Memorandum of Understanding
It is the commitment of management and the local UUP Chapter at SUNY Oneonta that we should, whenever possible and appropriate, work together to resolve issues of mutual concern for the betterment of employees, the college, and the students that we serve.
With those aims in mind, Management and the local UUP Chapter recognize the extraordinary and unprecedented emergency situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic and agree to the following:
- An optional delay of the tenure clock for up to one year for any candidates currently eligible for tenure (continuing appointment) at the college by placing those individuals in a Qualified Academic Rank (QAR). The QAR will not work against candidates in their reviews during the duration of the COVID-19 emergency, after which they will return to the tenure track and commence the review process. Candidates also have the option to continue on their normal evaluation timeline. Candidates must apply for the delay by September 1, 2020.
- To give candidates for renewal, promotion, and tenure the option to not include spring 2020 SPIs and teaching observations in application materials.
- To encourage candidates to include a discussion in their teaching narratives on the challenges of moving from face-to-face to remote learning during the pandemic in applications for renewal, promotion, and tenure.
- With the exception of item number two, this agreement ends on June 30, 2020 unless extended in 30-day increments by mutual consent.
- All contractual procedures and protections remain in place unless specifically exempted in these articles.
- This agreement shall not constitute precedent, nor be used, in any proceedings, negotiations, or future action by UUP or Management.