Global Innovation + Training
Global Innovation + Training

Bringing The National Committee Survey Into Focus 

4 Minute Read

We recently sent a survey to committee chairs and staff across the mission.  The good news is...we got great feedback! The even better news is that committees want to be more involved with staff in reaching kids.  Here are a few of the highlights:
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Ministry In Unlikely Places:  

Serving The Refugee Population

3 Minute Read

We all have pictures in our mind of what Young Life camp looks like, right?  However, there are a few camps happening this summer that look a little different from what we typically picture in our minds.   Let’s take a look at two camps to see what I mean:  one you know and one you don’t know.
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A Year of Contact Work in One Week

4 minute read

Back in the mid-eighties, John Vicary and I drove a van of kids to Frontier Ranch.   He was the Area Director of Waco, and I was a really mediocre college volunteer leader.  Sure, I could play guitar, lead songs, and perform skits, but my contact work was severely lacking.  I was a walking example of “form without function.”

I’ll never forget that trip, as it changed everything for me.  It wasn’t just the fact that a big offensive lineman named “Mackie” would sing Neil Diamond songs at the top of his lungs from the middle seat.  It was the fact that I got to experience a year of contact work in one week.
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"Now That's An Acronym


3 minute read

We do love our TLA's in YL. I’m sure you can think of a few right now.  Today, we want to focus on one really important TLA: IDP.

“The IDP, or individual development plan, is a tool to assist employees in career and personal development. Its primary purpose is to help employees reach short and long-term career goals, as well as improve current job performance. An IDP is not a performance evaluation tool or a one-time activity.”
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 Discipleship Anatomy 101

6 minute read

Followers of Jesus embrace and enter their own life of discipleship in a myriad of ways – devotional, contemplative, communal, sacramental, missional, practical, theological, and more.

Followers of Jesus embrace and enter the process of discipling others in a myriad of contexts – relational, conversational, missional, instructional, collaborative, and more.

There's a lot in here, so let’s take a look at how we practically do that.  I like to think in terms of Discipleship Anatomy to help us identify and lean into these different contexts.
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Fill out this survey and be entered in our drawing to win a Mountainsmith Daypack! We would love to know the name that you are using for the Discipleship Group(s) in your area. 

One Question Survey

ALPHA Recordings To Enhance Your Ministry

Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone is welcome.
The series offers compelling stories, images, questions, and discussion topics well spread throughout each episode to better engage youth, helping them think about how these issues relate to their lives as they discuss with their friends and leaders.  
We can't encourage you enough to go check out this amazing resource!
**Note:  This email was sent to all YL staff and committee chairs.

Upcoming Trainings

  • Registration opens for Biblical Interpretation on August 13
  • ATTENTION all Supervisors: New Staff training for 2020 will have a new location and new time: Washington Family Ranch, August 2019. Look for more information coming soon!
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