Welcome to Puget Sound's faculty-staff e-newsletter
Welcome to Puget Sound's faculty-staff e-newsletter
Prof. John Lear pens new book exploring art and labor in revolutionary Mexico Chemist Eric Jacobsen offers events discussing chemistry's challenges and opportunities Prof. Brett Rogers co-edits book of essays exploring ancient mythology and philosophy in modern fantasy
KNOW THIS campus news and announcements
Everyone deserves a valentine. What better time to embrace random acts of kindness than Valentine's Day? Today and tomorrow you can create a unique valentine out of recycled materials for a friend, colleague, or someone special. Whether you're inspired by Victorian valentines or other images of love, stop by the "maker station" in Collins Memorial Library and make your valentine something from the heart. 
Be safe out there, Loggers. Puget Sound Outdoors is offering campus members the chance to order personal first aid kits at wholesale prices. The kits are modeled after those built by the Wilderness Medicine Training Center and are similar to the ones used by PSO on trips and excursions. Basic kits start at $45. To get yours complete the online order form by Feb. 15. Questions? Contact or stop by The Expy, expy@pugetsound.edu.
Nominate outstanding students for scholarships. Faculty nomination letters for three of Puget Sound's most prestigious scholarship programs for continuing students—the Lora Bryning Scholarship, Peter K. Wallerich Scholarship, and Fred S. Wyatt Scholarship—are due Friday, Feb. 24, to Student Financial Services. Please send your letter of nomination via email to bmgould@pugetsound.edu.  
Do you know a staff member who goes above and beyond? The Excellence in Action award recognizes staff members who consistently exhibit excellence in their work at Puget Sound at the annual Staff Recognition Luncheon (this year on Friday, May 26). Nominate a deserving staffer by completing the nomination form by April 7. #totheheights
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DO THIS featured events
Valentine's Cards and Bake Sale: Alternative Spring Break fundraiser, Feb. 13–14, 11 a.m.–2 p.m., Wheelock Student Center.
Black History Month: Resilient Voices, a lunchtime discussion series, Feb. 13, noon, Rasmussen Rotunda.
Budget Task Force Presentation to Faculty Senate, Feb. 13, 4:15 p.m., McCormick Room, Collins Memorial Library. All students, faculty, and staff welcome to attend.
Daedalus Dinner: Banished From the Moon: Imagining Exile in Early Japanese Law, Literature, and Cult, Jonathan Stockdale, religious studies, Feb. 13, 6 p.m., Murray Boardroom. Reservations required.
Info Session: Applying for Summer Research Grants in the Humanities, Feb. 14, 4 p.m., Wyatt 101.
What We Do: This week's podcast will feature Monica DeHart, sociology and anthropology, Feb. 15, soundcloud.com/pswhatwedo
First in Family Faculty/Staff Panel, Feb. 15, 5 p.m., Social Justice Center.
Guest Presentation: An Evening With Gerard Schwarz: His Life and Music, Feb. 15, 7:30 p.m., Schneebeck Concert Hall.
Guest Lecture: Catalysis: A Frontier at the Center of Chemistry, Eric Jacobsen, Harvard, Feb. 16, 7 p.m., Schneebeck Concert Hall.
Rountable Discussion: Educating Chemists and Chemically Literate Citizens, Eric Jacobsen, Harvard, Feb. 17, noon, Trimble Forum.
Politics and Government Informal Gathering: Professors Chris Kendall, Bill Haltom, and Robin Jacobson, Feb. 17, noon, Wyatt 107.
Philosophy Day, Feb. 17, 1–5 p.m., Murray Boardroom.
Exhibition: What Happened Here, closing Feb. 17, Kittredge Gallery.
Performance: Past and Future Tense, Puget Sound Trio (Alistair MacRae, Maria Sampen, and Tanya Stambuk), performing 'The Open' for Violin and Piano by former student, Alexandra Bryant, Feb. 17, 7:30 p.m., The Great Hall of Annie Wright School.   
LoggerUP. The Logger baseball and tennis teams have home events this week. Go Loggers!
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BE PROUD noteworthy and in the news
Robin Jacobson, politics and government, was quote in a News Tribune article about how the Trump executive orders on immigration could put pressure on local police to help enforce immigration rules.
John Lear, history and Latin American studies, published Picturing the Proletariat: Artists and Labor in Revolutionary Mexico, 1908–1940 (University of Texas Press, January 2017), exploring Mexico's organized labor and artists' collectives in the wake of the country's 1910–20 revolution.
Faculty members in the School of Physical Therapy—Bob Boyles, Roger Allen, Holly Roberts, Danny McMillian, and Julia Looper—will deliver a combined total of 10 research presentations at the American Physical Therapy Association’s Combined Sections Meeting in San Antonio this month. A significant number of the studies presented involve faculty/student collaborative research, representing the work of 20 D.P.T. students—more than half of the D.P.T. Class of 2017! Many of the students will be attending to participate in the presentations.  
Brett Rogers, classics, and Benjamin Stevens (Trinity University) co-edited the book Classical Traditions in Modern Fantasy (Oxford University Press, January 2017), the first collection of essays in English focused on how modern fantasy draws deeply on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, philosophy, literature, history, art, and cult practice.
Heather White, religious studies and gender and queer studies, will present at the Beyond Stonewall Symposium at Princeton University next month, speaking on her book Reforming Sodom.
Sign up for our weekly media digest,"In the News," by emailing sskeel@pugetsound.edu
Brag about yourself
Won't you be mine? Tuesday is Valentine's Day, Loggers. Need a little help writing your love notes? Check out this valentine generator. Do you and your sweetie want to show your love for the 253? Here's a great list of local ways to celebrate, another list of Valentine's activities that will get you out of the house, and a bunch of other stuff happening in town this week. 
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