Music City Center
Fall 2018
Hunters Lane Job Shadowing

This school year the Music City Center is welcoming students from Hunters Lane High School Academy of Hospitality and Business for our annual job shadowing program.

The Music City Center has participated in the job shadowing program for four years and has been a partner with Hunters Lane for the past five years. Our partnership with Hunters Lane goes beyond job shadowing to providing guest speakers in classrooms, helping with resume writing, and even mock interviewing. The Music City Center believes it is important to give students exposure and teach them about career paths that are available in the ever-growing hospitality industry in Nashville. We are so excited to welcome back Hunters Lane students to participate in the job shadowing program again this year.
In August we completed our annual honey harvest from the four hives on the Green Roof. We collected 89 lbs of honey! Staff were invited to attend a lunch and learn to observe and better understand the harvesting process. Thank you to our Nashville Area Beekeepers Association volunteers and our MCC Bee Team.

What is storm water?

Storm water is water that does not soak into the ground. During heavy precipitation, storm water runoff is made up of water along with pollution or sedimentation that finds its way to our rivers and streams. Urban areas consist of many different impervious surfaces that increase storm water runoff, such as sidewalks, roads, and other concrete or asphalt paved areas. 

Why is it important to limit storm water runoff?

Pollution that is washed away with storm water drains into our water systems without being treated. Much of the storm water runoff in Nashville eventually reaches the Cumberland River, which is a source of our drinking water. Storm water runoff can pollute our waterways, making them an unhealthy place for all kinds of life. 

How does the MCC limit storm water runoff?

One way we are lessening the amount of contaminated water reaching our rivers and streams is by collecting it via our Green Roof. Underneath the 4 acres of sedum vegetation, storm water flows into our underground 360,000 gallon cistern. The water is then reused throughout the facility in 500 toilets and urinals, as well as our irrigation systems for our outdoor landscaping. When partnered with low-flow technology, collecting rain water lessens storm water runoff and minimizes our municipal water usage significantly. Last fiscal year we collected:

How can you limit storm water runoff?

Be sure to follow municipal guidelines to keep our storm water clean. Dispose of items like pet waste, litter, and yard waste properly and keep debris from blocking any drains near where you live.

Obesity Week 2018

November 11 - 15

Nashville Boat Show

January 10 - 13

With over 600,000 visitors annually, the Music City Center signage is seen by hundreds of local and out-of-town visitors daily. Our indoor digital signage system offers 36 static image LCD screens throughout the building. 
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