NPMM Lightning Letter 8/19
NPMM Lightning Letter 8/19

Important Normal Park Links

Volunteer Opportunities 
Lower School Happy Cart Sign Up: 
Upper School Happy Place Sign Up:
Kids First Coupon Book Campaign:
Lower School Book Fair Sign Up:
Lightning Athletic Club Stock Concessions:
Lower School Outdoor Work Day: Working on a Date! Moving mulch and more!
Upper School Outdoor Work Day: Working on a Date! 
Garden Spot Volunteer 
Important Normal Park News

Kids First Coupon Book Campaign 8/23-9/9

Permission Forms and Incentative Information coming home TODAY.

August 27th

State of the School 

Step by Step

Join us on Tuesday, August 27th for our annual Open House. For the first part of our Open House night, you will learn about all that your child will learn in his/her class this year and in part 2 of our Open House, Normal Park teachers want to help parents support learning at home with some Parent University classes! Click the link to see the course offerings.
State of the School with Mrs. Willmore
4:30 LS auditorium and 5:30 US auditorium (You may attend either session that works best with your schedule – information will be the same)
Open House/Parent University
5:00-6:00 LS and 6:15-7:15 US
Step 1 (4:30 LS or 5:30 US) - sit and listen to the State of the School Address with Mrs. Willmore 

Step 2 (5:00 LS or 6:15 US) – go to your child’s classroom/homeroom class and learn about what’s happening in content area classes for the first part of the year. 

Step 3 (5:30 LS or 6:45 US) – Pick something you are interested in learning more about from the link below.

LOWER SCHOOL Parent University Sign-Up:

UPPER SCHOOL Parent University Sign-Up:

Lower School News

Lunch Numbers: Parents we encourage you to help your student learn his/her lunch number. This will ensure that our students can quickly get through the lunchline and have plenty of time to eat.  
After School Activities: We are excited to provide our students with opportunities to enrich their school day with even more offerings! Registration, attendance, and good behavior are all crucial parts in allowing each student to have a successful experience! Students will always check into aftercare first. Instructors will pick up and drop off students to aftercare in the cafeteria. Aftercare registration, attendance, and checkout are mandatory. Aftercare costs $10.00 to register and is $6.00 per day that it is used in the afternoons. You will be charged the aftercare fee each day the student attends the afterschool activity. Checks are non-refundable unless the class is full. After School Activities Registration Form.  
How volunteer or donate at the Lower School:
Contact Email Heather Cockerham with volunteer questions.
  • Talk with your child's teacher to see if projects are available. Check your Monday Memo's.
  • Parent volunteer to assist in the lunchroom monitoring students and serving on the lunch line. Contact Heather Cockerham for details.
  • We need drilled door stops on all 4 of the auditorium doors 
  • Read20 data collection volunteer is needed. Please contact Cynthia Locke for details and instructions. 

Upper School News

Free Audible for Middle School Students: 6th-8th grade students have the wonderful opportunity of receiving a free Audible account. A permission slip was sent home last week with your child. In order for them to participate, the permission slip must be signed and returned to school. If you did not receive the form in your child’s folder last, week, there is a permission form attached and can be printed, signed and returned in order for your 6th-8th grade child to receive the free Audible account. 
Fall Musical: Auditions for the fall musical, Frozen, JR., will be held on Thursday, August 22nd from 3:00 - 4:30 in the the auditorium of the Upper School.  Auditions are open to any student in grades 4-8.  For the auditions students should sing a song that best showcases their musical ability and see Mrs. Shimel for a short reading to prepare.  Rehearsals will begin on August 28th.  Please contact Mrs. Shimel,, with any questions!
Chromebooks will be coming home TODAY! If you would like for your student to only be a Day User - this means the Chromebook will not come home and will be checked out and back in each day at the school. Emal Sonia August with questions or concerns!
Fellowship for Christian Athletes (FCA) will start back up on Tuesday, September 10th. Mr. Duvall Young will be returning to hangout with our students. It will take place in Rm 212 and start at 7:40 am when school doors open. Most mornings there will be breakfast (donuts) so come hungry! FCA is a non-denominational Christian sports ministry that focuses on Coaches, Campus, Camp and Community ministry. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes believes that, through the international platform of sport, coaches and athletes have the power to unite, inspire and change the world. All are welcome! Feel free to email Dabney Brock with any questions. 
Band News: Please join one of the following Remind Classes:
5th Band:
6-8 Band:
Please mark the following concert dates on your calendar: October 24th (6th-8th), December 12 (4th-8th), and May 14th (4th-8th) at 6:00 pm.  These are required.  
Encourage your student  to join the Kindness Campaign Committee: Are you interested in helping launch the Kindness Campaign and keep it going all year long? Mrs. Jacobs is seeking out driven students to be a part of the Kindness Campaign Committee! We will meet during the school day to plan an awesome PEP RALLY and come up with fun things to promote a positive school culture and climate throughout the year! Encourage your student may take an application and return it to Mrs. Jacobs’ office on the 3rd floor balcony or to her box in the Main Office or download here KINDNESS_CAMPAIGN_COMMITTEE_Application.docx
How to volunteer and donate at the Upper School:
Email Sonia August, Upper School Parent Volunteer Coordinator/ ISS with volunteers questions. 

Lightning Athletic Club

Middle School Cross Country is "off and running"!  A lot of new faces this year and some more experienced ones will help NPXC have a great season.  Our first meet is Monday 8/19.
2019-2020 Middle School Cross Country Team Members: Garret  Beasley, Capecchi Brogan, Clarke Sullivan, Lewis Simon, Reel Brianna, Reel Lauren, Royal Allison, Singer-Seymour Isaac, Summerlin Ike, Womack Andrew, Womack John, Wykle Gabe, Combs Taylor, Hall Elijah, Matheny Jordan, Myers Joseph, Presnick Chase, Smith Sawyer, Windemuller Abel, Varner Henry, Lim Rachel
Elementary Cross County: 3rd-5th Grade Cross Country: Any Normal Park student in grades 3-5 can be a part of our Cross Country team. Meets will be Mondays at Woodland Park Baptist Church. Meets will be 8/19, 8/26, 9/9, 9/16,9/23. Contact Catherine Cox
2019-2020 Elementary Cross Country Team Members: Cadence Sparks, Tristan Winderweedle, Alex Barks, Rhys Coleman, Noah Cockerham, McCorey Jones, Clark McDaniel, Nellie Russell, Izzy Baker,  Nora Wykle, Vada Moore, Nico Geraci, Boden Hackathorne, Kagan Smith, Wally Watson, Nico Costilow, Wilson Kay, Ava Deardorff, Annabelle Tarter, Nora Armstrong, Eva Armstrong, Morgan Matheny, Cadencce Presnick, Margo Windemuller, David Hackathorne, Will Mayberry, Moses Windemuller, Henry Ritter
Fellowship for Christian Athletes (FCA) will start on Tuesday, September 10th. Mr. Duvall Young will be returning to hangout with our students. It will take place in Rm 212 and start at 7:40 am when school doors open. Most mornings there will be breakfast (donuts) so come hungry! FCA is a non-denominational Christian sports ministry that focuses on Coaches, Campus, Camp and Community ministry. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes believes that, through the international platform of sport, coaches and athletes have the power to unite, inspire and change the world. All are welcome! Feel free to email Dabney Brock with any questions. 

Join Lightning Athletic Club via Facebook or contact  

Fall Online Sale. Order your Normal Park Gear by Sunday, 8/25

Check your students folder for Fall Sale Flyer.
Code: NPFALL2019

Normal Park Calendar 

8/23:   Coupon Campaign Begins
8/16:   Room Parent Meeting at LS
8/27:   Open House and Parent University
9/2:     Labor Day, NO SCHOOL
9/4:     1/2 Day. Dismissal at 11:30.
9/16-9/20:  Lower School Book Fair
10/3:   Exhibit Night
10/4:   Birthday Celebrations LS only
10/7-10/14:  Fall Break
10/23:  Picture Day
10/24:  Band Concert at US Auditorium
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