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May 1, 2014
Archbishop Oshagan delivered the invocation at the 99th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide during the annual gathering in Times Square organized by the Knights and Daughters of Vartan, with the co-sponsorship and participation of all Armenian churches and community organizations, on Sunday, April 27. The Prelate’s invocation follows:
Almighty God, once again we are assembled here in the crossroads of the world to remember the genocide that befell the Armenian people.
Ninety-nine years ago, on April 24, 1915, a nightmare began for the Armenian nation—a nightmare that surpasses human understanding, and a nightmare that cannot be forgotten. One and a half million Armenians—one-half of their total population—were brutally and savagely slaughtered by Ottoman Turkey on the very land that the Armenians had inhabited since antiquity. The remaining population was forcibly and cruelly deported from Anatolia, where the Armenians had lived for nearly three millennia.
Ninety-nine years is more than a lifetime. But memory outlasts human life because it becomes a part of history, the collective, continuing memory of humanity. Some may ask: “Why is it necessary to remember after 99 years?” It is necessary because a crime against humanity cannot be forgotten. To forget such an atrocious act would be another crime, just as to deny the truth of the event is also a crime—a further crime against the victims and a crime against their children, grandchildren, and all their descendants yet to come.
Sadly, the genocide of the Armenians is denied not only by the perpetrators, but also by our own government in Washington. The very same government whose archives contain innumerable documents that attest to the annihilation of the Armenians. The very same government that helped rescued thousands of Armenian orphans. The words of Martin Luther King, Jr., resonate in our minds and souls: “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
Heavenly Father, we stand before you in this 99th year, on the threshold of the 100th anniversary of the Genocide, and ask for Your divine guidance in our quest for truth and justice.
Remember the Armenian Martyrs who cannot rest in peace and who wait for justice with repentance, redemption, and reparation. Bless this gathering, the organizers and the thousands who came from near and far.
We faithfully praise your name through Christ our Lord, who is the way, the truth, and life. Amen.
The 2014 gathering at Times Square—an event that the Knights and Daughters of Vartan have organized for the past 25 years—attracted a large number of attendees. Key U.S. politicians offered their message of affirmation of their commitment to the recognition of the Armenian genocide, including Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ); Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY); Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ); Congressman Eliot Engle (D-NY); Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY); Councilman Paul Vallone (D-NY); John Liu, former New York City Comptroller.
Dr. Dennis Papazian, Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Michigan and Past Grand Commander of the Knights of Vartan, spoke eloquently, declaring “We will come back for another quarter of a century until justice is done for the Armenian people.”
The emotional performance of the young Armenian American rapper, R-Mean, was a highlight of the afternoon that attracted the attention of the thousands of passers-by at the crossroads of the world. Dr. Mary Papazian, President of Southern Connecticut State University and Armen McOmber, New Jersey attorney, served as MCs.

On April 24, Archbishop Oshagan presided over the Solemn Divine Liturgy and Requiem Service at St. Illuminator’s Cathedral, New York City, in remembrance of the Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide. The Liturgy was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian, pastor of St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New York. Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian, pastor of the Cathedral, and Rev. Haig Kherlopian, pastor of the Armenian Evangelical Church, were also present.
Following the services, Madagh was offered. The day concluded with a “Walk to the United Nations,” organized by the ARF and ANC of New York.
Following the Liturgy and Requiem Service, a large group, including many young people, marched to the United Nations.
Rev. Fr. Torkom Chorbajian, a newly ordained clergyman, who recently arrived from Antelias, Lebanon, celebrated the Divine Liturgy and delivered the Sermon at St. Stephen’s Church, Watertown, Massachusetts, on April 24.
Der Torkom is currently serving under the tutelage of Archpriest Fr. Antranig Baljian, pastor of St. Stephen’s Church. Following his period of apprenticeship, Der Torkom will be assigned to a parish.
Rev. Fr. Torkom Chorbajian with Archpriest Fr. Antranig Baljian, at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy on April 24 at St. Stephen’s Church, Watertown.
St. Gregory Church of Merrimack Valley took part in a unified genocide commemoration on  Sunday, April 27, sponsored by the Armenian Genocide Commemorative Committee of Merrimack valley. Participants included, left to right, Deacon Avedis Garavanian (North Andover); Rev. Fr. Khachatur Kesablyan, pastor of Sts. Vartanantz Church, Chelmsford; Rev. Fr. Stephan Baljian, pastor of St. Gregory Church, North Andover; and Deacon Ara Jeknavorian (Chelmsford).
Bishop Anoushavan will celebrate the Divine Liturgy and deliver the Sermon at Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, New Jersey this Sunday, May 3. Following the Liturgy, His Grace will make his presentation in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the passing of Catholicos Zareh I (1963), and the 30th anniversary of the passing of Khoren I (1983).
The Vicar has been offering this presentation during the past year at a number of parishes in the United States, as well as in Canada. Sunday’s event in New Jersey will be the final presentation.
Bishop Anoushavan has also written a book about the Catholicoi based on his presentation, “Words from the Depths of My Heart,” in English and Armenian editions that are available at the Prelacy’s Bookstore.
Tomorrow evening, Friday, May 2, Bishop Anoushavan will preside over the parish’s “Appreciation Night.”

The 2014 National Representative Assembly (NRA), along with the Clergy Conference, and the Conference of the National Association of Ladies Guilds (NALG), will take place May 13-17, hosted by St. Sarkis Church, Dearborn, Michigan. Delegates and guests will find more information here.

St. Gregory of Datev Institute will hold its 28th annual summer program for youth ages 13-18 at St. Mary of Providence Center in Elverson, Pennsylvania, from June 29 to July 6, 2014. The program is sponsored by the Prelacy’s Armenian Religious Education Council (AREC).

For information and registration, please visit the Prelacy website (

As in the past two years, tenor Kevork Hadjian was invited from Armenia by St. Illuminator’s Cathedral to direct the choir for Holy Week services. A deacon of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Mr. Hadjian (born in Anjar, Lebanon), a graduate of the Antelias seminary and the Gomidas Conservatory in Yerevan, is an accomplished singer who has already released four CDs of Armenian sacred, traditional, and patriotic music.
As part of Mr. Hadjian’s short sojourn, on Friday, April 25, Rev. Mesrob Lakissian, pastor of St. Illuminator’s Cathedral, organized a recital at the church under the auspices and the attendance of His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan. A large audience attended and enjoyed a wonderful night of Armenian music. Mr. Hadjian was accompanied by Anna Aidinian, an Armenia-born pianist who is continuing her teaching and performing career in the United States.
After welcoming words by Rev. Lakissian, Ms. Lalig Vartanian, member of the Board of Trustees, introduced the artists. The audience was treated to a select program of Armenian religious, folkloric, and patriotic songs which Mr. Hadjian rendered with equal mastery. Many classics, together with lesser known selections and a few premieres, delighted the audience for nearly two hours. Mr. Hadjian, an effortless and sensitive singer, closed his performance with a moving version of the timeless hymn-like song, Hayastan.
Tenor Kevork Hadjian presents a beautiful program at the Cathedral.
Archbishop Oshagan and Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian with Kevork Hadjian and accompanist Anna Aidinian at the conclusion of the concert.
Note: Beginning last Monday (April 28)  and continuing until Pentecost (June 8), each day four Gospels are read in the following order: (1) Morning—Luke; (2) Midday—John; (3) Evening—Matthew; (4) Evening dismissal—Mark.
Bible readings for Sunday, April 14, Green Sunday are: 1) Luke 6:12-45; 2) Acts 9:23-31; 1 Peter 2:1-10; John 2:23-3:12) Matthew 8:18-9:8; 4) Mark 3:6-12.
When he was in Jerusalem during the Passover festival, many believed in his name because they saw the signs that he was doing. But Jesus on his part would not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people and needed no on e to testify about anyone, for he himself knew what was in everyone.
Now there was a Pharisee named Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews. He came to Jesus by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God; for no one can do these signs that you do apart from the presence of God.” Jesus answered him, “Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above.” Nicodemus said to him, “How can anyone be born after having grown old? Can one enter a second time into the mother’s womb and be born?” Jesus answered, “Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be astonished that I said to you, ‘You must be born from above.’ The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” Nicodemus said to him, “How can these things be?” Jesus answered him, “Are you a teacher of Israel, and yet you do not understand these things?
“Very truly, I tell you, we speak of what we know and testify to what we have seen; yet you do not receive our testimony. If I have told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you about heavenly things.”  (John 2:23-3:12)
For a listing of the coming week’s Bible readings click here.
Easter Sunday is followed by a period of fifty days (Hinoonk) during which there are no fasting days and no saints’ days. This period from the Resurrection to Pentecost (Hokekaloost) is dedicated to the glorification of the Resurrection. Each of the seven Sundays of Hinoonk has a special name. Last Sunday, the first Sunday after Easter, was New Sunday.
This Sunday, May 4, is Green Sunday (Ganach Giragi), also called Sunday of the World Church (Ashkharhamadoor), that commemorates the establishment in Jerusalem of the first Christian church where Christ met with the Apostles in the upper room.
Green Sunday most probably originates from an ancient folk holiday celebrating spring. Our forefathers, seeing mother earth bloom after long winter months, glorified the Creator with an act of thanksgiving and celebrated by decorating the church and themselves with greenery. The reawakening of nature is symbolic of the Resurrection. Green is the color of life, freshness, and promise. After a barren winter we are filled with hope, life, and love.
Green Sunday is the perfect time for us to remember and reinforce our obligations to be good stewards of the earth and to be caretakers of the gifts given to us by God. More than twenty years ago, on May 12, 1993, the Clergy Conference at the Prelacy’s National Representative Assembly that convened at Soorp Khatch Church, in Maryland, issued a strong statement on the environment and recommended that each year “Green Sunday, the second Sunday after Easter, be declared a day when all the faithful of the Church observe the sanctity of God’s creation and the purity of the environment.”
“Armenians do not want sympathy or mercy from the Turkish authorities; they demand the recognition of the Genocide and Reparations,” His Holiness said at the Martyrs Memorial Chapel in Antelias following a requiem service.
On April 24, following the Holy Liturgy at the Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator in Antelias, the faithful attended the requiem service in memory of the martyrs in front of the Memorial Chapel.
His Holiness Aram I presided over the service and, addressed the people with the following message:
The Armenian Genocide was planned and executed 99 years ago by the Ottoman authorities. As Armenians in the Diaspora commemorate the 100th anniversary of the first Genocide of the 20th century, the international community should understand that the Genocide continues today in different forms:
Governments who have committed themselves to supporting all international declarations, covenants and treaties regarding human rights have cynically chosen to protect their geopolitical interests by not demanding that Turkey be held accountable for its crimes against the Armenian people.
The Genocide created the Diaspora. Practically all parts of Article Two of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide apply to Turkey’s actions in 1915. The Convention stipulates the following acts as genocidal: “…killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.” Yet certain of the 145 signatory countries, while insisting that these standards be applied in some situations, refuse to accept them in the case of Turkey. Why are they applying double standards? Why?
The Genocide continues: Not only are Armenians deprived of their spiritual and cultural heritage in Western Armenia and Cilicia, the successors of the perpetrators are trying to eliminate all signs of that heritage that might identify its owners. Why in this case is UNESCO not honoring its goal of protecting monuments, buildings and sites?
The Genocide continues: Turkey has transformed our churches into mosques, restaurants, factories, and parks. In order to placate the West, the government of Turkey has transformed a few churches into museums.
The Genocide continues: Turkey has manipulated the 1922 Abandoned Properties laws in order to hold on to the properties and artifacts belonging to the Church, the community and individuals. Don’t they know that confiscating property is against human rights?
The Genocide continues: In order to coerce Armenia and all Armenians into negotiating on its own terms, Turkey is cooperating with Azerbaijan in imposing an economic blockade on the state of Armenia.
The Genocide continues: as Turkey is mobilizing its political, diplomatic, and economic means to promote anti-Armenian propaganda.
The Genocide continues: Turkey is reviving the Ottoman expansionist policy in Syria through proxy wars. Extremists in Der Zor, Yacoubieh, Tel Abeid, Ras-ul Ain and, lately, in Kessab have forced Armenians to leave their homes and their properties. Their means of livelihood and belongings have been looted and taken to Turkey. 1915 is being repeated while the world stays silent.
The Genocide continues: Turkey continues to deny the Genocide and to describe Armenians as traitors and disloyal citizens.
Who will call Turkey to account at the International Court of Human Rights?
Why does the Arab world remain silent to Turkey’s expansionist policies?
Last night we read the message of the Prime Minister of Turkey to Armenians. Distortions of historical facts cannot silence truth. The happenings of 1915 were not a simple consequence of the war. They were planned and executed by Tala’at and Enver Pasha and their minions against our grandparents. We therefore reject Turkey’s condolences and demand justice, reparation and Turkey’s recognition of the Genocide.
With this determination we shall plan the 100th anniversary commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.
We have now entered the tenth decade that will lead us to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on April 24, 2015. The Prelacy’s Bookstore has an extensive collection of books (in Armenian and English) about the Genocide including histories, historical novels, memoirs, eye witness testimonies, essays, and poetry. From now through next April we will feature one or two books each week from the Bookstore’s collection.
The Armenian Genocide
Evidence from the German Foreign Office Archives, 1915-1916

Wolfgang Gust, editor

This recently published work is the long-awaited English edition compiled and edited by Wolfgang Gust. It contains hundreds of telegrams, letters, and reports from German consular officials in the Ottoman Empire to the Foreign Office in Berlin describing in detail the unfolding genocide of the Armenians. The documents provide unequivocal evidence of the genocidal intent of the Young Turks, as well as the German government’s official acquiescence and complicity. The 126-page Introduction provides a concise, yet amazingly thorough and cogent, historical review of the Armenian Genocide. The remaining pages of the 786-page book are the translated documents.

786 pages, hardcover, $90.00, plus shipping & handling
With your order of the above book, the Bookstore will include FREE a copy of:
Armenian Atrocities: The Murder of a Nation
By Arnold J. Toynbee

To order contact the Prelacy Bookstore by email ( or by telephone (212-689-7810).
(Prepared by the Armenian National Education Committee[ANEC])
Death of Levon I (May 2, 1219)
The Armenian state of Cilicia (1080-1375) started as a princedom under the rule of Rupen I (1080-1095). It played an important role during the first Crusades under the Rupenian dynasty. In a hundred years, it would become a kingdom due to the efforts of Prince Levon II.
Levon (known as Leo in non-Armenian sources) was born in 1150. His father Stepan, the third son of Prince Levon I (1129-1137), was murdered by the Byzantines in 1165. His paternal uncle, Mleh I (1169-1175), had made a host of enemies and was assassinated by his own soldiers in Sis. Levon’s elder brother, Rupen, elected to succeed Mleh, was imprisoned in 1183 by Prince Bohemond III of Antioch, who had begun hostilities against him in alliance with Prince Hetum III of Lambron.
Levon became regent during his brother’s absence. Rupen was released in 1187 after the payment of a large ransom and cession of two cities to Antioch. He relinquished power to his brother and retired to the monastery of Drazark.
Levon II had an initial rapprochement with Bohemond III as a result of the alliance between Byzantium and Sultan Saladin of Egypt. He even married Isabelle, a niece of his rival’s wife.
He approached Frederick I Barbarossa, the German emperor, when he entered the Armenian territories on his way during the Third Crusade, but the emperor drowned in Cilicia in 1190. Nevertheless, Levon participated in the siege of Acre and in 1191 he joined King Richard the Lionheart in the conquest of Cyprus.
Levon II was intent upon ensuring the security of Cilicia. He entered in conflict with Saladin, who died in 1193, and Bohemond III, whom he took prisoner in the same year. A solution of the conflict between Cilicia and Antioch was found when Raymond of Antioch, son of Bohemond III, married Levon’s niece Alice. However, Raymond died soon and Alice and her infant son Raymond-Rupen were returned to Cilicia. The Armenian prince determined that his great-nephew should inherit Antioch on the death of Bohemond III.
Levon II pressed for a royal crown and sought the assistance of German emperor Henry VI and Pope Celestine III. The latter required submission of the Armenian Church to Rome, but this was opposed by the Armenian bishops. Byzantine emperor Alexios III sent Levon a royal crown, and the negotiations between an Armenian embassy headed by Bishop Nerses of Lambron and the Byzantine side in Constantinople centered on religious questions, and were fruitless in the end.
Finally, Levon II was crowned on January 6, 1198, in Tarsus by Catholicos Gregory VI Abirad, and received another royal insignia by the Papal legate, Archbishop Conrad of Mainz. After the fall of the Bagratuni kingdom of Ani in 1045, an Armenian kingdom had been restored. He was Levon II when a prince, but after his coronation, he became Levon I, because he was the first king of that name. He would issue coins with the legend “King of All Armenians” (Takavor Amenayn Hayots).
Levon I was entangled in the conflict of succession of Antioch. When Bohemond III died in 1201, although the barons had sworn allegiance to the king’s great-nephew Raymond-Roupen, Bohemond’s second son, Count Bohemond of Tripoli, opposed the validity of the oath and was installed as Bohemond IV of Antioch. The Papacy, the Templars, the emir of Aleppo, and the Seljuk Sultan of Konia were involved in the conflict at one time or another. Levon was finally able to install Raymond-Roupen as prince of Antioch in 1216.
Meanwhile, he received “injurious information” about his wife Isabelle. The king imprisoned her in the fortress of Vahka, where she died around 1206. He married Sibylle, the half-sister of King Hugh I of Cyprus, in 1211. His daughter Rita (d. in 1220) married King John I of Jerusalem in 1214.
However, before his death in 1219, Levon quarreled with his great nephew Raymond Roupen and named his young daughter Zabel (born in 1215) as his rightful heir. Levon I is known in Armenian history as Levon I Medzakordz (the Magnificent). Several years of conflict for the succession of the throne of Cilicia would ensue. Finally, in 1226 Zabel would marry Hetum, son of Constantin of Baberon, and this would end the long dynastic and territorial rivalry, unifying the two most powerful families of the kingdom: the Rupenians and the Hetumians.
Previous entries in “This Week in Armenian History” are on the Prelacy’s web site (
The publishing world descended on London from April 8 to 10 with exhibitors from around the world. For the second consecutive year, the Armenians were represented under the banner of the Armenian Pavilion incorporating authors and publishers from Armenia and the Diaspora.
The London Book Fair is the second most important book fair after the Frankfurt Book Fair, which is the world’s largest. This year the Pavilion registered 33 exhibitors from Armenia, France, Germany, Lebanon, turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States—a significant increase from last year.
The purpose of the Armenian Pavilion is to share with the world Armenian culture, literature, history, and the truth through books and through authors and writers.
Visitors check out the offerings at the Armenian Pavilion at the London Book Fair.
The crises in Syria, including the recent upheaval in Kessab, need our financial assistance.
Please keep this community in your prayers, your hearts, and your pocketbooks.
The Fund for Syrian Armenian Relief is a joint effort of: Armenian Apostolic Church of America (Eastern Prelacy); Armenian Catholic Eparchy; Armenian Evangelical Union of North America; Armenian Relief Society (Eastern USA, Inc.); Armenian Revolutionary Federation.
Thank you for your help
A New Prelacy Publication:
Commentary on the Four Evangelists
By Stepanos Siwnetsi
Translated from the Classical Armenian by Michael B. Papazian
(Includes Armenian text)

The Armenian contribution to biblical interpretation has remained largely unstudied and inaccessible to all but scholars of classical Armenian. This translation of an Armenian commentary on the Gospels is a small effort to bring to a wider audience one example from the rich tradition of biblical commentary in medieval Armenia. The Commentary on the Four Evangelists, attributed to Stepanos Siwnetsi (c. 688-735) is an especially appropriate starting point for the study of Armenian biblical interpretation. It is one of the earliest extant commentaries written in Armenian and is attributed to one of the most important and gifted Armenian theologians of the early Middle Ages. Thus, the commentary presents us with valuable insights on biblical exegesis and theology during this period.

334 pages, soft cover, $20.00 plus shipping & handling

For information or to order this book, contact the Armenian Prelacy Bookstore by email ( or by phone (212-689-7810).
May 1—Avak luncheon at noon, St. Gregory Church, 158 Main Street, North Andover, Massachusetts. Speaker: Tom Vartabedian, “A 50-Year Retrospective into Armenian American Journalism,” with stores and photos.
May 9—Armenian Relief Society Mayr Chapter of New York presents “A Mother’s Day Dinner Dance,” featuring the Akhtamar Dance Ensemble and music by Khajag, at the Armenian Center, 69-23 47th Avenue, Woodside, New York. Adults $40; children (under 10) $15. For reservations: Anais, 718-392-6982 or Anahid 718-263-9325.
May 10—Unveiling of new genocide memorial by Lowell City Hall, sponsored by the Armenian Genocide Monument Committee of Merrimack Valley, 10 am, downtown procession, followed by program at City Hall and reception in St. Ann’s Church at noon. Musical interlude by soloist Sevan Dulgarian. Sheriff Peter Koutoujian, MC.
May 10—“Remembering Zahrad” on the 90th anniversary of his birth. Sponsored by the Esayan-Getronagan Alumni of New York, 8 pm at Kalustyan Hall, Armenian Church of the Holy Martyrs, Bayside, New York. Featuring: Arto Krimian, Dr. Herand Markarian, Zivart Balikjian, Berge Turabian. Admission is free.
May 11—Mothers Day Brunch organized by the Board of Trustees of St. Sarkis Church, Dearborn, Michigan, following the Divine Liturgy. Program will follow. Admission by donation.
May 16—Eastern Prelacy’s National Representative Assembly (NRA) banquet hosted by St. Sarkis Church (Dearborn) at Double Tree Hotel Banquet Hall, 5801 Southfield Service Drive, Detroit. Cocktails 7 pm; dinner 8 pm. Ticket donation, $50. For reservations contact the church office, 313-336-6200 before May 9.
May 21—Benefit for Boston’s Armenian Heritage Park, “Chefs Party for Our Park!” Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 6:30 pm, with participation of more than 15 of Boston’s top chefs. Go to for information.
May 13-17—Clergy Conference and National Representative Assembly, and Annual Conference of the National Association of Ladies’ Guilds (NALG) of the Eastern Prelacy, hosted by St. Sarkis Church, Dearborn, Michigan.
May 18—St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New York, Saturday school year-end hantes, 4 pm.
May 18—St. Stephen’s Church, New Britain, Connecticut, ARS Havadk Chapter Bingo Luncheon.
May 24—96th anniversary of Armenian independence sponsored by Lowell “Aharonian” ARF, 6 pm, St. Gregory Church, 158 Main Street, North Andover, Massachusetts. Dinner, entertainment, and speaker, Baku pogrom survivor Anna Turcotte, author of “Nowhere, A story of Exile.” Admission: $20 adults; $10 students.
May 31—The Armenian Bar Association presents a panel discussion about “Ongoing Legal Efforts and Challenges to Preserve Armenian Antiquities and Cultural Property,” at Association of the Bar of the City of New York, 42 West 44th Street, New York City (between 5th and 6th Avenues), 3:30 to 4:30 pm. Free admission. For information: Denise Darmanian or 917-848-0968.
May 31—St. Stephen’s Church, New Britain, Connecticut, Ladies’ Guild Cooking Class, “Short Cuts to Armenian Cooking,” 11 am, Homemade Lahmajoon. $15 for each class; $40 for three classes.
June 1—Ladies Guild Annual Brunch, St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New York.
June 1—St. Stephen’s Church, New Britain, Connecticut, Sunday School trip to Boston.
June 8—St. Stephen’s Church, New Britain, Connecticut, Ladies’ Guild Hot Dog Social.
June 16-17—St. Sarkis Church, Dearborn, Michigan, Sunday School Teens Seminar at Colombiere Conference and Retreat Center, Clarkston, Michigan.
June 24-26—Vacation Bible Camp for preschool (age 4) to 6th grade students at St. Sarkis Church, Dearborn, Michigan, from 10 am to 2 pm. Religious activities, lessons, crafts, and games. For information: 313-336-6200.
June 28—St. Stephen’s Church, New Britain, Connecticut, Ladies Guild Cooking Class, “Short Cuts to Armenian Cooking,” 11 am, Mock Manti. $15 for each class; $40 for three classes.
June 29 – July 6, 2014: St. Gregory of Datev Institute Summer Program for youth ages 13-18 at the St. Mary of Providence Center in Elverson, Pennsylvania, sponsored by the Prelacy’s Armenian Religious Education Council (AREC). For information, contact the AREC office at 212.689.7810 or at
July 14—39th Annual St. Sarkis Golf & Tennis Classic, Meadowbrook Country Club, Northville, Michigan. $250 donation for golf breakfast, lunch, and banquet. $125 donation banquet only. Reservations: 313-336-6200.
July 26—St. Stephen’s Church, New Britain, Connecticut, Ladies Guild Cooking Class, “Short Cuts to Armenian Cooking,” 11 am, Boereg. $15 for each class; $40 for three classes.
August 17—St. Sarkis Church (Dearborn) Grape Blessing Family Fun Picnic at Kensington Park, Kensington, Michigan. Good food, music, biking, soccer, dancing, magician, swimming, playscape, kids games, door prizes, face painting, tavloo tournament and more.
September 18—Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, New Jersey, 12th Annual Golf Classic, River Vale Country Club, River Vale, New Jersey. Rain or Shine. 11 am registration and Grilled Lunch Buffet; 1 pm Tee Off. Format: Shotgun Scramble (All player levels welcome). Golf Outing Reservation: $195; limited to first 128 paid golf reservations. Reservation includes: Grilled lunch buffet, dinner banquet, golf, cart, and range balls. Contests and Prizes. Sponsorships available. For information: 201-943-2950.
October 3—St. Sarkis Armenian Church, Douglaston, New York, Saturday School Dinner Dance Gala.
Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacy’s web site.
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Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
138 East 39th Street | New York, NY 10016 US