Global Innovation + Training
Global Innovation + Training

An Innovative Addition To Your YLForward Plan - The Student Leadership Project

5 Minute Read

This experience changed the way I saw myself, my life, the world, God’s love, and everyone around me!" -2017 SLP Student Session II
Since 2002, the Young Life Student Leadership Project (SLP) has been ushering in God’s kingdom by training students to be multi-ethnic leaders and sending them into clubs, communities, and the world.  
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Raise Your Hand if You're A Trip Leader

3 minute read

Over the course of a Young Life summer we take over 3000 CAMP TRIPS both US and Internationally. They range from overnights, to week-long trips and everything in between...from our US and International properties, to Camps on Wheels, to adventure camping, to backpacking and service projects.

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Discipleship vs. Disciple Mak-ing

7 minute read

Ask ten people to define discipleship and you will get ten different responses. Ask fifteen people to describe what’s involved in discipleship and you will get fifteen different lists. Ask twenty people to identify the main goal of discipleship and you will get twenty different ideas.

Overwhelmingly, Christians believe that discipleship goes hand in hand with following Jesus.  And yet, according to a 2015 Barna study (The State of Discipleship), Christian adults, educators, and leaders struggle to clearly articulate the what, why, and how of discipleship.

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Your Banquet Season Is 12 Months Long!

4 minute read + 1 Minute Video

All throughout scripture banquets represent celebration, abundance and the coming of the Kingdom of God.  Lately though, within Young Life, the term ‘Banquet’ can make some Young Life staff break into a cold sweat. If that’s you, I hope this short article can give you a new perspective on what can be the best night of the year for your area. After all, what could be better than gathering a few hundred adults from your area, eating a meal together, laughing hard, and telling them about Jesus and what He is doing in the lives of kids?  
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Guess This Best Kept Secret of YL Training?

3 minute read

We know that staying sharp in your role with a changing culture is a challenge. That is why we are always learning and growing in both our faith and ministry skills.  We're going to clue you in on one of the lesser known secrets around Young Life training.  
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Upcoming Innovation/Training Opportunities

May 3-4:  Social Media Boot Camp in Dallas
May 9:  Donor Communications / Power of Story Workshop in Dallas
May 10-11:  International Senior Staff Training
May 20-26:  European Division Staff Conference
For more information or to sign-up for our Dallas workshops, click below.  For all other training opportunities and workshops, please contact the Training Department. 

Live Workshops

Discount at InterVarsity Press for YL Staff! 

InterVarsity Press has offered Young Life staff a 40% ongoing discount!  All you gotta do is call 1-800-843-9487 and identify themselves as a "staff member with a ministry partnering with InterVarsity on campus." Our customer service staff will set up the accounts and communicate further instructions, including how to sign in at

Committee Chair Please Respond: 

Committee Chairs, If you would like your committee to receive the 5 for Friday emails, please click HERE and email Kristen with your full committee contact list.
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