Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony (Yom HaShoah)
Thursday, April 8, 12:30-1:00 p.m., Zoom
All are welcome to join members of the Emory University community as we remember and reflect on Yom HaShoah, the day in the Jewish calendar for remembering the unfathomable destruction of the Holocaust.
Emory Jewish Chaplain Rabbi Jordan Braunig and student leaders will lead a time of poetry, prayer, and other reflections to remember the 6 million Jews and all victims of the Holocaust. President Gregory Fenves will also offer brief remarks.
Sponsored by the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life. For more information, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu. Please register at this link.
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Yom HaShoah Remembrance Stones
Thursday, April 8, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. ET, Emory Hillel
Thursday is Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. We will honor victims of the Holocaust by lighting Yahrzeit candles and placing remembrance stones on the Emory Hillel front lawn. Come anytime between 10-4 to pay your respects. Bagels and schmear will be served from 11-1 for those who come. Please register here.
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TONIGHT Peer Mentor Information Session
Fall 2021 Interfaith Pre-Orientation Program
Thursday, April 8, 7:30 p.m. ET, Zoom
Office of Spiritual and Religious Life (OSRL) is hosting a Peer Mentor Information Session for the inaugural WISE (Welcoming Interfaith and Spiritual Exploration) Pre-Orientation Program for the Fall 2021 semester (August 17-20). This will be a time for those interested in the program and Peer Mentor role to connect, ask any questions about the application process, and learn more about the program. Please note the Peer Mentor role is for undergraduate students.
Program timeline:
- Peer Mentor Move-in: Saturday, August 14-Sunday, August 15
- Peer Mentor Community Building and Training: Sunday, August 15-Monday, August 16
- WISE Program: Tuesday, August 17-Friday, August 20
During the programs, participants will:
- Explore Atlanta and the Emory campus through visits to vibrant religious and philosophical communities and service and social justice organizations
- Grow your religious and philosophical literacy skills by experiencing different spiritual practices and meeting leaders from different backgrounds
- Build leadership skills through workshops and small-group discussions
- Connect with first year students and peer leaders and build long-lasting friendships
- Enjoy fun activities such as outdoor barbeques, campus scavenger hunts, and more
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As Salaamu Alaikum. Our esteemed guest, the blessed month of Ramadan is about to visit in a few days, as the faint waning crescent of Sha’ban was visible in the sky an hour before sunrise today. Early Ramadan Mubarak! If you would like to talk about Ramadan or have questions or concerns, please reach out to the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life, Muslim Religious Life Scholar Dr. Isam Vaid.
Ramadan is fast approaching, likely April 13-May 12. With the majority of it being during the semester, the Muslim Students Association has created a Ramadan guide full of resources to help us through this blessed month, inshaaAllah. The guide includes information on:
- Iftar and Suhoor Meals
- Finals Accommodations
- Emory MSA Weekly Ramadan Reflections
- Local Mosques
- How to Plan For Ramadan
- How to Study During Ramadan
- How to Engage During Ramadan
- Helpful Duas for Ramadan
- Helpful Duas for School
- Mental Health Resources
For the full guide, please click here. Get in touch with MSA via instagram here.
This is a last opportunity to sign up for Ramadan boxed meals from Campus Dining, if you already have not done so, and is open until Friday here. The sign-ups concluded on April 1.
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Religious Holiday Learning Series: Hindu Spring Festivals
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Friday, April 9, 12:00-12:30 p.m. Eastern, Zoom
Join Hindu Chaplain Brahmacharini Shweta Chaitanya, Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies Senior Lecturer Brajesh Samarth, and Graduate Division of Religion student Aalekhya Malladi, as we discuss a few Hindu festivals that are celebrated at the start of spring. While there are numerous spring festivities that take place around this time, our discussion will feature the festivals of Ugadi, Gudhi Padwa, and Holi.
The series will highlight the ways in which they are observed by members of our own Emory community. We look forward to sharing our stories around the traditions, rituals, foods, and customs that are celebrated in honor of these festivals. Please register here.
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APIDA Heritage Month
April 2021, Zoom
The Office for RACE is excited to announce its inaugural celebration of Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi American (APIDA) Heritage Month. While national celebrations fall in May, Campus Life has elected to recognize it a month in advance to provide a full experience to our students. We look forward to celebrating together with a series of programs we will host and support throughout the month of April.
During this time of mourning and reflection for many Asian Americans, we reaffirm our commitment to the power of knowing our own histories, and finding strength in community. In the spirit of self-determination, we welcome you to join us as we explore our shared histories and amplify our distinct voices as members of the fastest-growing population in the U.S. We look forward to seeing you at these events.
- Holi on the Quad
Saturday, April 10, 2:00-5:00 p.m. EDT
Join the Oxford Hindu Student Association for a celebration of Holi. We welcome those who practice Hinduism or are interested in it. Enter the Zoom meeting ID: 999 3716 1963. Questions? Contact us at snkarra@emory.edu.
- APID/A WAVES Book Club: World of Wonders
Tuesday, April 13, 6:00 p.m. EDT, Zoom
World of Wonders by Aimee Nezhukumatathil is a collection of essays about the natural world, and the way its inhabitants can teach, support, and inspire us. Join our reading circle by entering the Zoom meeting ID: 970 1990 7119.
- APIDA SolidariTEA
Thursday, April 15, 6:00 p.m. EDT, Zoom
Join us for our last installment of APIDA SolidariTEA of the semester. We will be chatting about APIDA art and artists. Enter the Zoom meeting ID: 791 072 1774.
- Changing with the Times: Asian American Studies Then and Now
Tuesday, April 20, 6:00 p.m. EDT, Zoom
Join us in a conversation on the origins and future of Asian American Studies, as a social movement and academic field. Distinguished faculty guests will speak on Asian American activism and solidarity, the emergence of the field during the Vietnam War, and its present and future in a more diverse post-1975 world. Please RSVP at this link.
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Shari Madkins, Doctoral Candidate
Graduate Division of Religion, Ethics and Society
| Beloved Community Christian Worship
Sunday, April 11, 11:00 a.m. Eastern, Zoom Registration
Preacher: Shari Madkins
Scripture: Psalm 133 and John 20:19-31
Shari Madkins is a doctoral candidate in Emory University’s Graduate Division of Religion, in the Ethics and Society course of study. She also directs the Certificate in Theological Studies Program at Arrendale State Prison for Women.
Shari is a metro-ATL native, and a proud Howard University graduate. She is a former social worker, youth minister, and anti-sex trafficking activist. When she is not teaching and writing, Shari can be found with her wife and their two pups.
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| Emory University Beloved Community Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021
Dr. Walter Earl Fluker, Dean's Professor of Sprituality, Ethics and Leadership
Candler School of Theology
"A New Earth Rising"
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Midweek Musical Meditation
Wednesdays during term, 12:00-12:15 p.m. EST, Zoom and Facebook Live
All are invited to reflect and decompress in a mid-week, mid-day time of sacred music. Join Maury Allums, OSRL Director of Music, and the Emory Office of Spiritual and Religious Life in taking a moment to breathe, relax, and connect with others in our community.
Sponsored by the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life. For more information contact mallums@emory.edu.
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Call for Contributions: Online Multifaith Baccalaureate for the Class of 2021
Friday, May 14, 2021, 4:30-5:00 p.m. ET, Virtual
Each year, we look forward to celebrating graduating seniors and sending them into the world with blessings in the Multifaith Baccalaureate Ceremony. Again this year this will be a video tribute, but last year's was a cherised production that brought together Emory deans, chaplains, affiliates, faculty, staff, and seniors to create a video celebration and keepsake.
Opportunity to Get Involved: If you are a graduating senior who would like to help plan the 2021 Multifaith Baccalaureate for the Class of 2021 or contribute original music, poetry, readings, dance, art or spiritual blessings and reflections, please contact Jewish Chaplain Rabbi Jordan Braunig at jordan.braunig@emory.edu. You can also submit ideas here.
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Being Black and Christian in America: The Black Church and New Vistas of Race in the U.S.
Thursday, April 8, 5:00-7:00 p.m. EDT
The “black church,” in its multiplicity of traditions and expressions, has served as a mobilizing force for reform and a potent channel of Black ideal and aspirations for centuries. The past decade or so, however, has witnessed vigorous debate among African American scholars about its fate and relevance. In this panel, co-sponsored by Candler School of Theology's Black Church Studies and World Christianity programs, the panelists will explore the complex issues and new possibilities generated by the intersection of Black identity and Christian witness in a new era. Panelists include:
- Renowned church historian, David Daniels III
- Caribbean-American scholar Janice McLean-Farrell (New Brunswick Theological Seminary)
- Brazilian scholar Joᾶo Chaves (Hispanic Theological Initiative)
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This Thursday, Emory Buddhist Club welcomes back Bhante Deepankara from the Georgia Buddhist Vihara, a Theravada Buddhist temple and meditation center. He will be leading a guided meditation followed by a lecture and discussion. Our teachers appreciate and welcome your donations - To learn more about Georgia Buddhist Vihara, please visit here
To participate in the meeting, use the link included above. Anyone is welcome to join. The Emory Buddhist Club is a student-led effort. Our primary mission is to provide a free, weekly opportunity for anyone with any interest in Buddhism or meditation to meet, practice, and learn with qualified Buddhist teachers from the Atlanta area. Our meetings are always free and open to the public. We welcome anyone, regardless of meditation experience or point of view.
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Weekly Community and Reflection with Venerable Priya
Fridays, 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET, Zoom
Join Venerable Priya, Emory Buddhist Chaplain, and other participants for a time of community and reflection together. The purpose of this time is to connect and relax with each other as we share our reflections on our favorite poems, texts, and experiences that are meaningful, whether spiritually or not. There will be pre-selected topics/texts for reflection. We also encourage you to bring a poem or text that is meaningful to you, but that is not required.
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Hindu Students Association Weekly Aarti
Fridays, 5:00 p.m., Zoom
Join the Hindu Students Association (HSA) this Friday at 5:00 p.m. for Aarti facilitated by the Emory HSA and Brahmacharini Shweta Chaitanya. All are welcome to attend. Click here for the Zoom link.
Aarti is a form of worship in which a lamp, typically an oil lamp, is circled around a symbol, image, or deity while singing prayers of veneration. The various icons towards which the Aarti is performed hold unique significance across different Hindu traditions, although the atmosphere of joy and upliftment is common to all. Whether performed alone in one’s home or in a communal setting like a temple, Aarti is a ritual by which Hindus connect devotionally to their spiritual and religious principles.
For more information, please contact Brahmacharini Shweta Chaitanya. More about the Emory HSA and their activities can be found on their Facebook page.
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This Week with the University Catholic Center
Learn more about the University Catholic Center here and see their full bulletin here. For our virtual masses, click here to watch the live stream on our YouTube channel.
- Hot Takes Happy Hour
Mondays, 7:00- 8:00 p.m., Zoom
Welcome to Hot Takes Happy Hour, a time to unpack and decompress difficult and potentially controversial topics in a faith-centered atmosphere. Click here to join us on Zoom.
- Game Night
Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00 p.m., Zoom
Looking for something fun to do or need a mental break? Come hang out and play games with us. Jackbox, Among Us, and other video games, card games, board games, and trivia - you name it, we'll play it. Click here to join us on Zoom.
- Catholic Chat
Wednesdays, 8:00-8:30 p.m., Zoom
Do you have questions about the Church? Are you puzzled by Church teachings? Do you want to think aloud – and with others – in a comfortable informal setting that encourages participation and exchange? Join us for open-minded, in-depth conversations about Catholicism. Click here to join us on Zoom.
- Fellowship and Adoration Night
Fridays, 6:00-7:30 p.m., Zoom
The Fellowship and Adoration Night is a student-led Bible study focused on growing in faith and experiencing Christ's presence in our lives. Join us on the University Catholic Center back deck at 1753 N. Decatur Road, Decatur, GA 30307, or on Zoom every Friday during the school year. Click here to join us on Zoom.
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Virtual Documentary Night
Friday, April 9, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Eastern
Emory Buddhist Club is co-hosting a documentary screening of "The Dhamma Brothers." This film follows a group of men incarcerated at a maximum-security prison in rural Alabama as they engage in a 10-day Vipassana silent meditation retreat.
We meet every 2nd Friday of the month. Attendees come from around the country and range in age from 20s to 80s. We start with 3 small group discussions and end with a whole group discussion. Watch the film on your own at this link, and then join us Friday on Zoom.
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Virtual Fun Run/Walk Challenge
Ongoing until May 1
Join the competition. Emory Adventist Christian Fellowship (EACF) will be hosting a series of four challenges via the Nike Run Club app:
- Challenge 1: April 4-10
- Challenge 2: April 11-17
- Challenge 3: April 18-24
- Challenge 4: April 25-May 1
Participants will have a week to walk or run 10 miles at their own pace. At the end of each week, the leaderboards will reset, and a new challenge begins.
To sign up, please complete this contact form. You can find the links to the registration instructions and racer's group chat at the beginning of the contact form.
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Mindfulness in Action
Wednesdays until May 5, 12:00 p.m. ET
The realities of the pandemic have been difficult for us all, in different ways. It is no surprise that mindful meditation has gained increasing popularity as a method of coping, but is there more to meditation than apps can give? How do we actually include meditative practices in our lives, with practical tips? Can meditative practices serve as grounding for our work ethic, sense of self, advocacy and activism, or even our deeper sense of purpose?
Join us for eight sessions led by Dr. Aparna Ramaswamy -- professional counsellor and senior lecturer at Johns Hopkins University -- as we find ways to make these ideals a reality. Featuring guided meditations, small group discussions, tips and tricks and much more.
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Black Church, Religion, and Politics
Thursday, April 15, 6:00-8:00 p.m. EDT, Zoom
In honor of the 30th anniversary of Black Church Studies (BCS) at Candler, join this panel of prominent leaders, academics, and practitioners on the Black church, religion, and politics that will consider the historical reality of an institution designed to resist intractable social forces by way of its racial justice orientation and involvement with political activism which spawned social moments and movements from its invisible inception in America—then and now. To register, please click here.
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International Student Coffee Hour Fridays, 12:00-1:00 p.m. EST, Zoom
International Coffee Hour is a longstanding community-building tradition at Emory where international students and scholars can meet each other over a meal or drink, learn about resources, and network.
Coffee hour will be virtual this year, and we are excited to still offer this as a time to pause and relax as a community, connect with one another, and learn about the many resources available for internationals at Emory. Feel free to drop in with any questions, concerns, just to connect with other students, scholars, and staff.
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Growing in Spirit: Exploring Interreligious Education at the High School and Undergraduate Level Friday, April 9, 12:00 p.m. EDT, Zoom
On behalf of the Journal of Interreligious Studies and the Association for Interreligious/Interfaith Studies, you are invited to the upcoming symposium. The symposium is free and the agenda is attached.
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Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta - Weekly Enewsletter The Regional Council of Churches Weekly Church Action eNewsletter contains events, volunteer opportunities, and resources of interest to the faith community. We welcome submissions from the community. Past issues are here. Below are a few highlights from this week's edition:
- The last Mountain Top Lecture
Saturday, April 10, 9:30-11:00 a.m., Zoom The free lecture is with Dr. Diana Butler Bass. To receive the Zoom link, you must register by clicking Freeing Jesus.
- “Healing, Helping, and Building Resilience”
Sunday, April 11, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Zoom Interfaith leaders come together with Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW) to host an interfaith summit on vulnerability and climate change. To learn more click here.
- Ignite the Church Conference
Thursday, April 15, 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET, Webinar The April webinar is “Creative Expressions of Church” featuring Bishop Ken Carter of the United Methodist Church and author and pastor Emily M. D. Scott. Please visit www.IgniteTheChurch.net for more information and to register.
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Candace Moore on Racial Equity and Interfaith Leadership Tuesday, April 13, 1:00 p.m. CST
Join Jenan Mohajir of Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) for a conversation with Candace Moore, the City of Chicago's first-ever Chief Equity Officer, on how Ms. Moore, now 18 months into this role, sees religious communities and the ability to engage across deep difference.
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Sexual Assault Awareness Month April 2021
As recent events have shown, sexual assault prevention and education are critically important. Our awesome Office of Respect staff (Michele Passonno, Jamechya Duncan, and Shana Ware), in collaboration with colleagues across campus, would like to share with you the calendar of events for Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM).
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Virtual Screening: Mark Morris Dance Group's Layla and Majnun Thursday, April 8, 7:30 p.m., Zoom
Layla and Majnun, an ancient tale of forbidden love, traveled along the Silk Road and is revered in many Middle Eastern and sub-continental cultures; Muslim, Sufi, Hindu, and secular. Layla and Qays, in love since childhood, are not allowed to marry. Layla is married off to another and Qays, now called Majnun, which means possessed, retreats to nature where he spends his life writing verses about his love for Layla. Ultimately the two lovers unite, but only in death.
In conjunction with the exhibition, Wondrous Worlds: Art & Islam Through Time & Place, the Carlos Museum presents a virtual screening of the MMDG production of Layla and Majnun with an introduction by Dr. Aida Huseynova of the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, who served as a research advisor for the production.
This program is presented in partnership with the Emory University Program in Dance and Movement Studies and Georgia Humanities. Photograph by Beowulf Sheehan.
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Safety Chat for International Students and Scholars Friday, April 9, 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Zoom
The Emory Police Department and ISSS invite all international students and scholars to this informal Zoom chat about staying safe on and off campus. Ask any questions you have and learn important tips and resources.
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Global Festival Friday, April 9, 7:00-10:00 p.m., ET, Virtual
ISSS and ISLAB invite all students, faculty and staff to this year’s Global Festival: Virtual Edition. We will present cultural performances, a world trivia game with a chance to win prizes, Zoom breakout room “cultural booths” hosted by international student organizations, and raffle drawings for prizes.
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Friday Night Flix Friday, April 9, 7:30-11:59 p.m., McDonough Field and SAAC Field
Emory University is back with a Movie Throwback for the next Friday Night Flix, featuring Mean Girls and Ratatouille. This weekly event is free for all Emory students. There will be two showings for each movie. Movies will start on time. FREE Snacks and giveaways. Sign-up by clicking here or the flyer.
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Race & Difference Colloquium Series Monday, April 12, 12:00 p.m., Zoom
The weekly Race & Difference Colloquium Series features local and national speakers presenting academic research on contemporary questions of race and intersecting dimensions of difference. The James Weldon Johnson Institute (JWJI) is pleased to have the Robert W. Woodruff Library and the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript and Rare Book Library as major co-sponsors of the Colloquium Series.
Our next speaker will be our JWJI fellow, Dr. Francine Allen from Morehouse College, whose talk is titled "But When I Became a Man: Charles Chesnutt, James Baldwin, and the Truth Needed for a Mature American Citizenry."
All events are free but registration is required. Please register here. Once registered, you will receive the Zoom link.
If you require a disability-related accommodation to participate in this event, please contact Rhonda Patrick of the JWJI by email here or by phone at 404-727-5960 to arrange services.
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Conscious Conversations: Sexual Violence Prevention & Support Thursday, April 15, 12:00-1:00 p.m., Zoom
Join the University Senate Subcommittee on the Prevention of Sexual Violence on April 15 for a virtual conversation about sexual violence prevention and support on Emory's campus. The University Senate Subcommittee on the Prevention of Sexual Violence will host a series of conversations as part of different tracks at the event focused on how students, faculty, and staff can be involved in sexual violence prevention and support on Emory's campus.
The event will be moderated by Dr. Cari Jo Clark, Associate Professor, Rollins School of Public Health, and Chair within the University Senate Campus Climate Sub-Committee. The event format will include:
- Intro/brief moderated discussion at the beginning (10-15 minutes)
- Breakout rooms with participants attending pre-selected track with facilitators (30 minutes)
- Brief moderated discussion to close event (10-15 minutes)
Register here to receive the Zoom link for the event, which will be sent closer to the date. This event is part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM).
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Safe Space Trainings Thursdays, April 15 and May 20, Online
The Emory Safe Space program, hosted by the Office of LGBT Life, is a 3.5 hour training designed to help all faculty, staff, and students provide support for the LGBT community at Emory. Participants who complete the training will be better equipped to help our undergraduate and graduate students achieve success.
Our next Safe Space Training date is coming up soon. If you've been wanting to become Safe Space certified, now is the perfect time. All our trainings have gone virtual and can be done from the comfort of your own home.
Click here or on the flyer to learn more and to sign up.
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Changing with the Times: Asian American Studies Then and Now Tuesday, April 20, 6:00 p.m. ET, Zoom
Join the Office for Racial and Cultural Engagement in a conversation for the Emory community on the origins and future of Asian American Studies, both as a social movement and academic field. Panelists Ellen Wu (Associate Professor of History, Indiana University Bloomington), Quan Tran (Lecturer in Ethnicity, Race, and Migration), and Calvin Cheung-Miaw (PhD candidate in Modern Thought and Literature, Stanford University) will speak on Asian American activism and solidarity, the emergence of the field during the Vietnam War, and its present and future in a more diverse post-1975 world. Dr. Chris Suh (Assistant Professor of History, Emory University) will moderate. To register please click here.
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Sexual Citizens Book Tour Wednesday, April 21, 6:30 p.m. EST, Zoom
Emory University's Department of Title IX is honored to have authors Dr. Jennifer S. Hirsch and Dr. Shamus R. Khan (Columbia University) join us to discuss their recent book, Sexual Citizens: A Landmark Study of Sex, Power, and Assault on Campus on Wednesday, April 21 via a Zoom Webinar moderated by Dr. Jessica Sales, Associate Professor at Rollins School of Public Health. Published in January 2020, the book puts forth powerful new concepts to help explain the forces in young people’s sexual lives and explores sexual assault on college campuses. Through research and interviews with students, the book discusses people's experiences, sexual relationships, and a roadmap on how to address sexual assault.
Join the conversation. Please register for this event by clicking here.
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Opportunities and Resources
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Bystander Intervention Trainings
April 2021, Zoom
Unfortunately, anti-Asian and Asian American racism and xenophobia are not new phenomenons. It has been part of American history for a long time, and we have seen it manifested against different Asian/American and Pacific Islander communities in many ways over the years. As the coronavirus pandemic escalates, we have seen more harassment, discrimination, and even violence directed at these communities.
In response to the rise in Anti-Asian/American and xenophobic harassment, we at Hollaback! partnered with Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC to adapt our free bystander intervention training as well as offering a de-escalation training to meet this moment. We would like to invite you to attend our free bystander intervention trainings. Please note you must register in advance at this link. Dates are added intermittently, so you're welcome to bookmark the link to stay up-to-date on our training sessions.
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Personal Prayer Spaces on Campus - Spring 2021
Communal religious practices are happening virtually or off-campus this semester. Cannon Chapel, the university chapel on the Quad, is closed for communal spiritual gatherings. However, there are small prayer spaces around campus that are available for individual prayer and meditation. To see a list of those spaces, please click here or below.
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Weekly Religious and Philosophical Gatherings
While this is a year unlike any other, there are a plethora of weekly religious and philosophical gatherings offered at Emory. Many of them are listed here.
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Upcoming Religious Holidays and Festivals
These events are drawn from the multifaith calendar maintained by the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at Harvard Divinity School. To see more upcoming religious holidays and festivals, please click here.
Great Lent Ongoing through Friday, April 30 Tradition: Christianity-Orthodox In Orthodox churches, the first day of Lent marks the beginning of the Great Fast, the final six weeks of a 10-week period leading up to Holy Week and Easter (Pascha). In the churches that follow the Gregorian calendar, Lent is a six-week observance (40 days excluding Sundays) beginning with Ash Wednesday and culminating in Holy Week. It is a time of repentance and sacrifice in preparation for Easter.
Ramadan April 12-May 12 Tradition: Islam The Holy Month of Ramadan is the month of fasting during which Muslims who are physically able do not eat or drink from the first sign of dawn until sunset in honor of the first revelations to the Prophet Muhammad. The evening meal is celebrated with family.
Vaisakhi Tuesday, April 13 Traditions: Sikhism and Hinduism Occurs on the first day of the solar year. It is primarily an agricultural festival, celebrating the harvest, and is especially important in North India. It is named after the month Vaisakh. For Sikhs, it is also the anniversary of the creation of the Khalsa (the "Brotherhood of the Pure") in 1699 by Guru Gobind Singh.
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We welcome your support for the mission and programs of the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life. Thank you for your prayers and generosity.
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Emory OSRL Enews is published weekly during term by the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life covering Atlanta-campus programs. For Oxford College spiritual life, please click here. To submit information or to update your preferences, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu.
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