TIPQC Leaders standing
with you during COVID-19
“Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain.” -Vivian Greene
"Remember to take care of yourselves and look for moments to dance even during this very difficult time. Celebrate the wins, no matter how small and take care of each other."
-Anna Morad, MD, Infant Medical Director
"I am incredibly grateful for all the Tennessee essential workers fighting this virus and its impact, but I am particularly proud of our women’s healthcare teams. Everyone is rising to meet the needs of all Tennesseans and as we all know... babies keep coming! Please stay safe and healthy."
-Nikki B. Zite, MD, MPH, Maternal Medical Director
"With so much chaos and rapid change in our medical systems, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and even scared. Be kind to yourselves and support each other. It is ok to have to put some plans or projects on hold for a while. Stay safe because you are important. Your families need you and we need you so we can keep taking excellent care of our patients."
-Jessica Lauren Young, MD, Maternal Medical Director Elect
"The past several weeks have been challenging but daily I am reminded of what a blessing it is to work in this field with all of you who dedicate your lives to optimizing care for moms and babies in any situation. Keep up the good work and we are here for you!"
-Courtney Gutman, MD, Safe to Sleep Project Leader
"During this difficult time, we want all of our TIPQC teams to know we are standing with you! With Tennessee’s COVID-19 peak expected this month, I know many of you remain incredibly busy caring for patients as well as your own families. When you have moments, take care of yourself….get some fresh air, sunlight, and know you are deeply cared about!"
-Brenda Barker, M Ed, MBA, Executive Director
" During this time of constant change, uncertainty, fear and doubt, we have all have come together as a community to care for mothers and babies. Working countless hours away from our own family, friends and loved ones in order to care for those whose loved ones might not be able to . We care for mothers and their babies not only as their nurses, doctors, or midwives but we become their support system. We love and care for them as if they were our own family, and as with any family, our patients need their providers to be healthy. So please remember to care for yourself and know that TIPQC is here to support you - our family - in this time of need. God bless you and thank you for your service."
-Bonnie Miller, MSN, RN, Maternal Quality Improvement Specialist
"Use this time to reflect on what’s really important in our lives – our family and our friends. How joyous it will be when we get to spend time with them in person again!"
-Patti Scott, DNP, APN, NNP-BC, C-NPT, Infant Quality Improvement Specialist