May 24, 2018
1 Samuel 16:11-13
So he asked Jesse, “Are these all the sons you have?”“There is still the youngest,” Jesse answered. “He is tending the sheep.”
Samuel said, “Send for him; we will not sit down until he arrives.”
So he sent for him and had him brought in. He was glowing with health and had a fine appearance and handsome features.
Then the Lord said, “Rise and anoint him; this is the one.”
So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David. Samuel then went to Ramah.

New International Version (NIV)
                Israel was looking for a leader.  Straight out of central casting, Saul had looked the part of King of Israel.  Unfortunately he failed at every turn.  Samuel went looking for a replacement King and landed at Jesse’s house.  If you read the Old Testament consecutively you remember that Jesse is Ruth and Boaz’s grandson in Bethlehem.   Surely one of his sons would serve Israel well, but which one?

                To this day we are looking for a leader.  We look for leaders in our organizations, our churches, and our country.  Like Samuel we may look for them to pass the eye test.  Every election pundits wonder, “Does the candidate look presidential?”  As in Saul’s case, not everyone who looks like a leader is a leader.  Samuel looked at the eldest three of Jesse’s sons and thought one of them must be the next King.  But God had other ideas.

                So often in scripture God chooses the least likely person to do his work.  Moses couldn’t speak.  Jeremiah thought he was too young.  David’s own father didn’t even invite him to the anointing party.  Someone had to take care of the sheep so that one of the older brothers could become King.  But God looks on the heart.  He is not impressed with a person’s height or outward appearance.  Looking on the heart, God saw in David a man after his own heart. 

                The Spirit of the Lord came powerfully on David.  This was the real qualification for leadership.  It still is.  The Spirit came upon Jesus at his baptism.  Like his ancestor David, Jesus leads us with humility, integrity and ability.  If we are looking for a leader, follow Jesus.  He will never lead us astray or in the wrong way.  
 Pray with me:  
Father, we thank you for our leader Jesus.  Help us to follow him today, learn from him, live as he lived and lead others to do the same.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.    
This year we focus our Every Day with Jesus readings on Jesus’ story.  With references to Tallowood's Read Through the Bible in 2018 daily reading plan, let's focus our undivided attention on Jesus and follow where he lead. He will not fail. Neither will we!
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