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How patient are you?
How patient are you?
November 8, 2016
James 5:7-8
 Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains.   You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.
New International Version (NIV)
               How patient are you?  As I try to write this, my modem at the house is not working.  No internet access.  No landline phone.  No television.  The internet provider has given me a virtual helper who is virtually useless.  Thankfully, I can ask for live assistance.  I did.  All customer service personnel are busy right now.  Isn’t that the way it works?!
               James tells us to be patient like a farmer who plants and waits for the rain to come in two stages.  Patience was at least one of the casualties in our shift from agrarian to technological society.  Our farmer ancestors knew that corn did not grow instantly.  They planted and waited and trusted. 
               What are we waiting for today?  We wait to hear election results.  Perhaps we wait for medical news about a loved one.  Some days the clock seems to stand still, while we wait.  Now my live assistant tells me that I will not have television available for election returns tonight.  This could be good?!  In truth, we are waiting for the return of our King.  Tony Evans says when Jesus comes he will not be riding an elephant or a donkey.  He will come when many least expect him.  So strengthen your hearts.  Jesus is worth the wait!
Pray with me: 
Father, we would like to have patience now, please.  But we know that you are working in our waiting.  We are not diminished by the interlude.  As an expectant mother grows, so we grow as we wait for you.  Form Christ in us as we wait.  Renew our strength today we pray.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
Scripture reading for today: 
James 5

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