Religious Education Feedback Needed ASAP!
As our religious education program grows and evolves, our Religious Education (RE) Committee is examining alternate approaches to educating children and adults alike. In a recent meeting with a highly-regarded UU religious educator and curriculum developer, we learned that changes in our society require that RE changes, too. But every UU community is different. So in that spirit, even if you do not have children, we invite you to provide feedback to us about how you envision our Religious Education Program.
Please complete this SURVEY by February 20!
The RE Program mission is to grow a community of compassionate young people by:
•  Maintaining a safe, welcoming, and developmentally appropriate environment
•  Fostering caring relationships
•  Exposing them to diverse voices and religious traditions
•  Engaging them in critical thinking about values in their world
•  Offering opportunities for meaningful social justice work
Upcoming Services
Sunday at 9:00 and 10:45 am
February 9

In Defense of Anger
by Rev. Leah Ongiri

Rev. Leah grew up learning that anger is a deeply undesirable emotion. It’s dangerous, antisocial, immature, unhelpful, and to be squelched at all costs. This service will explore the opposite side(s) of anger. Does it have nuance—are there different kinds of being mad? Can being pissed off ever teach or help us? Maybe anger isn’t so shameful after all!
February 16
Giving as an Act of Love by Rev. Christina Leone-Tracy
This all ages service will use the beautiful story Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, to celebrate the deep need that we all have to feel loved, and how we might not know the power we have on others' lives. We'll explore what it means to be a community that extends a loving embrace to everyone in our circle of care, and beyond.
Religious Education
RE registration form HERE
Soles4Souls Shoe Collection
Did you know that 767 million people around the world live on less than $1.90 per day? And that 385 million are children? For those living in extreme poverty, many don’t have access to a sustainable income or basic necessities—something as simple as a good pair of shoes.
What if the shoes you no longer want could create jobs for people in need? They can! Your shoes can help people in developing nations start and sustain their own small businesses to step out of poverty.
The Fellowship Youth have launched a shoe (any type, any size) collection to help these people. Shoes collected will be donated to the non-profit organization, Soles4Souls to help Wear Out Poverty. Deposit your new and gently used shoes in marked bins in the Fellowship lobby by February 23.
Soles4Souls utilizes new and gently used shoes as a resource to help entrepreneurs in developing nations with an opportunity to start and sustain small businesses (a micro-enterprise) of their own. Our work will also help Soles4Souls’ ability to distribute brand new shoes to people in need and in times of disaster.
The Fellowship is participating for a third year in the Diversity Discovery Free Day at the Building for Kids this Sunday, February 9 from noon to 5:00 pm.
Come visit our table and then explore the diverse opportunities that the non-profits and faith communities in our area have to share!
Upcoming Opportunities
Senior Wonders
Senior Wonders will meet Tuesday, February 11 at noon. Bring your lunch and a friend (optional!). We'll have a February treat and share some warm thoughts.
Wellspring Wednesday
February 12, 6:30 pm
Reclaiming Lent by Rev. Christina Leone-Tracy
The stations of the cross are an important ritual and embodied practice in many Christian traditions. Come explore these with an open mind, considering the ways this ancient practice might still speak to us in our current world with our current challenges. Unitarian Universalists have historically been such an optimistic faith that we often forget the power of lament and connection with those who are hurting. Lent provides the perfect framework for us to explore these themes as a pathway toward healing ourselves and the world. Sign up for childcare HERE. At least one child must be signed up 24 hours in advance for childcare to be provided
It’s time for CABARET - Our midwinter FUN - RAISER.
Saturday, February 15, 6:30 pm Doors Open, 7:15 Show Time. An evening of entertainment and refreshments for only $10.
We still need some help for Cabaret. Check out Signup Genius if you can bring frozen egg rolls, beer, card tables or bags of ice. We also need another stage hand, some kitchen helpers (mostly before the show), and two people to come at 1:00 for an hour to move tables, chairs and hymnals. Thanks for making the magic happen! Contact Mary Gerlach at 920.734.5888 or with questions.
New Moon Mindfulness Meditation / Sound Journey
Friday, February 21st at 6:30 pm
This meditation soundscape will include Buffalo Shaman Drumming, and soundscape recordings of ambience, textures, singing bowls, and sounds from nature. This is all put seamlessly together under a soft candlelit setting.
This month, Adam Hunt from NuWave Counseling will guide us in a guided meditation before the sound journey event. After the Meditation Sound Journey, there will be time for chat/community.
Chairs and cushions will be available. Bring a blanket if you want to lay on the floor. All are welcome to join! Facebook Event HERE.
Thinking about your Loving Relationship? Sign up for the Heart to Heart Retreat!
We will host our eighth Relationship Enrichment Retreat weekend called Heart to Heart on November 13th to 15th 2020 (Friday evening through Sunday early afternoon) at the Pilgrim Retreat Center near Ripon. The retreat is a great way to get in touch with yourself and your partner(s) on a deeper level. People in committed relationships - same-sex, opposite-sex, poly, married and unmarried – who are committed to their partners and to their relationships are welcome. The retreat is lead by Debbie Wagner & Veronica Flower, Pete Smaby & Tim Watson, and Beth & Bart De Stasio. Email with questions. Information and registration forms are available HERE and in the Fellowship Hall.
Sharing Our Love: Giving From the Heart!
We are gearing up for a love-filled season to consider the ways this Fellowship impacts your life and our wider community, and how you might be a steward (or caretaker) of this place through your generosity. We will be celebrating our stewardship season in February and March with all sorts of activities! There will be meaningful Sunday services, powerful testimonials from members, a chocolate party on February 23 after a single 10:00 am service, and a special service on March 29 with UU singer-songwriter Peter Mayer! We also are unveiling a series of posters featuring the faces and words of Fellowship members, sharing how they feel loved here. Please start considering your financial pledge to the Fellowship (this guide might help) and we’ll keep you informed with more information about all the wonderful things happening, including chances to win cool prizes if you turn in your pledge form on time. Thank you for your commitment to the Fellowship. We are truly a place where we share our love with each other and the wider world.

UU the Vote
Our Unitarian Universalist faith call us to participate in our democracy, including voting. Primary elections are February 18. In addition to local races, it's also the primary for our State Supreme Court. Meet the 2020 Wisconsin Supreme Court candidates HERE.
You can check to see if you are registered HERE. Otherwise you can register on Election Day at the polls or in person at your municipal clerk's office until the Friday before Election Day. You will need to bring a proof of residence document - more information about voter registration HERE.   
More information also available at For questions, contact Penny Robinson at 920.450.1519.
Chalice Sparx Family Camp
Registration for this summer’s Chalice Sparx Family Camp & Retreat for Unitarian Universalist families is now open. Join us July 10-13 in Cassopolis, Michigan for an amazing all ages experience at lovely Camp Friedenswald in southwestern Michigan. More information HERE.

General Assembly
Wednesday, June 24 through Sunday, June 28, 2020
Providence, Rhode Island
General Assembly is the annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists, where we conduct business of the Association, explore the theological underpinnings of our faith, and lean fully into our mission and principles. This 5-day immersive experience is where we participate in inspirational worship services and informative workshops, and explore our bustling exhibit hall. GA is an unforgettable experience for the thousands of UUs who attend. Meet us in Providence and you’ll leave with renewed energy and innovative ideas to share with your congregation and community-at-large!
The theme for General Assembly in June 2020 is Rooted, Inspired, & Ready! We are in touch with our theological roots, we are engaged in transforming our faith, and we are fired up to take action in the wider world. Check out for more information and to register. 
General Assembly will take place in Milwaukee in 2021.
Upcoming Child Dedication Ceremony Date
Dedicating a child at the Fellowship is a powerful and precious ritual, designed to welcome your young one into life and into the loving embrace of our community. Any member or committed friend of the Fellowship may request a child dedication by contacting Rev. Christina Leone-Tracy. April 26 9:00 and 10:45 am services Earth Day – sign up by March 26.
Click here for the current financial report.
Click here for the current Governing Board meeting agenda.
Thank you for reading The Weekly Scroll, and pardon any typos. 
Quick Links
Anti-racism Learning (for home, or groups)
Characteristics and antidotes of white supremacy culture
February: Power Hoarding and Fear of Open Conflict - click HERE 
Joys and Concerns
As your faith community, we want to celebrate your joys with you and support you through times of concern.
To share a joy or concern with our ministers and/or at services, please email Rev. Leah at
To be added to the Joys and Concerns email list, contact Cyndi Polakowski at

Weekly Calendar  


Thursday, February 6
6:30pm First Thursday Book Club
Saturday, February 8
7:00am Joyful Mind Zen Sangha
10:00am Spanish Charla
7:00pm UU Dance Group
Sunday, February 9
9:00 & 1045 am Worship Service
10:00am High School Breakfast Club
10:45am Inquirers Series
12:15pm Pollinate (BIPoC)
3:00pm American Sign Language
6:00pm Smiling Dandelion Sangha
Monday, February 10
9:00am Goddess Group
6:00pm Essentials JAM
Tuesday, February 11
12:00pm Senior Wonders
Wednesday, February 12
6:30pm Wellspring Wednesday
Thursday, February 13
6:30pm Spill it Sister
7:30pm Fellowship Choir
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