Here are the latest happenings at Houston Audubon.
We have been honored to provide a safe and peaceful place for visitors to enjoy nature. However, due to the stay home orders in Harris and Galveston counties and the safety of our staff, volunteers, and visitors, Houston Audubon made the unprecedented decision to close all offices and sanctuaries through April 30, 2020.
We remain busy at work, but invite you to experience the joy of birds and nature from your own home. Stay connected with our new digital library of educational resources including games, interactive activities, and learning tools.
We are excited to announce that we're starting regular live broadcasts from our High Island sanctuaries from our Facebook page starting Thursday!
We understand that quite a few Houston Audubon programs that you've all been looking forward to have been postponed or canceled due to the COVID-19 concerns. We're pleased to announce that Birdathon will go on, with a few modifications, such as a Digital Birding category! This category will allow those staying indoors to participate by using Houston Audubon's bird cameras and live sanctuary broadcasts through May 11.
Join our Zoom meeting on Thursday, April 9 at 12 pm with Conservation Director, Richard Gibbons, who will provide ideas and tips for birding while practicing social distancing, followed by a Q&A to discuss the modified rules this year.
Sarah Flournoy is the former Bird-Friendly Communities Program Manager. She is now a member of the Board of Advisors. Read about how Sarah and her husband Don Verser have turned their garden into a healthy habitat for birds, bugs, and blooms.
The Nominating Committee of the Houston Audubon Board of Directors has recommended a slate for election to the board. All active Houston Audubon members are invited to vote on the 2020 nominees. The election is typically held at the annual meeting in May, but it may be held online due to COVID-19 concerns for public gatherings. Details will be announced in next month's e-news.
Despite the stay home orders in Harris and Galveston counties, Houston Audubon continues to work behind the scenes to advance our mission. If you would like to support our efforts, please consider joining as a member or making a donation.
Our next edition of The Naturalist will be digital-only. If you are a member, you will not receive the next issue by mail. We will include it with the May e-newsletter. Thank you for your understanding.
Your donations and memberships make these programs possible, and allow us to continue our mission to advance bird conservation and positively impact their supporting environments.
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