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Thank You for Sharing the Love!
The Fellowship’s Share the Love Auction has ended. Thanks to all who participated, either by donating items, bidding on all the great items donated or donating funds to the auction. All are greatly appreciated! Your participation helped us raise $5,934.50 as part of the Fellowship’s 2023-2024 annual fundraising budget.
Perhaps you missed the opportunity to participate in the auction or were sadly outbid on your chosen item(s). If that is the case, you are still welcome to participate by making a monetary donation to the auction.
· To Donate to the Share the Love Auction please mail a check to the Fellowship, with auction donation on the memo line or click Auction Donation, and select the “Auction Donation Only” item. The option to donate to the auction will be available through May 15, 2024. 
Note that auction payments for items or services purchased can be made by check or by clicking Auction Purchase, then selecting the “Auction Purchase” item. After your payment has been received, we will provide your email address to the person who donated the item you've purchased so that you can work directly with them on delivery. We would appreciate your payment no later than May 15, 2024. Email auction@fvuuf.org or call the Fellowship office, 920.731.0849, with questions.

Sunday, May 5

9:00 am Central Time - In-Person
Coffeehouse Service
10:45 am Central Time - In-Person and Livestream
Traditional Service with Sermon 
Different Values, Same Purpose with the Being A Teen Class
Click HERE for Worship Service Zoom Information & the Order of Service
•  Visit fvuuf.org/Sunday to learn more about the Sunday Coffeehouse Service.
•  Watch past sermons on our YouTube channel.
•  Upcoming Services HERE
•  See our website HERE for information about our Sunday religious exploration classes for children and youth.
•  Share the Plate: In May we Share the Plate with the International Convocation of UU Women.

Religious Exploration - Children & Youth

youth sitting in grassy field with their backs to the viewer making hearts with their hands
Our Annual Youth Lead Credo Lead Service, "Different Values, Same Purpose" is this Sunday
Join the youth who participated in our Being a Teen program this year as they share their self-created annual service during both the 9:00 and 10:45 services on May 5. The youth who completed the Coming-of-Age track of the program spent the past year working with a mentor toward creating a personal credo, a Latin word that means “a set of fundamental beliefs or a guiding principle.” They will share their personal statements that address the question, “To what do I give my heart?” Please join them and their families for a cake celebration following both services.
*Attention Crossing Paths parents- All Crossing Paths students will attend the 10:45 credo service with their families this Sunday. Crossing Paths will convene on Sunday May 12, 2024.
*As part of our efforts to continually improve our Religious Exploration program, Rev. Christina plans to visit with the students in our 4K-5th grade classrooms this Sunday May 5, to explore their ideas for customizing content and activities.
yellow sun with rays and a smile with orange cheecks
Image by Andrey and Olesya from Pixabay
Summer Religious Exploration for Kids begins on June 9!
Our summer religious exploration classes for rising kindergartners-5th grade children will kick off on Sunday, June 9 during our 10:00 am CT service. We will build our skills of exploration, curiosity, and imagination by drawing from both our Magic and Can-Do Summer curriculums. Our young learners will participate in activities designed to help them find the magic to connect to their deepest inner lives, their community, and to the joy of life around them through…
•  Service to Others
•  Silence and Mindfulness
•  Sunshine and Movement
Fall registrations carry through the summer - no need to register your child(ren) if they are registered for the 2023-2024 program year. If your family is just joining us, our registration form is located on our website HERE.
We look forward to engaging curiosity and spending time in community with our young learners this summer!
4 children holding a banner that reads We heart RE teachers
Would you like to grow in your own spiritual path while deepening your understanding of our UU faith and history?
Our team of non-professional teachers says that this is just one of the many gifts they have received by teaching for 45 minutes one time per month. Contact director of religious education Kim Hartman at kim@fvuuf.org to find out if teaching is right for you!
Hand Print - Love Radically, Serve Gratefully, Wonder Daily
Join us in our 2023-2024 Religious Exploration Program Year!
Come join us in fun and friendship to explore ourselves and our values through enriching lessons and activities that are designed to nurture our student’s spiritual, ethical, and intellectual growth
Click here for information about our Sunday programs. For information about our teen programs; Crossing Paths, Being a Teen, and Our Whole Lives, click here.
Please register your children today! Click on the button below.
Coffee House Service Childcare
Children are highly encouraged to attend the 9:00 am Coffee House service; childcare is available for young people in grades 4K-5 who are better served in a self-directed play environment.
Contact Kim Hartman, director of religious education, for more information.
*Regular RE classes will continue to be offered at 10:45 am.
Religious Exploration Registration

News & Notes

Adam Robinson, smiling and holding a guitar in front of a microphone
Dear Fellowship Family,
We are sad to share that Adam Robinson, our devoted Audio Visual Tech, will have his last day with us on Sunday, May 12. We will celebrate Adam on that day, and we hope you will join us for cake and to say your best wishes to him.
In addition, we are collecting your notes of farewell and support to Adam, and any photos you might have of him in action with us at the Fellowship. Click here to submit your notes or photos no later than Sunday, May 5.
Senior Wonders in a peach circle with some swirls in the background
Senior Wonders
Senior Wonders will meet Tuesday, May 7 at noon at the Fellowship. Bring lunch if you wish and anything springy (or not) to discuss
Green House with 3 plants ini pots, a purple orchid on the roof
Plant Sale - May 12th
The Partner Churches and Green Sanctuary committees are sponsoring our annual plant sale on May 12th from 8:00 am to noon. Stop by to check out this year's selection of perennials, native plants, herbs, veggie seedlings, ornamentals, houseplants, and garden accessories. Cash and checks payable to FVUUF are accepted. Donations of plants and accessories will be appreciated. Please label plants and drop off in Fellowship parking area before 8:00 am on Sunday, May 12th. Staff cannot accept plants at the Fellowship prior to Sunday. Please contact Vickie Milde at vicmilde@hotmail.com with questions. Thanks for helping to make the sale a success! This year’s proceeds will benefit the Fellowship’s Reach Our Goal campaign.
Hammer and Wrench crossed over each other
Calling Commercial Building Engineers
As part of the Fellowship’s strategic plan, we are putting together a task force to help us prepare a building maintenance repair and replacement plan.
This is an opportunity to use your unique knowledge and skills about commercial building systems and design to ensure that we are good stewards of our assets and provide a safe and comfortable space to worship and gather as a community.
If you have a Commercial Mechanical Engineering background in the following areas, we could use your help: 
•  Architectural
•  Electrical
•  Plumbing
•  General Commercial Contractor
•  Landscape Architect
A focus on sustainability and renewable energy would also be a plus to help us continue and improve our presence as a certified Green Sanctuary congregation.
The commitment for this activity would be highly focused during the initial assessment phase and development of the final plan; then taper off to a lower more occasional need to help support the implementation of the plan.
Please contact director of finance and operations Phyllis Schmitt, at phyllis@fvuuf.org, or (920)731-0849 if you are interested or have questions.

Care and Support

To submit a Joy or Concern, fill out the form on our website or contact Rev. Hannah Roberts Villnave, Assistant Minister, at hannah@fvuuf.org or 920-731-0849. For pastoral emergencies call 920-383-1565.

Justice Action Ministry

Essentials Food and Shelter for All with a ring around it featuring houses, apples, fish, and bread
Your Help is Needed to Fill 84 Pans - Empty to Full ( E2F) Pan Collection
Here is a great opportunity to help feed the hungry in our community. Essentials JAM will be handing out E2F pans on Sunday, May 5 after both services. Each pan includes a recipe and shopping list. All you need to do is combine the ingredients, put them in the pan, and freeze it unbaked. Then bring it back to the Fellowship on Sunday May 19. The frozen pans will be taken to Pillars Adult and Family Shelter and Apricity to be used for their evening meals. For more information contact Deb Muench (920) 422-1852 or debmuench@icloud.com.
Justice Hub Logo with Scales
Click the image to view the Justice Hub

Justice Hub

Check out our revamped Justice Hub, now featuring an easy-to-use calendar! Each event on the calendar includes time, location, and program details to help you learn more about how to get engaged with our community.
PS – When you click on an event, at the bottom of the description you can click “Copy to my calendar” to add the event to your calendar and never miss a chance to act courageously for justice in our world
•  May 4, 9 am - 9 pm, Warch Campus Center, Lawrence University, 5th annual Wisconsin Grassroots Festival, environmental focus, speakers and entertainment, more info and registration HERE. 

"Reach Our Goal" Campaigns

Funding the Fellowship - two buckets
Reach Our Goal
During the annual meeting last June members approved a 2023-2024 budget with a shortfall of $40,000. In a quest to cover this budget gap, the Generosity Engagement Ministries team is hosting “Reach Our Goal” campaigns, each designed to highlight areas of the Fellowship's budget that need additional support. Watch this space for a series of articles on each of the monthly highlight areas.
Click HERE for details about the Reach Our Goal campaigns.
Reach Our Goal May Focus
A Community of Connection
In May, the Reach our Goal campaign is focusing on care and rites of passage. This includes both care from the ministers (pastoral care) and from the Care Team. The total cost of Pastoral Care in our 2023-2024 budget is $109,601, representing 13.97% of the total budget.
Congregational Care
Our concept of care comes from our Unitarian Universalist values that each person deserves emotional and spiritual support, and that accessing it in a community can be especially helpful and healing. Here at the Fellowship, it means that individuals can access a listening presence with someone who represents the support of the whole community, so their pain and gladness can be held in love.
The ministers and the Care Team are available to offer a listening presence to Fellowship folks in times of need.
Rites of Passage
•  Baby/Child Dedications - There is no joy quite like that of celebrating a child’s entrance into a family.
•  Weddings and Ceremonies of Union - We celebrate the love and commitment of any people who wish to unite their lives in marriage or union.
•  Memorial Services and Funerals - Memorial Services and funerals are an important way to say goodbye to loved ones.
Together, we create the caring community we desire. Please give generously to our Reach Our Goal Campaign this month to support our focus on care and rites of passage.
To make or increase your financial contribution in support of the Fellowship and help us "Reach our Goal", you may give a one-time gift by:
  • Mailing a check with "Reach" in the memo field, or enclosing cash or check in one of the pre-printed envelopes found in the Fellowship Lobby (please do not mail cash).
  • Contribute online here.
  • Or tell us of your intention to increase your annual giving by completing our giving intention form.
Thank you!
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