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Week of: October 21-25

Student Spotlight
Olivia Kavapalu
Meet Olivia Kavapalu! She’s a health, society & policy and international studies double major and CSBS ambassador. When asked what inspires her to #bethesolution, Olivia said, “As Starr Carter from Angie Thomas' "The Hate U Give", articulately puts it, 'What’s the point of having a voice if you’re gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn’t be?' With an ability to speak up and dismantle oppressive systems, I choose to #bethesolution because the moment we decide to silence ourselves is the same moment where we surrender. #Bethesolution means more than speaking out against instances of injustice and strife. It asks individuals to sacrifice their complacency and use their privilege for good. #Bethesolution is the conscious decision to evolve; to grow; to move.”
Wake Up: Film Screening
Tuesday, October 29 | 6-8:30 PM
CTIHB Room 109 

As part of SafeU Month, the College of Social and Behavioral Science presents Wake Up, a documentary chronicling stories from the frontlines of suicide prevention.

The screening will be followed by a panel discussion.
Panel participants:
  • Nate Townsend, the film’s director
  • Professor Craig Bryan, the director of NCVS
  • Rep. Steve Eliason, sponsor of suicide prevention legislation in Utah
  • Dr. Lauren Weitzman, University of Utah Counseling Center
Faculty, staff and students are invited to attend. Limited seating is available. RSVP to
How Good is Your Online Study Game?
Did you know that the most common study strategies students use are among the least effective study strategies available?
Students often rely on re-reading, underlining, and highlighting their notes as their primary study strategy, but this is the least effective way to truly learn course content! Even worse, many online students don’t even take notes in the first place when watching lecture videos or reading online texts, which means they aren’t giving themselves a foundation upon which to study later in the semester.
Consider combining any of the study strategies below to get more out of your online courses:
  • Take hand-written notes while watching lectures and reading online texts
  • Create a study guide
  • Make and use flash cards
  • Design mind maps of course concepts
  • Use mnemonics
  • Quiz yourself
  • Create a study group
  • Get plenty of sleep and eat nutritious food
For even more information on how to increase your study game, visit the Tools for Success page for students at the U.
Tools for Success
A New Future for Antitrust?
Friday, October 25 - Saturday, October 26
Carolyn and Kem Gardner Commons

A conversation between Utah judges, law professors, attorneys & economists
Antitrust Conference Details
FLAS Scholarship 2019 Info Sessions
Monday, October 28 | 1 PM CTIHB 351
Wednesday, October 30 | 1 PM CTIHB 351
Tuesday, November 19 | 5 PM CTIHB 211
Thursday, November 21 | 3 PM CTIHB 211
FLAS scholarships are open to U of U students in any department (except the School of Medicine) for the study of a less commonly taught foreign language and related area studies. 
These sessions will address eligibility requirements, award amounts, requirements if awarded, and application information, such as transcripts, the statement of purpose, and the letters of recommendations. There will also be food provided!

The next application is due on January 31st, 2020 for the Summer 2020 FLAS award and/or the Academic Year 2020-2021 FLAS award.
Learn more about FLAS
October is SafeU Month
Week 4: Physical/Environmental Safety
From October 21-27, SafeU Month will highlight lab safety, lighting, digital security and emergency response information.
Learn more about SafeU Month
Spring 2020 Course Registration
Registration is in full swing for Spring 2020! Check CIS to make sure you don't have any registration holds. Remember to sign up for classes ASAP so you can stay on track for graduation. Make an appointment with your advisor if you need help.
Check your registration date
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