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Week of March 13, 2016: Welcome Back!
Welcome Back! Let's SPRING into School!
Join us for "Meetings with Michael"
Mr. Turner would like to extend an invitation to our families to join him for conversation and an exchange of ideas and insights on the topic of Health and Wellness.
"Meetings with Michael" will be held on March 17 and these meetings will take place at:
  • 7:20 a.m. (Lower School Campus, Dundas Hatcher Hall)
    -- Note: free "Open Gym" child care will be provided before school for St M students
  • 2 p.m. (Singleton Middle School Campus, Great Hall).
Nutritionist Donna Wheeler from ACAC will be a guest speaker at these events. As well, Mr. Turner will share an update on explorations to make our lunch program healthier.
Lastly, be on the lookout for a survey that will be sent to our families after Spring Break to gather input and ideas for our school lunch program.
We hope you will join us!
We are getting closer to Magic Dragon Day! Hooray!
Magic Dragon Day (Saturday, May 7) – Calling all Blue & White Backers!
You will receive a Magic Dragon Day Blue & White Backer form in your  packet on March 15.  Backers are vital to the success of Magic Dragon Day. They offset  the cost of Magic Dragon Day and increase the financial gift that the SMPA  provides to the School.
Please contact Jennifer Burke @ 833‐9254 or Amy Wozniak @ 269‐3384 to become a Blue & White Backer.  These forms are due by Friday, March 25. Download a copy of the form here.
Magic Dragon Day Order Forms
Order form packets for Magic Dragon Day 2016 will be sent home with your  youngest child on Tuesday, March 15. Included are order forms for  Wristbands and Tickets, T‐Shirts, & Dragon‐Grams.
Completed forms are due to your child's homeroom teacher or either School  office by Friday, March 25, 2016. Should you need them, extra forms are in  the office and on the website under Community/Docs and Forms. Questions? Please contact: Jennifer Burke @ 833‐9254 or Amy  Wozniak @ 269‐3384.
Magic Dragon Day T‐Shirt Contest Winners 
Thanks to everyone who submitted a drawing for the Magic Dragon Day T‐ Shirt contest. Many talented and creative drawings were submitted by the  students. The winners were chosen by a committee of Magic Dragon Day  volunteers and School administration. 
Congratulations to the class winners:
  • Kindergarten – Hugh Nolde
  • 1st grade – Sam Adelaar
  • 2nd grade – Ruby Mills
  • 3rd grade – Lila Clarkson
  • 4th grade – Ana Wojtysiak
  • 5th grade – Sophia Isaacs
  • Middle School – Alan Watts
Winning dragons will be on display around the School! 
Special congratulations to Klara Salley whose dragon will appear on the Magic Dragon Day 2016 T‐Shirt!!
Last Call for LS/MS Spring Sports and Activity Signups!
Many of our Spring activities begin THIS WEEK. You may still sign up! Click here to view activity information and registration links.
Note: Fifth Graders are now invited to sign up for Mountain Biking as well!
Any questions? Please contact Athletic Director Wally Kern.
NEW Long Sleeve Polo Shirts in our Spiritwear Shop!
(Note: the shirt logo is smaller and fits our dress code standard.)

Get your Spiritwear today by visiting our Spiritwear website a Please contact Logan Vetrovec.
Let's Be Friends! 
Get connected to keep abreast of St M news, events, calendar changes and information.
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Current and past issues of "This Week at St. Michael's" are now archived on our website under "News and Events," as well as under "Community."
In This Issue
  • Meetings with Michael 3/17
  • Magic Dragon Day Update/ Tee Shirt Design Winner!
  • Last Call for Spring Activity Signups 
  • New Spiritwear Long Sleeve Polos
Dates to Remember...
Please check our improved online School Calendar for updates, events and weekly activities/sports schedules.
Click here to download an updated Academic Calendar.
Click here for next year's   2016-2017 School Year key planning dates 
 Spring Sports and Activities begin this week/ Lower School NOON dismissal on Wednesday!
This Week
Sunday, 3/15:
  • Daylight Savings: Set your clocks forward an hour! (Hooray for SPRING!)
Monday, 3/14:
  • Classes Resume
Tuesday, 3/15:
  • LS Chapel, 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday, 3/16:
  • Author Clay Chapman speaks/leads writing workshops (Gr 5-7 at Middle School), 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. (5th grade parents - PLEASE drop your student at the Middle School in the a.m.! Supervision will be provided prior to the 8:30 a.m. start.)
  • Lower School noon dismissal
Thursday, 3/17:
  • Meetings with Michael: 7:20 a.m. (LS Dundas-Hatcher Hall) and 2 p.m. (MS Great Hall)
  • MS Girls Lacrosse HOME Game vs. Tuckahoe, 4:30 p.m.
Friday, 3/18:
  • Middle School Clubs begin
Looking Ahead:
  • Deadline to submit LS Birthday Books: 3/17

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