New Year, New Look
New Year, New Look
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Las Ganas Logo Latinos gaining Access to Networks for Advancement in Science
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Welcome to the first week of the Spring Semester 2022! Although this isn't how we expected to start of the semester, we are excited to be back to help you navigate the spring semester and reach your goals! 
Our office has gone through a lot of changes in the last semester, we would love to re-introduce you to our staff that is here to support you! 

Dr. Aixa Alfonso

Principal Investigator for L@s GANAS and Associate Professor in Biological Sciences. 
Teaches BIOS 294 for Research Fellows: Introduction to Research in Science

Favorite Place on Campus: East Lawn with the Red Adirondack chairs
Favorite Restaurant near UIC: Thai Noodles on Taylor Street 
Dr. Bernie Santarsiero
Co-Principal Investigator
Teaches BIOS 294 for Research Fellows: Introduction to Research in Science
Favorite Place on Campus: Atkins Medicinal Garden during the late Spring -- Summer -- early Fall months.  Fountain flowing and quiet shady area with benches to sip coffee or have lunch!  
Favorite Restaurant near UIC: So many to choose from!  I do love Sweet Maple Cafe on Taylor near Loomis.  Great breakfast and lunch spot!!   
Liz Ramirez
Interim Director 
Oversees Mentoring Con GANAS and the Research Fellowship
Favorite Place on Campus: SCE Outdoor Terrace
Favorite Restaurant near UIC: IDOF on Taylor

Sophia Silva

Transition Coach
Meets with first-year and transfer students and helps them with the transition to UIC. 
Favorite Place on Campus: Port Center (UH) 2nd floor lounge
Favorite Restaurant near UIC: Lotus on Maxwell

Michael Swaine

Business Manager
Helps get stipends and payments to our students.
Favorite Place on Campus: Pavilion for a basketball game, concert or to get vaccinated
Favorite Restaurant near UIC: Tufano's Vernon Park Tap

Xiomarie Alejandro-Navarreto

Research Fellowship TA

Favorite Place on Campus: Garden in Applied Health Sciences Building 
Favorite Restaurant near UIC: Chilango on Taylor Street

Ruth Covarrubias

Peer Leader for Mentoring Con GANAS
Favorite Place on Campus: Math and Science and Learning Center (MSLC)
Favorite Restaurant near UIC: Conte Di Savoia on Taylor Street

Corazon Avila

Peer Leader for Science Chats
Favorite Place on Campus: Honors College Student Lounge 
Favorite Restaurant near UIC: Two Shades Cafe 

Co-Principal Investigators

                  Carol Fendt                                                  Gina Enciso (Research Assistant)
Not Pictured: Sue Farrugia and Jorge Girotti 
To learn more about our leadership team and co-principal investigators click here.

Interested in meeting with other students in STEM?

Students have requested a time and place to gather to chat about their experience and share potential opportunities in the UIC STEM Community.
We had so much fun hosting science chats last semester we will be hosting again this spring semester. 
Please RSVP weekly here

Science Chat Dates Every other Wednesday starting January 13 and every other Thursday starting January 20

Welcome our New Research Fellows! 

Congratulations LAS GANAS Research Fellows
Emergency Funding for UIC Students

U & I Emergency Fund 

This fund provides temporary, short-term financial assistance to currently enrolled students who are unable to meet essential expenses due to a temporary or unexpected hardship. This emergency funding program is designed to offer financial assistance to students in the form of one-time awards (typically not exceeding $1000). Please be prepared to show documentation supporting claims. 
Examples of expenses typically covered: overdue rent, eviction, medical emergencies, safety needs. For more information click here
The application can be found here
Talk to your transition coach, advisor, or program coordinator for additional aid opportunities.
Summer Health Professions Education Program
CIM²AS Summer Research Internship applications are now open for 2022. Please distribute this flyer to any students you feel might be interested. Click here for more information
LARES Math ASP COurses
LARES ASP Writing Course
Weeks of WElcome
Weeks of Welcome (WOW) is a series of events welcoming students to campus while encouraging them to begin their journey toward getting involved, discovering school spirit and taking steps toward lifelong memories. UIC Welcomes all new and returning students to campus! Come celebrate the beginning of a new semester with us! Check here for a list of events.
How to connect with my STEM Professor
Black Men in White Coats
 Black Men in White Coats
Join UIC Pre-Health Advising in a screening of the documentary Black Men in White Coats from Dr. Dale Okorodudu offered with support from the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions and the American Medical Association on January 14, 2022 from 1-2:30pm via Zoom. 
Questions may be sent to
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