Dear Friend,

It is hard to imagine that our next retreat is just a month away! This is a shorter quarter for us but we are praying that God is speaking to you in and through your experience in your body and continuing to open you up to the experience that others are having their bodies. It was such a significant retreat and we are grateful for all the ways that you brought your full selves to this community and to God during those days.

Our next retreat is April 3-5, 2022 and it will conclude at 4pm on Tuesday. Our topic is Transformation through Self-Knowledge, Self-Examination and Confession. Please plan to be with us until that time as it will impact the way you are able to experience these topics most fully.

Please fill out this form by this Monday, March 7 so that we can provide information regarding rooming and dietary needs/restrictions to the staff at University of St. Mary of the Lake.

The TC17 Ministry Community

P.S. We continue to work with USML on the dietary needs of members of this community. If you would like to have a more detailed conversation regarding your needs, please continue to indicate your needs on the RSVP form and let us know if a follow-up conversation would be helpful to you.

Reminder about Retreat End

The retreat will end at 4pm on Tuesday, April 5 —please plan to stay until the very end. Our final session and leaving service will contain valuable final teaching and wrap-up. 

Missed the Last Retreat?

If you missed the last retreat, please refer to your community website in order to catch up with all that is needed to fulfill the requirements to earn a certificate. No password is needed to gain access.
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