Walk & Ride Challenge: October 10–28
Get your autumn off to a healthy start by stepping up to the 2022 Walk & Ride Challenge.
Get Ready: Registration will be open in early September through October 7, and the Challenge kicks off October 10.
Low Cost: Registration is discounted again this year, so you can sign up for only $10 per team!
All Are Welcome: Employees of any downtown Bethesda-based employer are eligible, from small businesses to giant organizations. Your team will compete with others from all around downtown Bethesda. Both in-office and teleworking (remote) employees may participate.
Get Your Gear: Teams can request pedometers if needed, but t-shirts won’t be provided this year. You’ll want to track your individual and team steps for a chance to win weekly individual prizes, plus a shot at the overall prize for the top three teams.
Registration Opens Soon: Keep an eye on the BTS website and October newsletter to register.