Global Innovation + Training
Global Innovation + Training

You Have Never Seen This Kind of COW!
(The Central American Camp On Wheels) 

4 Minute Read

Taking a concept from the ‘idea’ stage to something that is translatable across geographies and leadership is sign of a true genuine ‘movement.’  One such idea that has slowly made its way across the mission is the Camp on Wheels, or COW as we affectionately call it.
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Books On Newt Crenshaw's Bookshelf This Year

5 minute read

We asked Newt Crenshaw to share a list of books he has learned from over the past year.  It’s impressive and gives insight to the heart of our leadership and the direction of our mission.  Enjoy!

"I have chosen a sample of books that I have read over the last 18 months, and in most cases books that were recommended or given to me by others. I suppose in a broad way, I am now passing them along to you. Let’s learn and grow and follow our Lord together – for His glory!"
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Think About The Llama!  How Are You Preparing Your Leaders?

3 minute read

My leadership strategy and thinking has changed some over my 30+ years of leading in Young Life.  Today, I think a lot about the llama.  Yep, since you can find these wild and unruly beasts all over South America in the Andes Mountains, I sometimes ponder, what would happen to the mission I lead if I got run over by a llama?  What would happen if I were trampled to death?
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What is one of the most important relationships in your YL Area?  P.S. (it's not what you think!)

5 minute read

If you ask the question “who really owns Young Life in your community?” a common response is “well, um, actually, it's the Area Director or staff.” It’s true that our current model defines Area Directors as having the greatest vested interest and at times it seems like the the AD “really owns” the local ministry, but if that is our reality we ignore and neglect a tremendously significant group - the local community and the YL Committee!  
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Day 7:  The Start of Your Ministry Year

3 minute read

Summer camp is not the end of your ministry year!  It’s actually the starter’s pistol for your fall club start.  There is no other place or time in the world where your kids will be more enthusiastic about Young Life and sharing Christ with their friends than during the last days of summer camp.  If we don’t take advantage of that fact, momentum and opportunity will be lost and be nearly impossible to get back or recreate six to eight weeks later when school starts again. 
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Upcoming Innovation/Training Opportunities

Ap 8-12:  Former Soviet Union Staff Conference
Apr 11:  Campaigners Workshop in Dallas
Apr 22-26:  Personal Health in Ministry at Trail West 
May 3-4:  Social Media Boot Camp in Dallas
May 9:  Donor Communications / Power of Story Workshop in Dallas
May 10-11:  International Senior Staff Training
May 20-26:  European Division Staff Conference
For more information or to sign-up for our Dallas workshops, click below.  For all other training opportunities and workshops, please contact the Training Department. 

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