Dear Prep Community,

This year's Annual Fund challenge PREP TODAY FOR TOMORROW is an invitation to express our appreciation for Jim Leonard's transformative leadership, lean into change, and invest in the future of Santa Fe Prep. Your donation to the Annual Fund ensures that Jim's legacy of access and inclusion continues beyond his tenure and supports the exceptional education and programs that make Prep such an extraordinary school.

The beginning of a new school year brings a renewed sense of possibility, growth and transformation—please make your Annual Fund gift today and help PREP TODAY FOR TOMORROW 

With warm gratitude,

Christine Le Grand Lehman
Chair, Board of Trustees
Parent 2018, 2020 and 2022


Griffin families and friends, help us spread the word!  We are looking forward to introducing prospective students and families to our community.  Admissions Open House, on Friday, October 18 from 2:00-5:00 pm, is a great opportunity to experience what makes Santa Fe Prep special!
Parents, we need a few more volunteers to help with the reception. Please contact Mario Montoya if you'd like to help and click here to see more details about what is needed from volunteers. 

Every year we welcome our grandparents to a special day on campus. Prep grandparents visit classes with their grandchild, attend a school performance, and have a wonderful lunch in the dining hall. 

If you have not already done so, please drop off your Grandparents' Mailing Information Form in the Advancement Office (or email Julia Abbiss) so grandparents will receive their personal invitation on time. 

Also, be sure to ask them to mark their calendars now, and make any travel reservations needed. We look forward to meeting them!

Teachers Kristin Kalangis (English), Marc Reynolds (Biology), Lindsey Reader (Biology), and Jebb Norton (History) have joined forces to integrate the major themes and concepts of their 9th grade courses. Through the analysis of Daniel Quinn’s novel Ishmael in English class, the examination of major changes in the hominid fossil record in biology, and discovery of ancient societies in history, students have been able to deeply examine humanity’s place in the world from all angles. All four teachers have found that this multidisciplinary approach has resulted in the students being more engaged and energized in the classroom. The teachers and students look forward to incorporating photography and library research in the next stages of the curriculum.
Brothers Isaac and Elias  Hernandez have an impressive ability to inspire younger students.
Isaac, a Breakthrough graduate turned teaching fellow, is known for his captivating speeches and seemingly infinite wisdom. He brought so much to this year's summer program, including the incorporation of daily affirmations for his students to repeat before entering the classroom. 
Elias, currently a junior at Santa Fe High, is in Breakthrough Santa Fe's first group of mentors. He enjoys helping students apply what they learn in the classroom to practical purposes.
These humble and thoughtful brothers exemplify the Breakthrough adage, "we are a community dedicated to excellence and life-long learning." 
Over 300 faculty and students went to eleven destinations during this year’s orientation trips. The trips included:
  • Team building at 100Elk near Buena Vista, Colorado
  • Shelter building, hiking, cooking, and solos at Corkins Lodge
  • Two different trips emphasizing making art in nature
  • Climbing Wheeler Peak (highest peak in NM)
  • A roadtrip along the Enchanted Circle route
  • Deep nature immersion in Carson National Forest
  • Hiking, furious card games, and lots of cooking at Santa Barbara Campground in the Carson National Forest
  • Horseback riding in the Pecos Wilderness
  • Flyfishing in the Pecos Wilderness
  • Survival skills in Chimayó
  • Backpacking in the Pecos Wilderness
The trips were mostly blessed with lovely weather, and the students experienced all the benefits of this program: the sheer beauty of the natural world, camaraderie and team building, and learning new skills. Or as Prep's vision statement for Experiential Education puts it, the goal is to "cultivate in ourselves and our students a deeper awareness and deeper sense of responsibility for our community and for our natural environment."
Below is a slideshow of a few photos from the trips. Enjoy! 
Griffin supporters, mark your calendars now for the

Saturday, November 16
5:30-10:30 pm
The Inn at Loretto

Please help us support our student athletes and coaches by joining us for a FUN and FESTIVE event!  In addition to our fabulous silent auction, we will enjoy a delicious dinner and live DJ with dancing. We will also have a raffle with three fabulous prizes: a trip to Seaside Florida, jewelry from Bittersweet Designs, and an amazing wine basket.

Tickets for the event are $200 per couple and $125 per person.  Tickets are VERY limited due to the small venue size, so don't delay!  You can purchase your ticket today on the Booster webpage.

Corporate Sponsorships:
Your business can now support our student athletes through corporate sponsorship! See your business featured on our gymnasium banners at all games. Contact Christian Andersson for more information. We will be featuring some of our corporate sponsors in the November Booster Club Blast, so stay tuned.

Start the new school year off with Griffin pride and join the Booster Club!  Please visit the Booster webpage, or contact Kurt Gilbert for memberships.


Sat, Oct 5: 
SAT Testing, 8:00 am

Mon, Oct 7: 
FAFSA Meeting for Seniors & Parents
5:30 pm, Library

Thurs, Oct 10:
Senior College Visit Day

Fri, Oct 11:
Mid-Semester Break, End 1st Quarter
No School

Wed, Oct 16: 

Fri, Oct 18:
Admissions Open House
2:00-5:00 pm

Sat, Oct 19:
Breakthrough Super Saturday

Mon, Oct 21:
Applying for College: Financial Aid Presentation by Chris George, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid at St. Olaf College, for Upper School Parents
5:30-7:00 pm
Founders' Room

Sat, Oct 26:
ACT Testing, 8:00 am

Mon, Oct 28:
8th Grade Life Skills Parent Meeting
5:30-6:30 pm
Founders' Room

*No PA Meeting in October. Next PA Meeting will be Nov 12.


The cast of 18 upper schoolers are already in their third week of rehearsals for this year's Fall play, Midsummer/Jersey by Ken Ludwig. It's been a joy to witness many new faces mixed in with some of our veteran actors. Don't miss this hilarious play coming November 22-24!
We had a lovely Parent Open House on Saturday, September 21, with perfect weather and an opportunity for parents to be students in their children’s classrooms.  Thank you to all of our volunteers who helped with this day and a special shoutout to our faculty who taught wonderful mini-classes and to our Parents' Association who provided lunch.
Santa Fe Prep is organizing its fourth annual Social Justice Conference for our students. We select members of the Santa Fe community (and sometimes beyond) who work to make the world a better place and who can inspire our students to serve their community. At the same time we endeavor to dispel biases students might have around the lives of people whose orientation or situation is different from their own. 

The Middle School Conference is on Wednesday, November 13, and the Upper School Conference is scheduled for Monday morning, January 27, 2020.

For more information, please contact Claire Romero, Coordinator of Multicultural Life. 

Wondering what's for lunch this month? 

Click here: Lunch Menu

You're Invited: Get Tech help

In the Boomers & Tech TAP group, Prep students help senior citizens navigate the world of computers and the internet: teaching how to use and get the most out of devices, communicate with family and friends, and how to be safe on the internet. The group is a collaboration between Prep and Villages of Santa Fe. All senior citizens in the Prep community are invited to attend. The group meets every Thursday from 1:30-3:30 pm in Room 21 at Prep. Please RSVP to Ann Church at Villages by calling 505-501-8187. There is a $15 guest fee. Click here for more information.
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