Weekly Announcements for March 14, 2025
Last Call for Annual Session Workshop Proposals |
The BYM Annual Session Program Committee meets on Sunday, March 30th to select workshops for our 2025 Annual Session. Have you submitted your workshop idea? Do you have a leading, skill, or gift to share with Friends? Has your meeting developed a practice or program other meetings could use? Does your BYM Committee have new resources or questions for Friends? Submit your workshop proposal!
Spring Spiritual Formation Retreat, May 2-4
The next BYM Spiritual Formation Retreat will take place May 2-4 at the Shepherd Spring Retreat Center in Sharpsburg, MD. Just as fear can be contagious, so too can courage. We will encourage one another as we gather in the Spirit and discern together how we are called to live in these challenging times. "Let us try what love can do." (William Penn) The Spring Retreat features a new, low-cost camping option!
| YF Con is March 28-30 at Sandy Spring Meeting
BYM Young Friends will gather for their annual "Work Con" at Sandy Spring Meeting March 28-30. BYM Young Friends is a community of 9th-12th graders that builds community, nurtures the personal and spiritual growth of all youth and adult participants, and provides opportunities to take an active part in the broader community of Religious Society of Friends.
Remembering Sheila Bach, May 10 at Langley Hill
On Saturday, May 10th at 2pm, Langley Hill Friends Meeting will hold a Memorial Meeting for Sheila Bach. Sheila was the founder and a longtime member at Langley Hill and was also known throughout the Yearly Meeting for her spiritual gifts and service to both BYM and Friends Wilderness Center. Please join Langley Hill Friends for this special gathering. Refreshments and fellowship will follow our time of worship. For questions contact, Ann Delorey at akdelorey07@gmail.com.
| Interfaith Witness Wednesdays at the U.S. Capitol
FCNL, Sojourners, and other faith partners partners are organizing a bipartisan series of faithful witness events at the Capitol every Wednesday in March. These multi-faith gatherings will call on Congress to exercise greater moral courage in upholding its Article 1 powers and preventing executive overreach. These vigils will remain nonpartisan while speaking truth to power, highlighting what’s at stake and the communities already affected. They will feature faith leaders from diverse traditions offering inspirational prayers, reflections, and calls to faithful action.
Quakers in Pastoral Care & Counseling Meet-Up, March 30
Quakers in Pastoral Care & Counseling continues work to envision the next iteration of the group. Are you a Quaker whose vocation or avocation includes pastoral care, chaplaincy, spiritual direction, or counseling? Stop by on March 30th to share!
| Peace & Social Concerns Networking Day Survey
On April 12th, the BYM Peace & Social Concerns will host their annual Networking Day for BYM Friends at Friends Meeting School, Ijamsville, MD. More details here. As the Committees continues to plan the retreat, they ask Friend to complete a short survey to indicate interest and help the Committee plan for workshops.
Reminder: BYM Website Under Construction
Throughout the month of March, the BYM website will receive some overdue maintenance: both a mini-makeover (a new look and feel) and a re-ordering of content to make it easier for Friends, Meetings, and visitors to find the resources they need. BYM's website vendor is decommissioning our longtime design and transitioning our website to a new, modern interface. While the timing is less than ideal, we proceed as the information super highway opens. If there is information you need but cannot find or access on the website, please email admin@bym-rsf.org. Thank you for your patience and good humor during this necessary transition.
| A Quaker View of Ministry, March 30
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting invites BYM Friends to an online event. Friends know that any person may be called to ministry - "ministry" might manifest in a lot of different ways. This hybrid event will feature three in-person panelists: Emily Provance (a traveling minister from 15th Street meeting); Sabrina Jones, a member of Emily's support committee; and Jonathan Vogel-Borne, board member of Good News Associates, which is a Christian, nonprofit ministry organization supporting individuals who are called to many different types of non-institutional ministries. Following some opening remarks from the panelists, most of the event will unfold in a question and answer format.
Camp is Coming: And We Need Your Help! |
Experience Intergenerational Joy as a Work Grantor at Camp
BYM Camps seeks work grant volunteers for Summer 2025! Come be part of the joy of camp during this critical summer for young people. Some groups of BYM Friends - such as former campers, men's groups, or Friendly 8s - have even made a week of volunteering at camp a way to reconnect with one another while experiencing the spiritual nurture of giving back in intergenerational community. If each BYM Meeting sent two work-grantors to camp this summer, our volunteer needs would be completely met. Zora is ready and available to help orient you, your meeting, or your group of friends to work grant volunteering at BYM Camps!
| Calling all Hikers, Drivers, and Care-Package Packers
Community is not something we join, it's something we build. STRIDE is our community's commitment to building the community we hope to see in the world. We can't do it alone! Volunteers help make many parts of our STRIDE program possible. We invite you to share this flyer with your meeting and using the QR code to sign up to volunteer this season!