New to EMIS?
That's okay... we're here to help. And we've prepared Index 0.0 of the Employer Procedures Manual to answer all your EMIS questions. It’s a brand new part of the manual and provides an overview of TRSL’s employer access database, including the following topics: - How to obtain access to the Employer/Membership Information Site (EMIS)
- Password criteria*
- Tips for navigating EMIS
- Descriptions of key screen and menu options
- Frequently asked questions
*REMINDER: As part of our security protocol, TRSL requires all authorized contacts to update their passwords every 90 days.
One topic highlighted in the index examines the “Reports” section of EMIS. In addition to uploading and reporting data to us through EMIS, you have access to create and pull various reports that can provide you with helpful employee reporting information.
Some of the reports available are “Active/Active DROP Member Service” and “Members Eligible to Retire,” which you can create and pull as needed.
TRSL recommends that employer contacts review the following reports on a monthly basis (or more often as needed):