Coming Back Safe & Strong

Coming Back Safe and Strong Update
What You Need to Know, When You Need to Know It
Testing 1,2,3
Here are the top three things employees should know about mandatory COVID-19 pooled saliva testing:
  1. Testing will be performed through the end of this calendar year (12/31/20) as we continue to prioritize the health and safety of our campus community
  2. Have questions? We’ve published new FAQs on the Employee Pooled Saliva Testing Program
  3. The latest HR Update on COVID-19 Tests for Employees provides registration instructions, before and after testing procedures, testing schedules, locations and more. For your convenience, you can now choose where to test and select a day and time that is convenient for you and your department as part of regular testing (applies to West Campus, Health Sciences Tower and School of Medicine).

Stony Brook University Hospital employees’ testing will be scheduled. You will be notified when it’s your turn to be tested in an email, which will include detailed instructions.
Stony Brook Southampton Employees …
Find your COVID-19 pool testing details for Southampton Campus here.
New Quarantine and Testing Guidelines for Travelers Coming to NYS
Governor Cuomo recently announced changes to New York’s quarantine and testing guidelines for travelers coming to New York from out of state. In summary, travelers must be tested within three days of leaving for New York and must test negative. Upon arrival, they must quarantine for three days then take another COVID-19 test on the fourth day. If the test is negative, the person is no longer required to quarantine. New Yorkers who leave the state for less than 24 hours also must get tested within four days. Those travelling internationally should note that the 14-day quarantine requirement remains in effect for Level 2 and 3 countries. Employees designated as Essential should call the HIL at (631) 632-5000, Option 1, for guidance and direction on return to work requirements.
Find more details, FAQs and updates on travel advisories on the New York State Department of Health website.
Help Keep Us All Safe
●    Wash your hands or use sanitizer when soap and water aren’t available.
●    Try to always maintain a physical distance of at least six feet from other people.
●    Wear a mask.
●    Cover coughs and sneezes and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
●    Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in your workplace every day.
●    Try to avoid using other people's phones, desks, offices, tools and equipment
●    Stay home if you’re sick.
Have an Idea? Need an Answer?
Visit our continuously updated return to the workplace FAQs on our Coming Back Safe and Strong website, or send your questions to
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