Miami University IT Services
January 2024

RapidIdentity Go-Live Sneak Peek

As you know, Miami is on an identity and access management (IAM) journey.

The teams tasked with implementing updated IAM policies and procedures, as well as the brand-new Identity Governance Administration (IGA) tool, have been working hard these past few months.

The official go-live date for RapidIdentity is fast approaching . . . On March 25, 2024, we will have a new, fully functional IAM solution!

Login change: Duo Universal Prompt

In January, IT Services has made some improvements to the Duo login screen!

Beginning Jan. 24, when you need to input a Duo code, you will still use your regular authentication procedure (e.g., Duo Push, SMS text, Yubikey, etc.), but the login screen looks a little different!

January Workday Update

Workday is transitioning from the Architect and Configure phase into Testing with lots of ongoing activities.

Google News

Upcoming: DMARC compliance enforcement

Do you ever send more than 5,000 emails per day to recipients outside the Miami domain (i.e., to or addresses)? If so, this notice is for you!

For Your Information: Files shared with you in Google Drive (Reminder)

Files belonging to former students that have been shared with you are going away on Feb. 8, 2024.

Email Scam Soliciting Internship Openings

The information security team has received numerous reports that a series of fraudulent email messages about student internship positions have been circulating. There are several, similar versions of the message being sent.

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