These new takes on "old standbys" maximize blooms and add MAJOR dazzle!
These new takes on
Update Your Azaleas from Classic to Fantastic

The “classics” have an enduring quality, whether it’s a classic car, a classic burger and fries, or a classic landscape plant. But just because something's classic doesn’t mean it can’t be transformed into something fantastic!  Now let's talk azaleas...

When it comes to azaleas, there are plenty of classic varieties to choose from for your yard. But Encore Azaleas have improved upon one major drawback of the typical classic azalea—its once-per-year bloom time. Encore Azaleas, on the other hand, provide spectacular blooms from spring through fall!
If you’ve traditionally planted one of the once-blooming "classic" azaleas in your landscape, we'd like to share these Encore Azalea “look-a-likes” that will give you the added bonus of three seasons of colorful flowers.
Read on to find your new favorites, and enjoy them in your own yard for years to come! 
Meet the New Classics
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