Someone walkign with an umbrella while is snows in Park Block on campus

I want to thank you all for the extraordinary work you have done this past year on behalf of our students and the entire PSU community. 

As individuals and as a university, we have been strong in our continued ability to sustain the mission and purpose of PSU. We continue to enable our students to persist in achieving their educational goals, while providing outstanding scholarship that impacts communities locally and globally.

Throughout, I have been in awe of how the PSU community has come together to prioritize our students in pursuing their education. Simultaneously, we have prioritized how we care for all members of our community, including the staff and faculty at PSU and their families. I can't tell you how much it has meant to me personally and institutionally to see the compassion, care, and commitment to service that continues to define PSU. I am humbled by all of you and feel incredibly grateful for your commitment every day.

I hope that all of you will find time for restful and restorative moments during the upcoming holidays. Most keenly, I hope that you all remain healthy and safe. My dearest hope is that all of you have a wonderful and joyful holiday. I feel blessed to be able to work with all of you, and I look forward to seeing all of you in person in the new year!

Susan Jeffords
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
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