"Finch cites Bridgeport progress in annual address" -
Fairfield County Business Journal

During his annual State of the City address on Thursday, Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch told a crowd that the State of the City is strong and getting stronger every day. In his speech, Mayor Finch said that the city has pushed through some of the most difficult economic, educational, and environmental challenges Connecticut has ever faced and, together, emerged stronger as a community.
“I'm proud to say that the State of the City is strong and getting stronger every day. We're on the right track. This city is on its way up," Mayor Finch said. “For example, today you can stand on the white sand of a re-opened, re-vitalized Pleasure Beach and look out onto Steel Point where development is finally happening.”
Click here for the full-text of Mayor Finch’s State of the City Address.

Prior to his speech, Mayor Finch showcased some of the incredible progress the city has made under his leadership with a brief video.
Mayor Finch also walked through major examples of the city’s progress, including the development of Steelpointe Harbor, the re-opening of Pleasure Beach, the historic reduction in crime in the city and investments in pre-k.
“As the chief executive of our city, I’m focused on making smart investments for the future. It’s my job to think about the long run, and to make sure our city becomes a place where our kids and grandkids will choose to live, work, and raise their families, too,” Mayor Finch Said. “That’s why I’ve been working hard to boost confidence in our city.”

"New Downtown Bridgeport Entertainment in the Offing" - 
Connecticut Post

Downtown Bridgeport has seen a wave of conversions of unused buildings into apartments, introducing a downtown constituency to a neighborhood that a decade ago was mostly devoid of life. As more apartments come on the market, the next phase of growth is developing service and entertainment options for all those new residents.
A few are in the offing. Forstone Capital, a Darien-based real estate investment firm with numerous holdings in downtown Bridgeport, has announced plans for a pair of new businesses aimed at both residents and visitors -- a German beer hall in the original People's Bank building at 155 State St., and a comedy club in the former Playhouse on the Green theater at 167 State St. 
"From the perspective of the city, it's all about job creation and economic development," said David Kooris, who heads the city's development office.

"Amodex expansion cited for value of trade deals" - Connecticut Post

Amodex, founded in 1958, manufactures an ink and stain remover sold around the country is preparing to move from its Hancock Avenue building into a space more than twice as large in the former Bridgeport Police West Precinct station, at 1354 State St., across from Cesar Batalla School.
Beverlee Fatse Dacey, Amodex's president, is the daughter of the company's founder and is now employing her children in the business. 
Maria Contreras-Sweet, the administrator for the U.S. Small Business Administration, Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch and Rep. Jim Himes visited Amodex's new location during a small-business roundtable event on Tuesday.
Amodex is sold in more than 1,900 locations in the U.S. and abroad. Last year, the product was sold in Asia for the first time, she said. The nontoxic substance is endorsed by a variety of pen and ink companies to remove stains caused by their products.
The company purchased its new building with help from the state and city.
“In Bridgeport, we’re working hard to develop a business environment where small businesses like Amodex can grow and thrive. And, we’re succeeding. With their help, we’ll continue to make Bridgeport a place where our kids and grandkids want to live, work and raise a family.”
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