Open to Meet The Plants You Need!
Open to Meet The Plants You Need!
My garden is filled with memories, from the scent of lilacs carrying me to my grandmother’s northern garden, to pass-along plants from my mom’s garden. I have a prickly pear cactus that made its way from Wyoming to Chicago to Oklahoma, and a hosta that dates back three generations. Such is the enduring power of garden plants ... and the reason they always make the perfect Mother’s Day gift – from a pot full of bee-enticing Agapanthus to flowering shrubs that will bloom for years to come. 
Scent, among all other garden elements, has the power to transport us. In Southern gardens, the fragrance of gardenias is woven through with memory. Whether you are creating new memories with a young mother or honoring Grandma, Southern Living® Gardenias are sure to brighten her day. The pure white double blooms of Jubilation™ Gardenia are nothing short of breathtaking, while the perfume of ScentAmazing® Gardenia is intoxicating. 
Hydrangeas are another plant brimming with nostalgia. The Southern Living Hydrangea Collection features seven gorgeous varieties from the ruby red blooms of Heart Throb® to the elegant white Moon Dance® Hydrangea. One of my favorites is ‘Big Daddy’, with enormous blue or pink blooms.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms out there!
Kimberly Toscano is a freelance writer, gardening expert and traveler with an eye on design. Kimberly blends her formal training in horticulture and entomology with her passion for design to educate and inspire gardeners.
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