February 4, 2022Marie's Message
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Hi All, Adults who volunteer with young people, care about young people. One way to show we care is to give help and support when someone is feeling down. That’s what the Supporting Youth Mental Health for Volunteers Training (Supporting YMH, for short) is all about: knowing how to support youth when they’re down, whether it’s simply a bad day or when it’s more than that.
Supporting YMH has two parts: 1. One hour online training 2. Two hour live training—offered virtually or in-person
Join the YMH Movement A team of youth, volunteers, and staff developed this training. In 2022, it’s available to you!
Volunteer Requirement:
2021-2022 4-H year: Transition year; Overnight youth experiences require at least two adults trained in supporting youth mental health.
2022-2023 4-H year: Overnight youth experiences require all volunteers serving as chaperones, or adult advisors, to be trained. Register for Training HERE. Choose the time and format (virtual or in-person) that works for you. Click the link for a session you find that works to register. You will receive a confirmation email with information about how to sign into the online portion of the course.
As I mentioned last week, in this Friday Focus, I am sharing the contents of the speech that Cameron Pokorny shared with the County Board of Supervisors in January (scroll down to view). Thanks Cameron for sharing your 4-H story!
Have a great February,
Marie Witzel Positive Youth Development Educator marie.witzel@wisc.edu 920.386.3790 (office) 920.210.3080 (cell)
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Gnome Your Home!
Gnome Your Home with this fun 4-H activity! These gnomes are fun to make and easy to make, either for fun or for a friend. Make a bunch to share at a senior center or birthday party. Make it a club craft or a community service. Either way it’s a fun thing to do when it’s too cold to go outside!
Yarn and buffalo snow supplies are available at the Extension Dodge County office on a first come, first serve basis. Please let us know how many gnomes you plan to make. Contact Ellen Bohn, 4-H Program Assistant at 920-386-3790.
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JoAnn's Donations Available for Clubs
Do you have an idea to use some flowers, candles, glass squares, or fabric. Perfect for club and project activities, fair decorations, and more! Check it out here! Contact Tracy or Ellen at the Extension office to get more information.
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Family Learning Fun Zoom - Traveling Rocks!Tuesday, March 29 at 6:30 – 7:30pm REGISTER IN 4HONLINE!
Learn how to interact with your community through rock painting. Groups around the nation are passing words of encouragement through the use of painted rocks. We will talk about how we explore our community; find different types of rocks and how our painted rock messages can travel as well!
Great for project members from Explorers, Cultural Arts, Backpacking and Hiking, or club members & leaders looking for community service ideas!
You will need sketch paper, permanent drawing or painting supplies, and a few of your favorite rocks. They should be easy to hold in one hand. If you do not have permanent markers, paints or access to rocks, kits will be available at the Extension Office – Dodge County between March 22 and March 29. Hosted by Lisa Schwartz, Lebanon Luckies 4-H Club.
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Family Learning Fun Zooms!
We are looking for presenters that want to explore their options and host a Family Learning Fun Zoom session in 2022. Dates are available in February and March. Contact Ellen Bohn at ebohn@co.dodge.wi or call the office at 920-386-3790.
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Apply for the 2022 Wisconsin 4-H Key Award!
The Wisconsin Key Award is one of the most prestigious honors awarded to 4-H members across Wisconsin. This is your opportunity to highlight what you have accomplished through 4-H.
- Applications Due Date: February 28, 2022
- Zoom Interviews Date: March 22, 2022
The Wisconsin 4-H Key Award Program recognizes a select group of 4-H participants who’ve demonstrated consistent growth in their 4-H involvement, developed and applied leadership skills, and actively participated in the functions of their 4-H club and community.
Call or email Ellen Bohn, 4-H Program Assistant at 920-386-3790 or ebohn@co.dodge.wi.us
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4-H Key Award Speech Cameron Pokorny
Last week, we shared the acceptance speech from Lindsay Propst (Hyland Prairie). This week, we invite you to read Cameron Pokorny's acceptance speech on this 4-H recognition.
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Demonstration & Illustrated Talks Contest
Demonstrations are more showing and doing. Illustrated Talks rely more on charts, pictures, and description. For topic ideas, check with your general leader or the 4-H Office. Many of you have given brief demonstrations or talks at 4-H meetings. Just polish up the presentation. Do not use school presentations! Please, no product labels. READ MORE HERE for Contest Guidelines.
REGISTER in EVENTS in 4HOnline by February 14th
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Get your teams of “8” together today and lets play! See y'all there! Prize money for the TOP 3 Teams!
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Meat Animal Sale Trivia Night
Calling all Livestock Exhibitors and Parents! We are looking for your help on Trivia Night 2022. We are in need of Table Runners, Raffle Sales and Kitchen Support. Please call, text or email Eric Salmi at 920-988-1817 or mastrivianight@yahoo.com If you’re interested in helping.
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Poultry Project Meetings- February 17th @ 7pm at the Lowell VFW Hall
- March 17th @ 7pm at Lebanon Town Hall
Contact Dan Schwandt, Poultry Project Leader at schwandtdutch@aol.com or 920-763-8030.
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Rabbit & Cavy Project Meetings CAVIES at 6pm, RABBITS at 7pm
LOCATION: Oak Grove Town Hall, N5801 Grove Road, Juneau
Monday, February 28
Monday, March 28
Monday, April 25
For questions email docorabbits@gmail.com
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Youth Dairy Project Education Card
Question about Dairy Project Education Cards? Contact the Dairy Youth Advisory Committee at dodgecountydyac@gmail.com or call Extension Dodge County at 920-386-3790.
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Youth Livestock Education Meetings
February 21st | 7 PM | Lowell Community Memorial VFW Hall; 280 South St., Ag Career Fair. Come and talk with local people who work in the agricultural field, not just a corn field! There are so many positions available in agriculture, you may be surprised, and make a contact with someone new to assist you with a future internship or career.
March 21, 2022 | Location TBD | Caring for your animal. Let’s look at how to prep your show animal for the fair! How soon to clip your beef, shear your lamb, or walk your pig?
April 18, 2022 | Location TBD | Talking Vaccinations. We will be inviting a local veterinarian in to discuss the health of our animals and when/what vaccinations these animals will need to stay healthy.
May 16, 2022 | Location TBD | Herdsmanship/Showmanship Why is appearance and presentability important? We will be asking several judges to come in and explain what they are looking for in the show ring and in the barns.
June 27, 2022 | PRESALE MEETING | 7 PM | Dodge County Fairgrounds. If you did not attend the Post Sale meeting on September 27th 2021, YOU NEED TO ATTEND THIS ONE!
July 2022 | Turn in Livestock Project Activity card – “orange card”.
Al meetings will begin at 7pm, and run for about an hour. Educational meetings count as 1 point on the Livestock Project Member Activity Card.
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Additional Livestock Educational OfferingsWISCONSIN YOUTH LIVESTOCK PROGRAM - ANIMAL SCIENCES VIRTUAL EDUCATION SERIES 2022: Counts as one (1) educational point.
February 10 - Grand Challenge: Precision Agriculture | 7 PM
March 10 - Grand Challenge: Food Safety, Pork Carcass Eval & Cooking | 7 PM
April 14 - Grand Challenge: Land & Water | 7 PM
May 12 - Grand Challenge: Biomedical Advancements | 7 PM
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Livestock Project Educational Reminders
There are educational opportunities and Information on the MAS requirements, forms and opportunities listed HERE. Remember that the Educational Event Verification form is on that site to be completed.
HERE is the link for the Youth livestock event verification form for virtual events. Youth and families need to keep the forms and attach to the 'Orange Cards' and hand in all at the due date.
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4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl, Skillathon, & Meats Judging Contest!
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Dodge County 4-H Scholarships Now Open- Patricia Hahn 4-H Legacy Scholarship
- Dodge County 4-H Youth & Alumni Scholarship
- Dodge County 4-H Endowment Fund Scholarship
- Esther Haase Menn Memorial Scholarship
- Dodge County Dairy Youth Recognition Auction Committee Scholarship
Scholarship applications DUE MARCH 1, 2022 Plus other county and state scholarship opportunities now posted! Check it out!
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WI 4-H Foundation ScholarshipThe Wisconsin 4-H Foundation will award more than $15,000 in scholarships to outstanding Wisconsin 4-H members and alumni pursuing higher education in 2022. To be considered for financial support, applications must be received by the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation via email by Tuesday, March 15, 2022, 5:00 pm.
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Dodge County Dairy Promotion Scholarship Application Deadline is March 31, 2022
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4-H New Volunteer Orientations!
Dodge County 4-H is seeking more amazing volunteers! One of the first steps to becoming a registered 4-H volunteer is to attend a new volunteer orientation. There are three virtual options coming up:
- Wednesday, February 16th, 6:00-8:00pm
- Wednesday, March 16th, 6:00-8:00pm
- Thursday, March 31st, 6:30-8:30pm
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- February 15 4-H Leaders Association Meeting 7pm, location TBA
- February 16 VIP (Volunteers in Training) Zoom, 6pm
- February 17 Poultry Project Meeting, Lowell VFW Hall, 7pm
- February 21 Livestock Education Meeting, Lowell VFW Hall, 7pm
- February 24 Horse Project Meeting, 7pm
- February 28 Cavies Project Meeting, Oak Grove Town Hall 6pm
- February 28 Rabbit Project Meeting, Oak Grove Town Hall 7pm
- February 28 WI 4-H Key Award Application Deadline
A 2022 Dodge County 4-H Year Calendar can be found HERE
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Summer Internships - To apply, email your cover letter and resume to entryoffice@wistatefair.com
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