Sizzling Hues, Fragrant Blooms & Winter Foliage!
Sizzling Hues, Fragrant Blooms & Winter Foliage!

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With cooler temperatures and a return of rains, September always brings a wave of fresh flowers to the garden. I delight in the fragrant last blooms of my gardenias and plan to plant just a few more of these reblooming Southern Living varieties this fall. 

Other late-season favorites are Lydia™ and Bells of Fire Tecoma; these hummingbird magnets bloom through winter in frost-free areas. This sizzling plant combo, featuring these tecomas, Fire Chief™ Arborvitae and 'Orange Rocket' Barberry, is summer-tough and adds rich hues to the landscape spring to fall.
For gardeners living in cooler zones, it is time to start transitioning plants you wish to bring indoors over the winter by gradually moving them into deeper and deeper shade. As a rule of thumb, move plants indoors around the time that outside temperatures are similar to indoor temperatures. Learn more about overwintering tender perennials; these Safari aloes are ideal indoor/outdoor pals.  

There’s also still plenty of time to plant new trees and shrubs in the landscape. As summer blooms fade, look for areas of the garden that could use a pop of winter color. Southern Living® Nandinas fit the bill. They are starting to transition into their winter hues, from the wine-red foliage of Obsession™ to the fiery winter coat of Blush Pink™.

Bloom on!
Kimberly Toscano is a freelance writer, gardening expert and traveler with an eye on design. Kimberly blends her formal training in horticulture and entomology with her passion for design to educate and inspire gardeners.
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