4-H Silent Auction Baskets
Each 4-H Club is requested to provide ONE themed-basket to the 4-H Silent Auction. Please bring baskets assembled, labeled, and wrapped to the Youth Building Office on Entry Day (August 16). Please direct questions to Heather Rynearson at hrynearson@co.dodge.wi.us.
Donations of 'FISH" are needed for the 4-H Fish Pond! Please have all prizes submitted to Jan Zander by July 25th. Contact Janet Zander at 920-382-9499 with any questions.
Youth Building Set-Up: Thursday, August 4 at 6:30 pm. We need strong bodies to help move display cases for the fair. If you can help contact Ellen Bohn at ebohn@co.dodge.wi.us
Youth Building Clean-Up: Saturday, August 6 from 9:00 am to noon. We need people to sweep in the Youth Building and do cleaning in the office. Also to set up benches, tables and chairs.
Fish Pond Prize Wrapping will be in the Youth Building on Wednesday, August 10, at 5:00 pm.
Cake Decorating Co-Superintendent Needed: The Junior Fair is in need of a co-superintendent for the Cake Decorating Class. This responsible volunteer would need to be availableto help at the fair during Tuesday check-in, Wednesday judging, and Sunday release. If interested contact Ellen Bohn at ebohn@co.dodge.wi.us.
Music Department Superintendent Needed: The Junior Fair is in need of a superintendent for the Music Department. This responsible volunteer would need to be available on Friday afternoon of the fair to set up and host the music performance and the music judging. If interested contact Ellen Bohn at ebohn@co.dodge.wi.us.
Judges Helpers Needed. It takes many hands helping to make the fair run smoothly. If you would like to help during the Junior Fair judging, let us know what department you would like to help in. Contact Ellen Bohn at ebohn@co.dodge.wi.us.
Dodge County Junior Fair Superintendents Meeting
Thursday, July 28 at 7:00 pm in the Youth Building at the fairgrounds. All Jr. Fair superintendents are required to attend. We will be discussing Blue Ribbon Reports, Fairbook changes and consistency between departments. There will also be a representative from the Dodge County Fair to answer questions and from DATCP to discuss requirements for submitting animal information. We would also like to address questions that you have. Please submit questions to Ellen Bohn at ebohn@co.dodge.wi.us.