Women's Week. CSBS 50th Anniversary Event Series.
Women's Week. CSBS 50th Anniversary Event Series.
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CSBS 50th Anniversary Event Series

Featuring keynote speaker Katharine Hayhoe
To celebrate our college's 50th-anniversary milestone, we're delighted to welcome our keynote speaker, Katharine Hayhoe - Chief Scientist at The Nature Conservancy, and one of Time's 100 most influential people. Join us on April 18 - 19 for two days of inspiring talks, important discussions, and the chance to connect with your fellow CSBS Community. Tickets are limited, reserve yours today!
Learn More & Reserve Tickets!

CSBS Social Solutions Series

Understanding the Societal Impacts of Racial and Income Disparities
Join us on March 24 from 12:15pm-1:30pm at GC 2900 as we take a closer look at our understanding of the societal impacts of racial and income disparities. The CSBS Social Solutions Series explores how social and environmental challenges facing our world can be addressed by social and behavioral science research.
Zoom Meeting ID: 843 1648 9639
Password: 2022 
Learn More & RSVP!

Center for Health Outcomes and Population Equity (HOPE) Research Assistants

The Center for Health Outcomes and Population Equity (HOPE) is currently looking for Undergraduate Research Assistants. Research Assistants will be working with a team headed by Dr. David Wetter and Dr. Cho Lam on mobile health (mHealth) and other studies targeting tobacco cessation. 
If you are looking for a Work Study position, a non-Work Study paid position, or a position for credit hours, please use the information below and someone from the Center for HOPE will contact you. 

  • If you are eligible for Work Study, please use this link.
  • If you are interested in a non-Work Study paid position, please use this link
  • If you are interested in a position for credit hours, please contact Lindsey Potter here


Women of the World Fashion Show
March 9, 5:30-8:30 PM
NOIR Event Center
Co-sponsored by the Tanner Center for Human Rights, the Women of the World Fashion Show is designed to help connect our cultures and provide you with an excellent opportunity to meet many of your amazing neighbors. The fashion show gives women that are connected to Women of the World a chance to show off the parts of their homeland they love and teach you about their beautiful cultures.
More Info Here!
Women’s Week Keynote Address: Ericka Hart
March 14, 12-1 PM
Saltair Room (Union)
Start Women’s Week with an inspiring keynote address from an individual who embodies resiliency and demonstrates how to find strength by shifting/striving/thriving through and between challenges and chapters of our lives.
Ericka Hart (pronouns: she/they) is a black queer femme activist, writer, highly acclaimed speaker and award-winning sexuality educator with a Master’s of Education in Human Sexuality from Widener University.
Check It Out!
Upcoming Deadlines
Monday, March 7

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