A monthly e-newsletter from the North Central Region Water Network April 2024
Network News
While the trees are budding and planting is underway, we are busy planning events and trainings for the remainder of the year. We are excited to announce that we are partnering with the North Central Climate Collaborative and others to host a North Central Agriculture and Climate Conference July 31-August 1 in Peoria, Illinois. The conference will be a great opportunity for extension professionals, agricultural advisors, and technical service providers to connect with colleagues and learn the latest climate-related research and extension programming.
We are also busy planning a regional training for agricultural educators on conservation finance in Arlington, Wisconsin September 16th and 17th and a follow-up Climate, Water and Equity Workshop to be held in Minneapolis October 9-11th ahead of the annual FALCON Conference. Stay tuned for more details on both!
-The North Central Region Water Network team
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Agroforestry practices can have a positive impact on water quality while simultaneously helping address agricultural resource concerns. This webinar will feature Nate Lawrence with the Savanna Institute, Billy Beck with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and Ranjith Udawatta with the University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry who showcase their research. Register
Photo by Billy Beck
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This summer, the North Central Agriculture and Climate Conference will unite Extension and agricultural professionals from across the region to spotlight climate adaptation and mitigation research, outreach, and Extension programs. The conference is being hosted by the North Central Climate Collaborative, the North Central Regional Water Network, USDA Midwest Climate Hub, Extension Foundation, and partners. The event - which will be July 31st - August 1st at the Peoria Civic Center - will provide ample opportunity for Extension professionals, ag advisors, and technical service providers to share their work and gain valuable knowledge on the climate-related work happening across the region. Read on
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Save water. Renew Soils. Support Farms. This is Dr. Mallika Nocco’s vision for the Conservation Irrigation Lab, her research and extension program that recently moved from California (UC-Davis) to Wisconsin (UW-Madison). Dr. Nocco’s mission is to provide science-based information for growers, managers, and policy makers to navigate the ever-changing terrain of sustainable agricultural practices and implement water-saving measures that advance production goals. Her group collaborates across disciplines and believes deeply in the power of applied research and cooperative extension. Read on
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In The News Upcoming Events Unpacking the Agricultural and Water Aspects of the Fifth National Climate Assessment across the North Central Region May 2, 2024 The Fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA5), released in November 2023, is the US Government’s preeminent report on climate change impacts, risks, and responses. Join us as authors from several chapters pertinent to the North Central Region (Agriculture, Midwest, Northern Great Plains, and Southern Great Plains) provide highlights related to agriculture and water. Register
Exploring nine years of the Wisconsin's Producer Led Watershed Program and the new Soil Health program May 15, 2024 The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP)’s Producer-Led Watershed program began in 2016 with 14 farmer-led groups and has grown to 47 groups around the state with the all of the groups focusing on soil health in addition to watershed management. This growth in the interest in soil health by Producer-Led groups has led DATCP and the County Conservation Departments to focus on soil health as well. The new Soil Health Program and the online Soil Health Training is DATCPs start to build support for both the Producer-Led groups and the County Land Conservation Departments that DATCP serves. Tune into this Digital Café as Randy Zogbaum, Soil Health Specialist for DATCP, discusses Wisconsin’s growing Producer-Led Watershed program and DATCP’s soil health programming. Register
Adaptation in Action: Changing rainfall patterns and floodrisk May 21, 2024 The University of Minnesota's Climate Adapation Partnership has announced their spring webinar speakers: Chanel Mueller, with the U.S Army Corps of Engineers, and Ketzel Levens, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Duluth. Chanel and Ketzel will discuss changing rainfall patterns in our region and flood mitigation efforts. Register
Advancing Harmful Algal Bloom Treatment with Microbiology May 30, 2024 Join the Great Lakes HABs Collaborative for a webinar series on HABs mitigation and treatment. In this third webinar in the series, speakers Brianna Fernando and Lyndsay Carrigee of USACE ERDC will focus on HABs treatment and remediation through bacteria and their by-products. Register
Funding and Opportunities Oregon State University Extension Cluster Hire The Organic Agriculture Program at Oregon State University is pleased to announce a cluster hire of four new Extension faculty positions specializing in organic, regenerative, and low input farming. The four positions will focus on Organic Soil Management, Organic Seed and Planting Stock, Organic Grains and Pulses, and Organic Tree Fruits and Nuts. These statewide Extension positions will work as a collaborative team with the current Organic Vegetable and Organic Pasture and Forages specialists – and in partnership with farmers across Oregon– to create leading edge educational programs and applied research for all farmers of all scales and all approaches to farming. Learn more
12th U.S. Symposium on Harmful Algae Call for Abstracts The 12th U.S. Symposium on Harmful Algae will be held on October 27-November 1, 2024 in Portland, Maine. The theme, ONE BLOOM, seeks to identify and highlight commonalities across diverse study systems and disciplines within Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) research. Sessions and discussions will foster a unified understanding that integrates perspectives and approaches in HAB science, and equips researchers, managers, and policymakers with the knowledge needed to address this pressing environmental challenge. Submit your abstract by May 8. Learn more
Practical Farmers of Iowa Senior Research Coordinator PFI is seeking a senior research coordinator to help manage the Cooperators’ Program. You will join a team of staff scientists committed to supporting farmers as they perform proof-of-concept investigation and ground-truth new ideas and practices. In this role, you’ll work with a diverse group of farmers representing a range of farm sizes, enterprises and production practices, from grain crops to vegetables, organic to no-till. Many farms have integrated crop-vegetable systems and livestock. Learn more
News Minnesota releases new soil health action framework The Soil Health Action Plan for Minnesota was a collaborative effort of MOSH and the Board of Water and Soil Resources, with funding from the McKnight Foundation. The goal of this effort was to promote a coordinated approach to climate change mitigation and landscape resiliency, by collaboratively identifying goals, strategies, and actions related to soil management. They aimed to promote cross-sector conversations and produce guidance for public and private entities as they develop their own internal action plans, programs and policies. Read more
Grassed waterways are fundamental in reducing erosion and impacting water quality Grassed waterways play a critical role on the landscape by stabilizing areas of concentrated water flow. If grassed waterways are installed properly and have an adequate grass cover, they can significantly reduce sediment and nutrient losses. Read more
EPA puts limits on 'forever chemicals' in drinking water The Environmental Protection Agency announced new drinking water standards to limit exposure to a class of chemicals called PFAS. PFAS stands for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances – a large group of man-made chemicals that have been used since the 1940s to waterproof and stainproof products from clothing, makeup and furniture to firefighting foam and semiconductors. This is the first time the agency has set enforceable limits on PFAS in drinking water. Read more
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