2004, in the old days of snail mail, a flyer for a WRJ District 3 convention (this was before we became Northeast District) came to the temple for me. I looked at it briefly and then put it away. A few days later I took a harder look at it. It promised workshops on Nuts and Bolts, WRJ and advocacy, fabulous services and women to become friends with. It promised the help that I needed as a sisterhood president who really wasn’t quite sure what she was doing much of the time. Could I do this? Could I make the leap to go to this conference all by myself, to totally step out of my comfort zone and try to do something to benefit my sisterhood? After many days of going back and forth, I decided to make the leap.
To say that decision changed my life is an understatement. The convention gave me, a relative newbie, many skills that I needed. I learned new fundraising ideas that helped my sisterhood’s finances to grow, I learned how to be assertive with my temple in how the money that we were giving was spent, I learned about WRJ and how we advocate for women. I went to services that inspired me, and Torah study from a women’s perspective. But the most important thing I learned was that my sisterhood, and my temple, were part of a much larger Jewish community. The reality that I am part of a network of women that works so hard to further the ideals of Reform Judaism continues to inspire me each and every day.
What I learned that weekend was important, but what I gained that weekend was even more so. I made friendships that started that weekend that are stronger than many of the ones that I’d had my entire life. These women have truly become my sisters in every way except blood. My life has become so much more fulfilled and I owe it all to a little convention that I went to in Albany in 2004.
Change your life... come to our convention November 3-6, 2016. in Albany, NY. You will be so happy you did.
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Convention Sponsorship Opportunity
Sisterhoods, companies, and individuals can sponsor a portion of our convention to congratulate or recognize board members or sisterhoods. This is a great way to show your support for incoming and outgoing WRJ Northeast District board members, as well as an excellent way to promote your sisterhood. For more information about sponsorship opportunities and rates, click here.
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News from our Sisterhoods... All WRJ-NE sisterhood members are invited to these programs
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Temple Isaiah Sisterhood,
Lexington, MA is holding an afternoon of Mah Jongg on Sunday, May 22. Please register by Sinday, May 8th. Click here on the flyer to expand it for more details
and registration.
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Sisterhood of Congregation
Kol Haverim,
Glastonbury, CT
The Sisterhood co-sponsored the film "Look At Us Now, Mother" at the Hartford Jewish Film Festival and were honored to snap a photo with the stars after the show!
Photo below is with Gayle Kirschenbaum and her amazing mother, Millie.
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6 Points Sci-Tech Academy
Registration is Open
Registration is open for summer 2016. WRJ provides scholarships for young women interested in science / technology / engineering / mathematics as first-time campers. Read more...
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When you celebrate Mother's Day, do it with the same approach as a Jewish holiday. Show her your appreciation, buy the card and the roses, and go ahead and take her out for dinner. But make sure these displays of gratitude and affection are not just annual occasions. Mother's Day should be a day full of love and endearment that helps you continuously experience such feelings throughout the year. This is Mother's Day, Jewish style.
Please support the WRJ/JWI Mother’s Day Flower project. Each card helps JWI send flowers and financial literacy resources to battered women’s shelters across the country on Mother’s Day. Click here to donate.
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Happy Mother's Day!
It's a day to celebrate us all as women, whether we are moms, grandmoms, daughters, sisters, or all of the above.
Take the time and tell somebody how much you appreciate that they are in your life.
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