Check out these beautiful pictures from our most recent show
Check out these beautiful pictures from our most recent show
Dear Friend, 
Our most recent Art of Me was an incredible performance! Members of the Valley Friendship Club shone onstage. Audience compared it to "sun showers with a rainbow," and "a red lion in an earthquake; it shook my world!"
If you missed it (or if you want to relive the joy), check out the video documentation, images, and Upstream Arts Artistic Director Matt Guidry's reflection.  
With abundant thanks for all that you do!
Julie, Matt, Bree, and everyone at Upstream Arts
P.S. Don't forget to RSVP for the upcoming Art at the Heart event on September 19! 
Thrivent Community West-End hosts a benefit at Surly Brewing in support of Upstream Arts. Drop in as you like from 5:30-8:00pm, with a short program at 7:00pm. FREE; RSVP required. 
Performers and Teaching Artist pose in The Art of Me performance. A multi-colored collaborative painting from an Upstream Arts program. Performers paint and dance onstage at The Art of Me performance.
Teaching Artists and members of the Valley Friendship Club perform in The Art of Me. Photos by Jason Bucklin.
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