| Trustee Update Deborah Williams Ward 10: University - Rosedale & Toronto Centre Toronto District School Board 416-395-8787 • Deborah.Williams@tdsb.on.ca |  | | |
May 2024
Celebrating Good News
I encourage you to read about some of the recent events, initiatives, and great things happening across the Toronto District School Board, including:
Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP)
We are proud to launch the updated MYSP, Inspiring Minds & Shaping Futures: Our Multi-Year Commitment to Student Success (2024-2028), which sets direction and identifies system goals to support the TDSB’s 238,000 students and nearly 600 schools. To learn, please visit the webpage at www.tdsb.on.ca/MYSP.
New Special Education and Inclusion Video Resource
I am pleased to share this video resource, which provides a high-level overview of TDSB’s Guide to Special Education for parents/guardians/caregivers, which includes information about programs and services for students with special education needs. We encourage families to review the complete guide on the TDSB website, along with several other guides.
Apply Now to the Indigenous Student Summer Leadership Program
Did you know the TDSB’s Urban Indigenous Education Centre is currently accepting applications for the Indigenous Student Summer Leadership Program (ISSLP)? This paid summer program provides First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students, who are 16 to 20 years of age, leadership opportunities working with Indigenous mentors. Please note, the deadline to apply is June 5, 2024. Please click here to learn more.
First Nations, Métis and Inuit Student Secondary ID Clinic
I am happy to share that our Urban Indigenous Education Centre has collaborated with the 519 community centre to support First Nations, Métis and Inuit students 16-21 years of age access services to receive Ontario identification cards. The Secondary ID Clinic takes place Wednesday, May 15 from 1 to 3 p.m. Learn More.
Calling New and Soon-To-Be Parents! Roots of Empathy Instructor Volunteers Needed
This is a truly exciting opportunity for new and soon-to-be parents! See firsthand how bringing a baby into a classroom of children is helping to instill lifelong empathy. How does it work? Your baby, known as a “tiny teacher”, is 2-4 months old at the start of the school year, and you are matched with a local school in your neighbourhood as well as a Roots of Empathy Instructor who will support you in and out of the classroom. The program follows the course of the school year with monthly visits. To find out more, please watch this short video to see how you and your baby in a classroom teach empathy to students, or visit the Roots of Empathy website for more information on how to get involved.
TDSB Summer Programs
Did you know the TDSB offers a rich variety of summer programs? Registration is opening soon. For more information on the programs on offer, please see below:
- e-Summer School Program (Registration tentatively opens on Monday, April 22 for TDSB students and Monday, May 6 for NON-TDSB students)
Asian Heritage Month
The TDSB proudly recognizes Asian Heritage Month at the TDSB during the month of May. This year’s theme is Our Journeys: Thriving Through Struggle and Triumph. The volunteer committee has assembled various educational opportunities and resources for our students, staff and wider TDSB community. Learn More.
Jewish Heritage Month
May is proudly recognized as Jewish Heritage Month by the Toronto District School Board. This year, the Jewish Heritage Committee has developed lesson plans and activities for students K-3 using the book, The Mouse Who Danced the Hora by Pamela Mayer, illustrated by Christine Davenier, to teach diversity and equity through Jewish wedding traditions, and learning to dance the Hora. Please click here to find out more.
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Next Ward ForumWard 10 School Councils Chairs/Co-Chairs Forum
Join Trustee Deborah Williams for our May 16 Ward 10 School Councils Chairs/Co-Chairs Forum. This is an opportunity for our school council chairs/co-chairs to connect and network. We will discuss best practices and effective strategies to actively engage parents in improving student achievement and well-being.
HOW TO REGISTER: Please Sign Up Here to confirm your attendance and indicate which session you will be attending. We look forward to seeing you there!
- Childcare: On-site childcare will be available during the forum.
- Interpretation: Interpretation services are available upon request.
- Accessibility: Let us know about any specific accessibility needs you have. Specify on the RSVP form or contact us directly at TrusteeServices@tdsb.on.ca or 416-395-8787.
Save the Date for Upcoming Ward Forums
Thu Jun 6, 2024
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Steps to Address Your Questions and Concerns
Here at the TDSB, we are always open to hearing your questions and concerns and make every effort to address them as quickly as possible. Your child's classroom teacher is the first point of contact, followed by the school's principal, the school superintendent, and me, your Trustee! For more information, visit www.tdsb.on.ca/Contact-Us/Steps-to-Address-Questions-Concerns.
Upcoming Meetings
The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2023. For a list of upcoming meetings, please click on the calendar at www.tdsb.on.ca.
Follow the TDSB
Join the conversations happening on TDSB's social media communities. You'll find the most up-to-date information about us on our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts.
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