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From the Scholars & Fellows Programs

We hope you all had a restorative holiday season and that your 2022 is off to a good start!
This fall, the NFP operated in a hybrid mode, with information sessions, advising, and interviews conducted virtually. We continue to be hopeful for the return to in-person activities, but remain committed to the safety of staff and students as we navigate the current public health crisis and climate.
We also want to share progress on our continued growth as an office. We invite you to visit our website and become familiar with our expanding list of opportunities. While NFP will continue to support all applicants interested in our traditional list of 25 awards and lead campus processes to nominate and endorse candidates where needed, we will also begin offering resources for a much broader range of fellowships, thereby serving more students and alumni. We recognize that there are many and varied fellowship and scholarship opportunities out there, and many more Hopkins students and alumni who might benefit from our resources as they pursue those opportunities.
We will be making changes to our website over the coming months to reflect this growth. For now, you can download a filterable spreadsheet of more than 90 additional awards from our main fellowships page. We hope to maximize our search technology in the nearby future.
Now that you've heard about our updates, we want to hear from you! Please share your news and updates by emailing us or on social media.
All best wishes,
Dr. Kathleen M. Barry
Assistant Director for Fellowships, Scholars & Fellows Programs

NFP Alumni Directory

One of our alumni kindly brought to our attention that contact information from the directory had become searchable in Google. This exposure was counter to our intention of a closed community, and as a result, we have taken the directory offline to avoid any further unwanted sharing of information, and Google has since removed the results. To anyone adversely affected by this, our apologies! And thanks to the alum who tipped us off and to Nathan, our Program Coordinator, for troubleshooting.
Moving forward, we think NFP alums, current and future fellowship applicants, and our staff would all be better served by shifting our networking efforts to a larger purpose-built platform rather than overhaul our own bespoke website directory. We are not quite ready to take the plunge yet, but we are investigating the capabilities of JHU's own platform, OneHop, and of LinkedIn groups. We hope to have news of a new NFP virtual gathering space in the near future.
In the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you would like to track down a fellow NFP alum, mentor current applicants to a fellowship you applied for or held, or otherwise connect with fellow NFP'ers. We will do our best to help. We also encourage you to explore JHU's OneHop Alumni and Mentoring platforms if you haven't already, where you can tap into various JHU communities.

NFP Alumni Engagement

We look forward to creating space on a new platform for NFP alums to connect with one another and with current applicants seeking advice and mentorship for specific awards. Please keep an eye out for news on this front soon...
Meanwhile, there are several ways to keep in touch with our office: 
  • Volunteer to become an NFP mentor for a fellowship you've been awarded or applied to. Contact Dr. Barry at kbarry18@jhu.edu for details.
  • Email photos of yourself during your fellowship year to nfp@jhu.edu for us to include on our website and newsletter! We're always looking for new images.
  • Join us for NFP-hosted events to network with other alumni!

Recent Winners and Finalists

It is no small feat to reach the semi-final or final round of a highly competitive award selection process. It’s actually a very big deal. Here is good news about those who advanced in competitions this fall—our congratulations to them all!

Marshall Finalist

Rebecca Yu (2021 / Molecular & Cellular Biology)
Working in the Trayanova lab at the Institute for Computational Medicine, Rebecca generated personalized models of patient hearts from clinical imaging while working on risk prediction for sudden cardiac death. Noticing how time-consuming manual segmentation of MRIs was, she wrote code and explored machine learning models and computer vision techniques to develop an automatic segmentation process that takes a minute instead of eight hours (a project supported by a PURA award). She also contributed to the development of a treatment for breast cancer in low-resource settings and led a design team in developing an at-home symptom monitoring device to improve care for Parkinson's Disease. Rebecca has also been an impactful presence on campus as director of the student-run MedHacks and a founder of Womxn Mentoring Whiting, a women's mentoring group that is the first of its kind in the Hopkins community, among many other activities.

PD Soros Fellowship for New Americans Finalists

Once again, NFP is delighted to have worked with two JHU affiliates who interviewed as finalists for the P.D. Soros Fellowship for New Americans. They were among 77 chosen from around 1,800 applicants to interview for 30 fellowship spots in early February. We look forward to sharing more details in our next newsletter!

Fall Scholarship Submissions

by the numbers...
Fulbright U.S. Student Program
After a record-breaking application cycle and somewhat chaotic grant notification season for 2021-22 grants, this year’s Fulbright competition for 2022-23 grants saw application numbers more in line with expected ranges, here at JHU and nationally. We had 47 students and alumni submit Fulbright applications, 22 for English Teaching Assistantships in 10 different countries and 25 for Study/Research grants to 20 different countries.
UK Scholarships
The members of this year's GRMMC cohort submitted applications for the Gates Cambridge (3) and were nominated for the Rhodes (2), Marshall (6), and Mitchell Scholarships (1). See above to learn more about our Marshall finalist!
Gaither Junior Fellows Program
JHU nominated one student for this research opportunity at the Carnegie International Endowment for Peace.
The NFP aided JHU students and recent alums on their applications to these awards as well:
DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Scholarships – 4 applicants for one-year research and study grants
Hertz Fellowship – 2 applicants
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship – 34 applicants
PD Soros Fellowship for New Americans – 6 applicants
SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship – 3 applicants
Please join us in congratulating our Fall 2021 applicants and finalists!

NFP on Social Media

We’re on Twitter! Please follow us at @jhfellowships, and we look forward to following you, too.
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