Teaching Exchange Speaker Series
Kyle Clark Debrief
On January 30th, Kyle Clark, Assistant Dean and Director of Student Support in Moody College, spoke on preparing students for challenging topics. He observed that students are ready to discuss the topics encountered by the minute on social media platforms and digital news. Kyle advocated that faculty create safe environments and practice radical empathy to open spaces for meaningful dialogue related to challenging realities happening in society that have an impact on students.
Joe Cutbirth Debrief
On February 27th, Assistant Professor of Instruction in Communication Studies Joe Cutbirth shared his insights on supporting students to develop critical thinking that can assess accuracy and validity of communication. Cutbirth agrees with John Dewey’s definition of critical thinking: reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe and do (Dewey, 1910). Students often want to have one right answer based on their own opinions, often associated with personal experience that may or may not be based in reasoned evidence. However, supporting them to think reflectively at the higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy will support nuanced understandings of complex topics to generate a variety of viable solutions.
Natalie Tindall Upcoming
Join us on Tuesday, March 26th from 12:00pm to 12:45pm in CMA 5.136 for our final Teaching Exchange Speaker Series of the Spring 2024 semester! Natalie Tindall, Professor and Department Chair of the Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations, will share perspectives on what faculty members should know about the challenges and rewards department leaders face. RSVP here and feel free to bring your lunch. See you there!