Coming Back Safe & Strong

Coming Back Safe and Strong Update
What You Need to Know, When You Need to Know It
Students: Before You Sit Down to Turkey Dinner …
Please carefully review Student Affairs’ Thanksgiving Guidance -- covering COVID testing requirements, travel guidance and how to stay safe during the break. Enjoy the holiday and stay well! Also see what SUNY Chancellor Jim Malatras had to say in this Op-Ed: Don’t Bring COVID Home for Thanksgiving.
Stony Brook Medicine and Hospital Employees: Important Health Reminders from Our Leadership
Ken Kaushansky and Carol Gomes sent out an important Coronavirus Update this week to all School of Medicine faculty and Hospital staff. In case you missed it -- or for further review -- you’ll find the latest information on COVID-19 work guidelines, testing (including new pool testing), the CampusClear screening app, and travel guidelines for NYS essential workers on ThePulse link above (also on the Coronavirus Update page). Hospital intranet access required.
Faculty and Staff: Keep Testing Over the Holidays
COVID-19 testing will continue to be available for all University (non-hospital) employees during the holiday season and beyond at the SAC Ballroom, HSC Galleria and Southampton Campus Student Center. See our Testing Schedule for Intersession. Stay safe, protect us all, please get tested every two weeks.
Return to Work Date Moves to December 31
Thanks to collaboration, cooperation and careful planning campuswide, Stony Brook University has been a role model for having a low number of COVID cases, and we’ve been Coming Back Safe and Strong through a strategically phased plan. As we approach the final phase (5) in our  Return to Work (RTW) plan, we are adjusting the start date from November 30 to December 31. This new date aligns Stony Brook University and Stony Brook Medicine final phase RTW dates, while  providing time for us to prepare for the return of our students to campus in the spring.
As we  look ahead to a successful spring semester, supervisors should continue to work with their staff in implementing approved Return to Campus Plans that meet operational needs while following the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) COVID-19 prevention and social distancing guidelines. Supervisors may continue to choose to expand business operating hours to allow for staggered work schedules and/or provide staff with flexible schedules — with the necessary department approvals and without increasing the number of hours employees are required to work.    
We’ve Updated Our COVID-19 Policy

We’ve made some important updates to the COVID-19 Pandemic Health & Safety Policy we introduced in August. Most significantly, we’ve provided clear testing expectations for residential and commuter students and employees, updated the travel and quarantine section to reflect the most recent NYS guidance and added a definition of essential workers. Please take a look.
Timely Topics on Upcoming Provost Lecture Series
Tune in for discussions you won’t want to miss:
Wed, 12/2, 12-1 pm: Fotis Sotiropoulos discusses: How Far is Far Enough and Can Masks Curb the Spread of COVID-19?  Insights on Effective Social Distance and Face Covering Gained by Numerical Simulation
Thurs., 12/3, 12-1pm: Ken Kaushansky, Bettina Fries and Sharon Nachman discuss: COVID Vaccines in Development: Which Ones May Give Us Our Best Shot at Returning to Normalcy?
See more details on both presentations and/or register on the Lecture Series page of the Office of the Provost website
Read, and Hear, All About Stony Brook Medicine’s New Post-COVID Clinic
The post-COVID Clinic at Stony Brook Medicine Advanced Specialty Care in Commack was created to provide ongoing care and assessment of adult patients recovering from COVID-19. The clinic is designed to treat patients who are still experiencing symptoms and monitor for any late effects of the infection. Patients will have access to specialists in primary care, cardiology, pulmonary medicine, nephrology, vascular and neurology, as well as mental health providers. Learn more here:

President McInnis Shares Gratitude Message
As we wind down to observe the Thanksgiving holiday, President Maurie McInnis shared her appreciation with all faculty, students and staff for 13 incredible weeks of staying ‘open, healthy, and accountable.’ See the President’s Message of Gratitude and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Reminder: Continue to Help Keep Us All Safe
Some of the most important things you can do to keep us safe and ‘open for classes’ beyond this semester are also some of the simplest:
●  Wash your hands or use sanitizer when soap and water aren’t available.
●  Try to always maintain a physical distance of at least six feet from other people.
●  Wear a mask.
●  Cover coughs and sneezes and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
●  Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in your workplace every day.
●  Try to avoid using other people's phones, desks, offices, tools and equipment
●  Stay home if you’re sick.
Have an Idea? Need an Answer?
Visit our continuously updated return to the workplace FAQs on our Coming Back Safe and Strong website, or send your questions to

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