sorry for the mistake!

Dear Friend,

We are looking forward to Retreat #8, which will focus on how our spiritual transformation is For the Sake of Others. Our primary teacher will be Dr. Robert Mulholland, Jr. through high-quality video presentations. We anticipate God has great things in store for us as we gather together next week and we invite you to join with us in prayerfully asking God to reunite this community in meaningful and safe ways.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns that we might be able to address before Monday. If you have any any dietary restrictions, please respond to this email immediately so we can pass them along to the staff at Q Center.

The TC16 Team

Monday Night Dinner

We will gather in the Riverwoods Amphitheater at 5:30 pm to talk through how will be together on retreat as we transition back to a fully in-person retreat. We pray for our meal and then walk to the dining area to eat with your small groups. The conveners for this retreat are:  Toni Lawler, Jon Lawler, Carolyn Harrison, Mary Morgan, Jill Prout, Ann Bayliss, Chris Romig, Melissa Lowe, Diane Hoppe Hugo, Amy Druck, Joseph Nieves, Lora Geer, Sam Ogles, Lisa Fletcher, Judy McGimsey, and Susan Ness.

Conveners: Begin with prayer, ask the Holy Spirit to be present, watch the time as each person shares, close with a prayer of thanksgiving.

Use the time to catch up on what has been happening in your lives since the last time you have all been together AND to process the quarter using the questions in your retreat folder.  This catch-up time at dinner is important... so that the group spiritual direction time on Tuesday can be used solely for processing the retreat material. 

Remember, if you have to be absent or late for the retreat, email AND your small group to let them know.

Tuesday Night Celebration

We are so thankful to have the opportunity to celebrate together on Tuesday night as we have done in the past! There will be a cash bar if you would like an alcoholic beverage. You can pay by credit card, cash, or charge it to your room.

Reflection Papers

As of now, everyone should be up to date with your reflection papers. If you are working toward the TC Certificate in Spiritual Transformation and have any reflection papers you have not turned in, please remember they must be emailed to before this retreat begins.
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