Dear Friends,

How fortunate we are to be blessed with the people and resources to make a difference…through our evolving anti-poverty initiatives, as we welcome evacuees from Puerto Rico into the safety of our community, and in the integration of our mental health and substance use treatment offerings, so that people seeking help can find it. We are making great progress in the renovations of our Sanctuary House homeless shelter, and the recent opening of our Restart Outpatient Clinic has ushered in a wave of facility improvements that will allow us to serve our clients with chemical dependencies and mental health disorders in fresh, clean, well-designed spaces. These are just a very few of the exciting developments happening now at Catholic Family Center.
I hope you will enjoy this brief update on our anti-poverty efforts and a report on our Empty Bowls and Adopt-a-Family events. Thank you for making all of this possible. And, from the bottom of my heart, a Very Merry Christmas to you and to those you love.
In gratitude,
Marlene Bessette

Adopt a Family

Once again, Christmas comes to our city through the spirit and kindness of the people in our community. This year, over 100 donors/adopter and dozens of schools and companies are making dreams come true to nearly 800 people in our city who are in crisis through the Catholic Family Center's Adopt-a-Family program.
Bikes, balls, Barbies, warm clothing, and food will be distributed the week of Christmas. Imagine the smiles on faces young and old! Thank you!

Anti-Poverty Initiatives Program

With our anti-poverty initiatives, CFC’s objective is to partner with 300 persons from targeted Rochester neighborhoods who are living under 200% of the federal poverty level to help them attain self-sufficiency through sustainable employment and improved financial well-being. Currently, over 200 families are enrolled, and we are on track to be at capacity by February 2018. 
Bridges to Success partners individuals with a professional mentor for objective setting, planning follow up, and to make connections to specialized community resources for a chance to earn and receive monetary incentivesFamily Independence Initiative brings groups of 6-8 families together to form a support network to share resources and hold each other accountable for achieving goals. Here is a snapshot of who is enrolling in our programs:

CFC CEO Named Co-Leader of Service Provider Workgroup

If you have participated in a poverty simulation, you will know how incredibly frustrating and almost impossible our current human services system is.
Starting in September, Marlene has been co-leading the Service Provider Workgroup, chartered under the RMAPI umbrella, alongside Ann Marie Cook, CEO of LifeSpan. The Service Provider workgroup is comprised of non-profits who provide services to people in poverty, and has the following vision statement:

Support RMAPI’s Goal of Stabilizing Families by developing a coordinated, person-centered system that improves outcomes through integrated, data-driven social service provision.

You helped me... when no one else would.

What we see each and every day is how hope multiplies and expands. When CFC helps those most in need, they, in turn, help others in need. During this season of hope, please join us once again so that together we can create a brighter future for us all.

CFC’s Centennial Empty Bowls

Over 400 people came out to fight hunger in #ROC. Area chefs donated soup and area artists created one of a kind bowls to remind us that we can make a difference for someone whose bowl is empty. See some of the fun here, and Thank you for joining us!
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Catholic Family Center
87 N. Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 546-7220
(585) 234-0408

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