Emory OSRL Spiritual Welcome Events Fall 2023
Emory OSRL Spiritual Welcome Events Fall 2023
News and Programs 08.18.23
OSRL Staff 2023
Welcome from Emory Spiritual Life
The Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life (OSRL) is delighted to welcome you (back) to campus for the new academic year. Over the past few years, we have added a number of chaplains and staff to our team to better support Emory's religious and philosophical diversity and all of our students, faculty, staff, and alumni across Emory's many Schools.
To learn more about our multifaith team and their backgrounds and roles, please read their biographies here or at the button below. 
OSRL Team Biographies
Spiritual Life Resource Fair
Spiritual Life Resouce Fair
Tuesday, August 22, 12:30-2:30 p.m., Cox Hall Bridge (Rain location: Cannon Chapel)
Join the OSRL chaplains, affiliates, and student leaders at the Spiritual Life Resource Fair. Come meet spiritual, religious, and philosophical communities. Organizations will be sharing information on gatherings, practices, and opportunities to get involved with spirituality and social justice.
Snacks, giveaways, and community gathering information will be provided. For questions, please email here
Incoming Students: Apply to be a Flourishing Fellow 
As part of Emory’s focus on Student Flourishing, the Flourishing Fellows program seeks to foster resilient, inclusive, and relationship-based communities on campus. This program will  bring together a group of 12-15 diverse student leaders to be trained in the work of dialogue and community-building, and then actively engage their peers and their communities. 
Deadline to apply: August 28, 2023
Apply here

This program seeks 12-15 full-time undergraduate students to serve as Flourishing Fellows for the 2023-2024 academic year. We seek candidates from diverse spiritual, religious, nonreligious, and ethical backgrounds. Specific responsibilities of the Flourishing Fellows include: 
Participate in a retreat away from campus to bond as a group and to take a deep dive into the work of listening, connecting, and developing friendships. Flourishing Fellows will arrive back on campus with a toolbox for meeting new peers and deepening relationships with existing friends. 
Participate in a weekly lunch meeting, which will allow fellows to further develop skills, continue bonding as a group, and work as a group to manage the challenges they face.
Coordinate coffee/tea meetings with 40 fellow Emory students over the academic year. Engagements might happen in the DCT or at Kaldi’s (Fellows will have a coffee budget) or strolling around campus. In these conversations, Flourishing Fellows will be tasked with creating a reflective space for delving deeper, making connections, and imagining innovative opportunities for community engagement. 
Fellows can develop different ways to engage students for these meetings–they might start with acquaintances, or advertise the opportunity to meet for coffee and a meaningful conversation, or potentially even receive a referral for a coffee chat.
Participate in alternate weekly one-on-one supervision meetings with the program director for coaching and guidance. 
For questions, please contact Emory Associate Chaplain Rabbi Jordan Braunig at jordan.braunig@emory.edu.
Fall Start-Up Programs
Muslim Move-in Jumu'ah Prayers
Friday, August 18, 1:55 p.m., Cannon Chapel
Join Emory OSRL for Friday Prayers as you return to campus. For questions, please contact isam.vaid@emory.edu.  
Hillel at Emory: Move-In Shabbat
Friday, August 18, Meet and Greet 6:30 p.m., Student-led Kiddush and Dinner, 7:00 pm., Marcus Hillel Center, 735 Gatewood Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30322
Welcome to Emory. This pre-semester move-in Shabbat is a great way for students to get to know their new peers and enjoy a delicious Shabbat meal with the students and staff of Hillel. Contact: Hillel Rabbi Ilan Schwartz, ilan@emoryhillel.org. RSVP here
Chabad at Emory: Move-In Shabbat Service and Dinner
Friday, August 18, 7:30 p.m. services, 8:00 p.m. dinner, 1500 N Decatur Rd, Atlanta, GA 30306

Join fellow Emoryites and experience Shabbat at Chabad. A perfect blend of gourmet food, spirited singing, friendly schmoozing, and inspired ideas. This is not to be missed. Please RSVP here
Jewish Life Bagel Brunch for Students and Families
Sunday, August 20, 9:00-11:00 a.m., Marcus Hillel Center, 735 Gatewood Road, Atlanta, GA
Students and families are invited to attend the annual Bagel Brunch to explore Jewish life opportunities at Emory, including through Chabad, Hillel, MEOR, and Emory OSRL. Learn more here
For questions, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu
University Catholic Center: Sunday Mass
Sunday, August 20, 9:00 a.m., Cannon Chapel
Join us for Sunday Mass on-campus during this orientation weekend. Stay after Mass to meet student leaders and staff members from the University Catholic Center over coffee and donuts.
Contact: Catholic Affiliate Michael Zauche, michael@emorycatholic.org.
Christian Life at Emory Coffee and Donuts
Sunday, August 20, 10:00-11:00 a.m., Cannon Chapel’s Brooks Commons
Emory’s Catholic and Protestant communities welcome you to a shared reception after 9 am Mass and before 11 am Protestant Worship in Cannon Chapel. Come for coffee, donuts and fruit and learn about Christian Life at Emory.
For more information, please contact Emory Christian Chaplain Rev. Maddie Henderson Herlong at mhend25@emory.edu.
Beloved Community Christian Worship
Sunday, August 20, 11:00 a.m Service, Cannon Chapel
Emory Beloved Community is a weekly ecumenical Protestant worship service for the campus community, held in Cannon Chapel and followed by a free lunch. All are welcome.
Contact: Christian Chaplain Rev. Maddie Henderson Herlong, mhend25@emory.edu.
Buddhist Meditation
Thursday, August 24, 6:00 p.m. Cannon Chapel Sanctuary

Join the Emory Buddhist community in guided meditation and discussion. Come to meditate, to make friends, and to learn about Buddhist life at Emory.
Contact: Buddhist Chaplain Ven. Priya Rakkhit Sraman, psraman@emory.edu
Hindu Aarthi
Friday, August 25, 5:00 p.m., Cannon Chapel Sanctuary

Join Emory's Hindu community for weekly prayers and community. All are welcome.
Contact: Hindu Chaplain Shweta Chaitanya, shweta.chaitanya@emory.edu.  
Additional Fall Start-up Programs
Graduate Student Shabbat with Chabad
Friday, August 18, 8:00 p.m., Chabad House, 1500 N. Decatur Road
Join us for a graduate student Shabbat dinner! 
To RSVP, please text ‘Grad Shabbat’ to 4049997787. 

Emory Muslim Students Association: Welcome Social
Tuesday, August 22, 6:00-7:00 p.m., Cannon Chapel Underpass (Outside)
Contact: Dr. Isam Vaid, isam.vaid@emory.edu
Hillel Emory Welcome Calendar
Hillel at Emory: Welcome Calendar
August 18-31, 2023
Join Hillel at Emory for Weeks of Welcome. Learn more here
Emory InterVarsity: 3 Chapters One Witnessing Community
What is InterVarsity? What is ECF?
To kick off the new school year, we want to introduce ourselves.
InterVarsity is a vibrant campus ministry that establishes witnessing communities of students and faculty. We host Bible studies, prayer meetings, worship nights, community events, and more.
At Emory, we have 3 Chapters that coordinate together but host separate weekly Bible studies. ECF is one of those chapters.
Stay tuned for our Bible study theme reveal and back to school events. Learn more here
International InterVarsity Fellowship
Welcome to Emory! If you don't receive our weekly email yet, please sign up with us. And we also are going to have a welcome dinner for you. Please sign up now. Everything is free.
PS. For welcome dinner: we charge $10 for keeping your spot, then you will receive it back at the welcome dinner.
Sign up here. Learn more here
Bread Coffeehouse: Welcome Back Events
Open House
Tuesday August 22, 5:00-7:00 p.m., Bread Coffeehouse, 1227 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30307
Come by for dinner, dessert, and our famous iced coffee plus a chance to meet our staff and see the house.
Back to School Beach Party
Thursday August 31, 7:15 p.m., Bread Coffeehouse, 1227 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30307
Free Chick Fil A Sandwiches. First 100 people get a free Bread shirt that we'll be tie-dying at the event.
First DBS of the Semester
September 7, 7:15 p.m., Bread Coffeehouse, 1227 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30307
Free Dinner, Band, and Storytelling
Contact: Bread Affiliate Alicia Marshall, alicia@breadcoffeehouse.org. Learn more here. Sign up for our Espresso Shot Weekly Email to stay in the loop for all things Bread with the below link
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF): Welcome Back Events
Trivia Night  
Wednesday, August 23, 7:30 p.m., Brooks Commons in Canon Chapel.
More details: Come enjoy team style trivia and snacks to celebrate the first day of class.

Welcome Cookout 
Saturday, August 26, 5:30-8:00 p.m., Campus Life Pavilion.
More details: Come enjoy food, yard games, and hear a little more about RUF. Stop by or stay the whole time.
First Large Group 
Wednesday, August 30, 7:30 p.m., Brooks Commons, Canon Chapel.
More details: Join us for worship and our sermon series on Galatians.
Labor Day Hike 
Monday, September 4
More details: Come hike East Palisades with us. This is an Atlanta hike inside the perimeter that feels like it is in the mountains. We will visit the famed Bamboo Forest too.
Contact: RUF Affiliate Rev. George Hamm, rufdooley@gmail.com
MEOR: Sushi Social
Thursday, August 24, 5:00-7:00 p.m., Cannon Chapel Underpass
Join MEOR at Emory for a Sushi Social. For more information, please contact Rabbi Yaakov Fleshel
Emory InterVarsity GCF: Welcome Back Dinner
Thursday, August 24, 7:00 p.m., Brooks Commons, Cannon Chapel
Welcome Back To Campus. The Fall semester is getting ready to start, and we couldn’t be more excited. Join us on August 24 at Cannon Chapel as we gather to pray for each other and our campus this semester, and to enjoy food from Desta Ethiopian Kitchen.
The following Friday, September 1, also at 7:00 pm, will be our September First Friday Dinner. Stay tuned for more announcements on that.
RSVP for either or both events by visiting here

Emory CBC New Student Mixer
Collegiate Black Christians: New Student Mixer
Saturday, September 2, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Freshman Quad
Come fellowship with us and enjoy free food, games, music, and more. 
Weekly Gatherings
Weekly Spiritual Gatherings
There are a plethora of weekly religious and philosophical gatherings offered at Emory. Many of them are listed here and at the button below.
Can't find what you are looking for? Contact many of our undergraduate and graduate communities directly or contact our religious life affiliates and OSRL staff.
For questions, or to add an item to our weekly gatherings page, please email religiouslife@emory.edu.
Community Weekly Gatherings
Apply to Be an OSRL Student Worker (Undergraduates)
OSRL is hiring student workers for this academic semester. The student worker team supports the department’s mission through hospitality and communications support, data and record management, web and publications work, and special event staffing.
Training and mentoring will be provided through staff meetings and ongoing coaching to build knowledge and skills. Student workers will learn about multifaith and interfaith work and assist professional staff in supporting programs and services. 
Positions are available for students with and without Federal Work-Study funding.
Apply through Handshake or email religiouslife@emory.edu
Apply through Handshake
Annual Major Religious Holidays List -- Academic Year 2023-24
As planning begins for courses, programs, and meetings for the 2023-24 academic year, OSRL seeks to provide guidance for the Emory community regarding upcoming religious holiday observances that may impact large numbers in our community. These dates are provided to assist community members with avoiding potential schedule conflicts, and can be found below. Please give special attention to the bolded holidays, as they often require accommodation. In some cases, it is ideal to avoid assignments and programs on these dates to be most equitable.
Below are lists of major religious holidays observed by sizeable religious demographic groups within the Emory community.
For questions, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu
Off Campus Programs
Interfaith Atlanta: Interfaith Festival
Sunday, September 10, 2:00-5:30 p.m., Columbia Theological Seminary, 701 S. Columbia Drive, Decatur, GA 30030
Save the Date: We are so excited to present our 3rd annual Interfaith Festival. We look forward to celebrating 20 years of Interfaith Atlanta with the Atlanta community. Learn more here
World River Day
World River Day
Sunday, September 17, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Join Georgia Interfaith Power & Light, the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, Ismaili Civic, the Boy Scouts of America, and Rivers Alive on #WorldRiverDay, September 17 to clean up eight sites across the metro-Atlanta area. You are encouraged to register early. Register here
Buddhism Journey for College Students and Young Adults
We are pleased to launch a new online series, twice a month Saturdays on Zoom, led by two esteemed local monks. 
Active participants who complete the series may be eligible for an additional scholarship opportunity.
The sessions will be led by Geshe Ngawang Phende and Ven. Thich Truc Thai Phong alternately.
Register now via link here
Weekly Interfaith Midday Respite Interfaith Contemplation
Wednesdays, Noon, Virtual
Interfaith Atlanta offers a weekly 30-minute virtual midday respite focused on peace, compassion and kindness at noon on Wednesdays.
Join here
Passcode: 060135

Partner Programs
Why Venerable Mother Mary Lange Matters
Speaker: Shannen Dee Williams

Saturday, August 26, 6:30-9:00 p.m., Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
This free event includes dinner, but registration is required here
This program includes dinner, but registration is required for the dinner count. To date, only one Black woman has been declared a saint in the modern Roman Catholic Church. She is St. Josephine Bakhita, a formerly enslaved Sudanese nun who made the extraordinary journey from slavery under Islamic auspices to freedom in an Italian Catholic convent in the late nineteenth century. There are also no recognized Black Catholic saints from the United States.
On June 22, 2023, Pope Francis formally decreed that Mother Mary Lange, one of six African Americans currently on the road to sainthood, lived a life of heroic virtues and advanced her cause from servant of God to venerable. Lange, who died in Baltimore, Maryland in 1882, is now one of four African American Catholics who have been declared venerable by the Vatican. But, who was Mother Mary Lange, and how did she come to establish the modern world's first Roman Catholic sisterhood freely open to women and girls of African descent in 1829? What can the story of Mother Lange and her Oblate Sisters of Providence teach us about the American Catholic experience and the moral necessity of reckoning with Catholic histories of colonialism, slavery, and segregation?
Student Involvement Fair
Undergraduate Student Involvement Fair 2023
August 28-30, 2023, 8:00-10:00 p.m., McDonough Field
Interested in learning more about student organizations on campus. Nearly 100 organizations participate daily. Each day there will be food trucks, novelty activities, giveaways, and music. Come back every day for something new.
  • Monday, August 28: Pre-Professional; Academic; Service, Philanthropy, and Civic Engagement
  • Tuesday, August 29: Arts & Media; Recreation & Wellness, Club Sports, and Outdoor Activities; Student Government; University Offices, Departments, and Programs; and Sorority and Fraternity Life
  • Wednesday, August 30: Cultural, Diversity, & Ethnic; Religious, Spirituality, Faith-based, and Philosophical; Political & Ideological
Register here
The Morgan Forum: "re:Wording: The Past, Present, and Future of the Bible in Translation"
September 21, 11:05 a.m., 7:30 p.m., Emory University
This day-long event will celebrate Pitts’ new J. Michael Morgan English Bible and Psalmody Collection through worship, exhibition tours and demonstrations, a panel discussion, and the keynote Manfred Hoffmann Lecture by Timothy Beal 95G, Distinguished University Professor and Florence Harkness Professor of Religion at Case Western Reserve University. Learn more and register for the Morgan Forum. Learn more here
Opportunities and Resources
Holistic Hub
Holistic Hub is a community organization that seeks to cultivate a nurturing community dedicated to fostering holistic wellness at Emory. At Holistic Hub, we value GRACE - gratitude, respect, acceptance, compassion, and energy. From soothing mindfulness practices to cathartic journaling sessions, we have a variety of events planned for the Emory community. We have open executive board positions available, and we would love for you to join. 
Reach out to imaan.hasham@emory.edu or DM @emoryholistichub on Instagram if you are interested.
Office of Sustainability: Incentive Funds Application Open
Applications for the 2023-2024 Incentives Fund are now open. If you have a sustainable idea you want to implement on campus, in an office, or in a lab, find the updated application here.
Applications are due Monday, September 25 at 8:00 am. 

Upcoming Religious Holidays
These events are drawn from the multifaith calendar maintained by the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at Harvard Divinity School. To see more upcoming religious holidays and festivals, please click here
Raksha Bandan
Wed., Aug. 30, 2023
Tradition: Hinduism
Also abbreviated to Rakhi, it is the Hindu festival that celebrates brotherhood and love. It is celebrated on the full moon in the month of Sravana in the lunar calendar.
Krishna Janmashtami (Sri Krishna Jayanti or Janmashtami)
Wed., Sep. 6, 2023
Tradition: Hinduism
Celebrates the birthday of Krishna. According to the Hindu epics, Krishna was the eighth incarnation of the God Vishnu, opposed to the demon Kansa, who was responsible for the increase of evil in the world. Worship of Krishna is characteristically expressed in dance and song.
Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos
Fri., Sep. 8, 2023
Tradition: Christianity-Orthodox
Paryusana Festival
Mon., Sep. 11 – Tue., Sep. 19, 2023
Tradition: Jainism
Considered the holiest period of the year, these eight days are marked for Jains by fasting, meditation, prayer and public readings of the life story of Lord Mahavira. Observed especially by the followers of the Shvetambara sect, Paryusana concludes on Samvatsari, the most solemn occasion of self-scrutiny and forgiveness. On this day, Jains ask for forgiveness from their relatives and friends for any offense they may have committed by deed, word or thought.
Ghambar Paitishem
Tue., Sep. 12 – Sat., Sep. 16, 2023
Tradition: Zoroastrianism
Celebrates the creation of plants, the sowing of the winter crop and the return of herds from pasture
Rosh Hashanah
Fri., Sep. 15 – Sun., Sep. 17, 2023
Tradition: Judaism
The Jewish New Year and the anniversary of the creation of the world, Rosh Hashanah is the first of the Ten Days of Awe (also known as the Ten Days of Repentance) that conclude on Yom Kippur. It marks the beginning of the holiest time of the year for Jews.
Emory OSRL ENews is published weekly during term by the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life publicizing Atlanta-campus spiritual life programs. It is not a comprehensive listing. For Oxford College spiritual life, please click here. To submit information or to update your preferences, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu. 
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