insideOwen | December 2016
From the Dean: Top 10
From the Dean: My personal Top 10 for 2016

By nearly any measure 2016 was a remarkable year for the Owen School.  
Here are my Top 10 memories.
   1. Seeing record employment with new salary highs.
   2. Achieving our best fund-raising year.
   3. Rising in five key B-school rankings.
   4. Welcoming the first class in our exciting new Master of Marketing program.
   5. Making strides in diversity and cultural awareness among students, faculty and staff.
   6. Meeting more than 1,000 alumni in cities from Auckland and Sao Paulo to New York and San Francisco.
   7. Celebrating at a wonderful fall reunion with three alumni from Owen’s first class ( 71).
   8. Hosting five conferences, bringing the best academic minds to Owen.
   9. Caring for each other in times of need. Our close-knit Owen community will never forget Taylor Force!
 10. Watching Vanderbilt beat Tennessee in football. 

Warm wishes to you and your family for this holiday season.


January 5 | Closing Bell | San Francisco
January 18 | Closing Bell | Boston
January 19 | Closing Bell | Mexico City
January 22 | Closing Bell | Seattle
February 15 | "Educating Executives" Luncheon | Louisville
February 16 | Closing Bell | Memphis
February 23 | Closing Bell | Denver
March 1 | "Educating Executives" Luncheon | Birmingham

View more upcoming alumni events

Invest in Owen with a year-end gift.
The dedication of our alumni and friends has made 2016 another successful fundraising year for our school. Our Owen family supported new scholarships that strengthen our diversity and market-based centers that focus on health care solutions and entrepreneurship. If you have not yet contributed, please make your tax-deductible gift today. Your generous support funds scholarships that attract aspiring leaders to Vanderbilt, innovative programs that foster market solutions, and resources that reinforce our global presence. Thank you for helping Owen succeed!
Derek Young
A conversation with Derek Young (’91), President, Fidelity Investment Global Asset Allocation
Owen alum Derek Young and his colleagues at Fidelity are responding quickly to demographic demands by  helping near-retirement investors customize investment strategies to achieve their financial goals. Because today’s investment strategies require close cooperation by managers of various asset classes – equities, fixed income and alternative financial products, Young places great value on his time at Owen and what he learned as a result of this school’s focus on teamwork. Watch Video
Healthy = Expensive. True or False?
The idea that healthy foods are universally more expensive drives consumer choices to a degree that it shouldn’t, according to a new study by Kelly Haws, associate professor of marketing at Vanderbilt’s Owen Graduate School of Management. While organic ingredients and gluten-free foods have been shown to cost more, consumers extend this mental model to a broad range of products, potentially leading to an avoidance of healthier options—or overpayment for them—because of a misplaced price bias. Read more
Marketing Madness
Owen is “Mad About Marketing”
This year’s “Marketing Madness” event was a great success. Teams made up of MBA and the inaugural class of Master of Marketing students manned their brand booths, presenting their products and promotional ideas to students, faculty and staff. Highlights included the General Mills team’s mini catapults that launched Tiny Toast cereal into bowls of milk, the Mattel team’s Batman virtual reality, as well as the 3M team’s pin the tail on Rudolph. Kat Delaney, an MMark student new to this annual event, remarked, “Everyone had fun! Exercising our creativity in this way has allowed the first ever MMark class to experience and impact the community at Owen in a lasting manner.” See Photos
MS Finance Advise Video
MS Finance Resource Video
An MS Finance degree can open doors to a variety of career paths like investment banking, private wealth management, corporate finance and consulting. But there are a lot of factors to consider as students search for the right program and go through the admissions process. The Vanderbilt MS Finance team has put together a three-part video series to help students interested in an MSF degree get the answers they need. Watch Part 1 in the series. Watch video
Ed Alston
Things change. Owen grads are ready.

Ed Alston, Vanderbilt MBA (’71) and the very first graduate to receive a diploma from our newly minted business school more than 45 years ago, has offered his take on some core principles in a memorable acronym: “FADS Change.”
  • Finance: no matter what you want to do, it will be important
  • Adaptability: adapting to “the new, the now” is key, in any personal or work environment
  • Diversity: engaging with others who may have different perspectives, needs and strengths is integral to managing workforce diversity.
  • Strategy: knowing how to prepare and execute on business and personal Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats is key to success.
  • Change: The only constant during and after Owen is--and always will be--change. The Owen School prepares us for the future with the understanding that whatever exists today will be different tomorrow.
Ed points out that these variables are a unique and important part of the Owen experience that helps prepare our students to out-perform others on the job.  Thanks, Ed!
Hult Competition Winners
Vanderbilt students take first-round prize in Hult Competiton
The Turner Family Center for Social Ventures and the Owen School served as first-round hosts for a competition sponsored by the Hult Prize Foundation, a start-up accelerator for budding young social entrepreneurs emerging from the world's universities. The winning team, Code4All, included three first-year MBA students –Thayer Rosenburg, Andreas Guentner, Ben Rasmus-- and a student in the Graduate Program for Economic Development, Kevin Lubin. Code4All’s prize-worthy idea? Develop a mobile classroom that teaches refugees and other misplaced individuals to code, thereby providing both income and dignity. Read More

Executive Education

Vanderbilt staff and alumni receive a 25 percent discount.
February 7-8: Legal Project Management
Taught by Nancy Lea Hyer
Improve your legal project management (LPM) skills through this two-day program produced in a unique collaboration between leading business and law schools. Register here
February 13-14: Persuasive and Influential Speaking
Taught by Kimberly Pace
Improve your management communication speaking skills, no matter what the managerial or executive situation, through this unique two-day program. Through analysis of your personal speech style strengths and weaknesses, you will leave this course confidently knowing how to achieve your communication goals. Register here
February 27-March 1: Finance and Accounting for Non-Financial Managers
Taught by Paul Chaney
While giving you a foundation in the basics of accounting and finance, this program also shows you how to uncover profit potential hidden in the financial numbers and guide capital to its most productive use. This three-day program helps you understand the numbers to manage more efficiently. Register here

Owen in the News
November 10, 2016
Trump win boosts local banks, hurts Nashville health care companies
The Tennessean

Much is still unknown about what a Donald Trump presidency means and many local and state business leaders hesitated to make predictions so early. Yet, financial markets offered insights into the aftermath of the historic election with local health care companies sorely damaged and banks buoyed. David Parsley, E. Bronson Ingram Professor of Economics and Finance, is quoted.

November 15, 2016
Meet the Vanderbilt MBA Class of 2018
Poets & Quants
Go big or go small? That’s easy to answer…on the surface, at least. In business school, “big” means flashy course offerings, glamorous cities, and plush endowments. In the age of the microprocessor, “big” has also become associated with impersonal, slow, and disconnected. Indeed, “small” has turned into the new big: intimate, agile, and dynamic. As students weigh “experience” against “resources” and “depth” against “breadth,” MBA programs like Vanderbilt University’s Owen School of Management are poised to increasingly draw the best and brightest students.

November 16, 2016
Now you can sell shares in yourself to pay for college
Money Magazine
In 2009, the U.S. Department of Education took a baby step toward Income Share Agreements or ISAs by allowing students to cap their payments on their federal student loans at typically 10 percent of their income in a program called variously “income-based” or “income-driven” debt repayment. Gaining attention from a growing number of colleges, investors, fans — and critics — nationwide, ISAs are a new way to pay for education, but new experiments by Purdue and at least five other educational institutions represent a more radical idea. Miguel Palacios, assistant professor of finance, is quoted.

Parting Shot

Over fall break 23 students visited Japan as guests of the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They met with local small businesses as well as representatives of the ministry and were immersed in cultural activities through homestays with farming families and temple visits. The trip culminated in Tokyo, with the students presenting economic development observations and recommendations. View more photos
Japan Trip
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