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Website access issues
Since at least Oct. 21, university and school sites have been down due to a security event. The Division of Marketing and Communications Digital Strategies team is working on a process to update critical sites and to determine the timeline for a full restoration of services. Digital Strategies will reach out to individual site owners as access becomes available. You may submit a ticket to Digital Strategies if you have a critical website update.
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Poster Printing Core on hiatus until Nov. 30
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Determining the precise timing of cellular growth to understand the origins of cancer
Mirazul Islam, a graduate student in the lab of Ken Lau (Cell and Developmental Biology), has developed a molecular clock that records the precise timing of cellular events at a single-cell resolution.
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Alzheimer's disease drug discovery efforts continue
In time for Alzheimer's Awareness Month, Julie Engers (Pharmacology), Craig Lindsley (Pharmacology, Biochemistry), and Warren Center for Neuroscience Drug Discovery researchers chronicle their search for a positive allosteric modulator that targets the M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor, which could combat memory loss.
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Newly minted graduate
The following graduate successfully defended their dissertation:
- Molecular Physiology and Biophysics: Haley Mendoza-Romero
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Embí elected to National Academy of Medicine
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Grad students and postdocs explore the intersection of STEM and public policy in D.C.
Eighteen Vanderbilt graduate students and postdoctoral researchers traveled to Washington, D.C., in October to participate in Vanderbilt’s Federal STEM Policy and Advocacy Seminar. This two-day event is designed to provide STEM professionals with an inside look at the federal policymaking process, the importance of advocacy in advancing science and research priorities, and possible careers in science policy.
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Monday, Nov. 11: Veterans Day Breakfast The event will feature programs and speakers from across campus, including the Bass Military Scholars Program, a veteran VU staff member, the VU Army and Navy ROTC programs, Assistant Provost for Experiential Learning Jill Stratton, and Chancellor Daniel Diermeier. All VU veterans are welcome to attend. 7:30 a.m.–9:00 a.m., Student Life Center. Register online.
Thursday, Nov. 14: BioRender 201: New and advanced features Exclusive webinar for Vanderbilt researchers to review and master BioRender's latest features including the Poster Builder Tool, Graphing & Analysis, and PowerPoint Integration. 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. Register online. A recording will be available after the webinar.
Tuesday, Nov. 19: Educator Development Program Workshop: Simulation in Medical Education Participants will earn two CME credits after attending this session, facilitated by Drs. Arna Banerjee and Keith Obstein, discussing the different modalities of simulation in healthcare education. 2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m., Center for Experiential Learning and Assessment. Learn more and register online.
Wednesday, Nov. 20: BioRender: Top design tips for better posters Exclusive webinar for Vanderbilt researchers to learn actionable tips and techniques for designing research posters. 11:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Register online. A recording will be available after the webinar.
Monday, Dec. 2: Health Sciences Education Grand Rounds sponsored by the Academy for Excellence in Education “Reimagining Journal Clubs for Inclusive Scientific Training,” presented by Madhvi Venkatesh (Biochemistry). 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m., Learn more and register online.
Friday, Dec. 13: 16th Annual HPERD Keynote Presentation “Everybody In: Critical Actions to Achieve Gender Equity and Co-liberation” presented by Dr. Susan Hingle, associate dean for human and organizational potential at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m., Light Hall 208. Learn more and register online.
Monday, Jan. 13: Health Sciences Education Grand Rounds sponsored by the Academy for Excellence in Education "Physician Wellness," presented by Dr. Lotte Dyrbye, senior associate dean of faculty and chief well-being officer at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m., Light Hall 202. Learn more and register online.
Wednesday, Feb. 12: 2025 Vanderbilt Translational Research Forum The annual event from Edge for Scholars highlighting translational research across the university, the medical center, and Meharry Medical College featuring a keynote and plenary speaker, a trainee poster session, and networking opportunities. 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m., Student Life Center. Register online.
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At this time of year, it is unfortunately common to see an increase in petty theft from labs and offices.
Be aware of your personal belongings and refrain from leaving unsupervised laptops, mobile phones, purses, etc., where they might be easily taken. Please err on the side of caution to avoid unpleasantness such as ID theft.
As always, campus authorities should be informed if you see someone walking through a secure area without an ID badge. Campus Police Headquarters can be reached at 615-322-2745. The VandySafe app is also available for download for quick contact to campus police, virtual walks home, and other safety options.
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Keep up with biomedical science seminars! To receive weekly email notices about upcoming seminars focused on the biomedical sciences, email Katherine Carter.
To include an event in the calendar and the weekly Basic Sciences Research Seminars email, submit event details to the University Events Calendar, including any fliers or images you wish to be included. Be sure to specify that your submission be tagged “basic-sciences-vanderbilt.” Note that this tag can be used for any event connected to the School of Medicine Basic Sciences community. Submissions to the events calendar are manually approved; please submit your event at least two weeks in advance to ensure it is included.
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Banner background courtesy of Caroline Cencer (Matt Tyska lab).
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Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Basic Sciences
MRB III U-1200
465 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37240
Phone: (615) 322-0907 |
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