Hazard Control Plans (HCPs) for Biological Materials
At UC San Diego, a hazard control plan (HCP) is a standard operating procedure describing how a laboratory handles a hazardous material and pertinent engineering, administrative, or personal protective equipment in place to ensure a safe work environment. HCPs incorporate risk assessments, planning, and step-by-step safety protocols.
UC San Diego requires investigators to implement standard operating procedures using the Hazard Control Plan Application. Researchers are required to review, acknowledge, and adopt HCPs assigned by the investigator.
These templates are approved by UC San Diego Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) for work with biological materials identified as hazardous. Some HCPs are agent-specific, others are grouped by hazard class.
When completing the lab-specific instructions for the different HCPs, carefully address the Biosafety concerns. List where and how the work with the particular material can be handled (i.e., open bench or BSC, extra PPE required). Describe specific disposal considerations or disinfection and cleaning routines required.