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Do you remember your worst day?
Do you remember your worst day?
August 12, 2016
2 Corinthians 11:30
If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.
New International Version (NIV)
               “How was your day?”  “I’ve had better.”  Do you remember your worst day?  I remember the loss of a loved one and an emergency surgery.  Those were bad days.  We try to forget our worst days, but our memories fail us by holding on to past griefs and old regrets.  We certainly don’t brag about our bad days.  Unless we are Paul.
                In his effort to counter the “super-apostles” who made fun of him as an untrained speaker, Paul “boasted” about being a prisoner, about being beaten, about being pelted with stones and shipwrecked.  Not a list to take confidence in, right?  Paul added that he faced daily the pressure of his concern for the churches.  Paul, too was susceptible to temptation.  So why would he admit his weaknesses?  Why so vulnerable, Paul?  Because God’s strength was perfected in Paul’s weakness.
                God will not use us because we have cultivated such great strengths that he just has to choose us.  God has often put me in places of absolute dependence on him.  When I knew that I was at the end of my rope, then I discovered the everlasting arms underneath, ready to catch me.  Only when I realized what I couldn’t do could I clearly see what God was already doing on my behalf.  Do not be afraid of your weakness today.  It may be exactly what God is looking for.  Only trust him and find all of your strength in God alone.
Pray with me:  
Father, we are weak but you are strong.  Thank you for loving us enough to let us experience challenges and difficulty.  Teach us to celebrate the struggles which make life harder but bring you closer.  Make us strong in your mighty power today.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.  
Scripture reading for today: 
2 Corinthians 11

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