MOTUS Inspire Career Day recap
We wanted to give a special shoutout to the parents and volunteers who came and spoke at our MOTUS Inspire Career Day on Thursday.
Volunteers were welcomed to come talk to students about their careers and how they lead a God-filled life in a secular career.
Some highlights that we received
"I learned about interest rates and starting to save right now. And in 50 years I'll be a millionaire!"
"I loved seeing ballistics vests!"
"My favorite part of the sessions today was how they incorporated scripture."
"Rethought my college plan and added a five-year buffer period after pursuing a criminal justice degree."
"It sounds fun to connect with patients as a physical therapist."
"There are many categories in social work. I can be a teacher AND a social worker."
"I think I want to be an electrician now to be honest. Sounds like a good deal, 4 years of apprenticeship, then I get the big bucks!"
"I loved talking with professionals that are actually in the field I want to go into."
"I learned that therapy is about meeting people where they are at. and that God will always provide."
"I loved learning that I can be multiple things at the same time."
Again, a huge thank you from all of us here at SCA for your time and the obviously love for what you do. Your passions can inspire others!