Family Voices of California
August 7, 2020


Webinar series for Spanish-Speaking Regional Center Families
Información es poder:
Servicios para personas con discapacidades de desarrollo
23 de julio de 2020-3 de septiembre de 2020
Seminario de web completamente en español. Tenga en cuenta los cambios en los servicios y las leyes que se producen a diario. Las agencias públicas como los centros regionales, los distritos escolares, el Seguro Social y otras agencias estatales ofrecen servicios que pueden mejorar la vida de su ser querido con discapacidad. Esto lo ayudará a conocer los servicios y derechos de sus hijos con discapacidades.
Regístrese | Information in Spanish
Latinx Virtual Disability Conference
August 5-19 beginning at 4:30pm
Learn the Ins and Outs of services, steps to appeal.  Hosted by SoCal DRC, but applicable to anyone in California.
English Flyer | Spanish Flyer
Virtual Advocacy Summit for Youth (13-30) with Chronic Conditions
Saturday, August 8; 8am-6pm PS
The Health Advocacy Summit (HAS) is a daylong, no cost advocacy event for young adults (between 13 and 30) living with chronic and rare diseases. Our summits are meant to bring young adult patients together and ensure they have the support, opportunities, and resources they need to thrive.
More Information
Systemic Racism & Health: Solutions, Making Change Happen
Tuesday, August 11th; 1pm - 2pm ET
This webinar will discuss how systemic racism harms health, and how solutions-based approaches at the state and community level are making a difference.
2020 Northern California State of Reform Conference
Tuesday, August 18; 9am - 1pm
State of Reform pulls together practitioners, thought leaders, and policy makers – each working to improve our health care system in their own way – into a unified conversation in a single place.
How Do We Move Forward Without Fear?
Tuesday, August 18th; 2pm - 3pm
The need to quickly set up new policies, procedures, and infrastructure has shown preexisting systems may not have been equipped to handle the strain of a crisis like COVID-19. So how do organizations modify old procedures to account for potential future crises?
More Information
Tell Your U.S. Senators: Include Support for People With Disabilities in COVID-19 Relief Bill
The next few weeks are critical as Congress negotiates the next coronavirus relief bill. Tell your Senators that people with disabilities, their families, and the workforce that supports them can’t be left behind!
Read the full Action Alert
Schooling During COVID, Distance Learning, and Children with Special Health Care Needs and Disabilities
FVCA wants to know about the challenges to education and services you are facing during the pandemic.  At our Virtual Health Summit in the fall, we will be hosting a breakout session addressing these issues.  Please share your experiences!
Take the Survey in English | Spanish
First 5 is looking for a family with experience accessing early intervention services!
First 5 is creating a visual to represent the complexity of the many early intervention systems families must navigate. They are looking for the input of a family who has or had concerns about their young child’s (0-3) development while on Medi-Cal and had to navigate multiple systems (insurance, Regional Center, etc.) to access screenings or services. Commitment: 1.5-2 hours Compensation: $100
Please reach out to Ali Barclay if interested:

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